four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Well, I can see why you want to go there

I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do. But I wouldn't expect a moron like yourself to understand.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

Typical lefty, resort to lying when all else fails.

I drive through there on my way to and from work. Yea I could drive around that area if I wanted to waste time and fuel.
That wasn't mine either. We Retards must all look alike to you.

But his point, I'll just repeat again, was taking the old tired "arm everybody because the gun is the answer to everything" mentality to its logical conclusion, which obviously doesn't work. That's the whole point of thinking an idea out to its logical conclusion. And when that conclusion is found to end badly, you can take it as a pretty good indication that the idea was flawed in the first place.

Which is what we Retards of the Ilk Order have been saying all along --- that saying the answer to a guy with a gun is more guys with more guns, is like fighting a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
You get called retard for that kind of flawed thinking. Everyone in a shall issue state like here can be armed with the exception of legal and mental problems. Open carry is legal. There is no evidence that more legally armed citizens causes more death, you can't support your feelings with any facts. In fact the evidence supports the opposite view. How does that demonstrate that it "obviously doesn't work"?

Your analogy isn't close to being accurate. It isn't fighting fire with gasoline. It's fighting people with guns, knives or whatever, that intend you harm with guns. Sometimes they do fight fire with fire.

This is obviously too complex for you, just give it up. You ain't got it, sport.
So let me get this right..... it is completely legal to carry firearms in Texas in the open. Everyone knows it. The people in question have been doing it for months in the area.

Yet 911 was called for no reason by some asshole that was either brain dead or lying, and you retards think the men LEGALLY carrying firearms should have been arrested or think it is appropriate to call them terrorists?

You must realize words have meanings and that using them incorrectly over and over destroys that meaning, right?

This country has a problem and it is not the people carrying firearms legally that are the problem.

It is the way the current generation is being conditioned by the media. Guns are evil thus anyone who is not law enforcement and has a weapon is evil.
Can a red herring be moot though?

There is no point of contention that open carry is the law in Texas. That's not what the story is about. The actual story is about human judgment. Not the law.

We've even got one guy here (Sarge) who insists that while one set of citizens should have no restrictions on their carrying of firearms, another set of citizens should have restrictions on how they view that.

Now that's scary.

You keep proving the point, you are an idiot. You keep claiming that the general population should fear and panic and be terrified if someone carries a firearm in public. You keep claiming that in a State where open carry is legal one can reasonably shoot a person so doing it just because they are afraid of them.

That wasn't mine either. We Retards must all look alike to you.

But his point, I'll just repeat again, was taking the old tired "arm everybody because the gun is the answer to everything" mentality to its logical conclusion, which obviously doesn't work....

My point was "What you and I feel about this is moot. Doesn't matter." - which I had already clarified previously - and that's about as far from "arm everybody because..." as one can possibly get.

I don't mind you building on something I said as a segue for your own agenda, but this one comes a little too close to putting words into my mouth that were never intended, OK?

...That's the whole point of thinking an idea out to its logical conclusion. And when that conclusion is found to end badly, you can take it as a pretty good indication that the idea was flawed in the first place...
Given that the argument "arm everybody because..." was not the point, the supports for the argument are immaterial.

...Which is what we Retards of the Ilk Order have been saying all along --- that saying the answer to a guy with a gun is more guys with more guns, is like fighting a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
Dunno 'bout that, but something tells me that only a small minority percentage of the population of Texas is 'carrying', so, I really don't see much evidence of the populace arming to the teeth in line with some new state of affairs. Perhaps I"m wrong.
So let me get this right..... it is completely legal to carry firearms in Texas in the open. Everyone knows it. The people in question have been doing it for months in the area.

Yet 911 was called for no reason by some asshole that was either brain dead or lying, and you retards think the men LEGALLY carrying firearms should have been arrested or think it is appropriate to call them terrorists?

You must realize words have meanings and that using them incorrectly over and over destroys that meaning, right?

This country has a problem and it is not the people carrying firearms legally that are the problem.

It is the way the current generation is being conditioned by the media. Guns are evil thus anyone who is not law enforcement and has a weapon is evil.
Next stop, the Land of the Wussified, Pussified Metrosexual Smurfs?
More LIB bull shit.
The 'fast food' store doesn't even have a "freezer" large enough to put one fucking midget in. It's a fucking chest freezer.
The "freezer" which it turned out the employees NEVER "locked" themselves in and told the cops as much turned out to be a 'walk-in' cooler which BTW is, according to the law NOT able to be "locked" from inside. This is to prevent anyone, like a kid from locking themselves in accidentally and not then not being able to unlock the door then dying from hypothermia.
More LIB bull shit.
The 'fast food' store doesn't even have a "freezer" large enough to put one fucking midget in. It's a fucking chest freezer.
The "freezer" which it turned out the employees NEVER "locked" themselves in and told the cops as much turned out to be a 'walk-in' cooler which BTW is, according to the law NOT able to be "locked" from inside. This is to prevent anyone, like a kid from locking themselves in accidentally and not then not being able to unlock the door then dying from hypothermia.

Wasn't a "freezer" was a "cooler"

Got it
There is no ninth ward in Houston, there is only six.

There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

When I was a musician, when in New Orleans we used to go to the ninth ward to score drugs. We used to have a good time there. If you act like you are streetwise and not scared, you can go almost anywhere.

That's true everywhere. It's all about attitude and psychology. If you walk around looking nonthreatening, you won't be bothered. Walk around packing looking for trouble, and you'll get your wish that way too. Why, of those two choices, one would choose the latter course is damned mysterious.
There is no ninth ward in Houston, there is only six.

There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

You're right. I won't.

I am not as stupid nor as naïve as the idiots that think the streets in these places are safe. But if I was a black man, I wouldn't have a problem walking through the ninth ward. Are you a black man? Or just a lying white guy?

I'll say this, having lived in New Orleans...
"black man" and "white man" don't mean quite the same thing there as they do in, say, Texas. Broadly speaking, they're less different.
Well, I can see why you want to go there

I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do. But I wouldn't expect a moron like yourself to understand.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

More interestingly he's been describing the place from the POV of an "observer", not from direct experience. Impressions in the imagination, carefully assayed through a moving body of tempered safety glass surrounded by two tons of steel. What a reliable source.

See -- that's the same tired old "us and them" mentality. Surround yourself in your little bubble and make up stories about the Morlocks. God forbid actually interacting with them.
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That's true everywhere. It's all about attitude and psychology. If you walk around looking nonthreatening, you won't be bothered. Walk around packing looking for trouble, and you'll get your wish that way too. Why, of those two choices, one would choose the latter course is damned mysterious.
...because no hipster has ever been killed or hurt? :cuckoo:
There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

When I was a musician, when in New Orleans we used to go to the ninth ward to score drugs. We used to have a good time there. If you act like you are streetwise and not scared, you can go almost anywhere.

That's true everywhere. It's all about attitude and psychology. If you walk around looking nonthreatening, you won't be bothered. Walk around packing looking for trouble, and you'll get your wish that way too. Why, of those two choices, one would choose the latter course is damned mysterious.

Yea, all those people that are mugged and car-jacked each day is to blame because their attitude wasn't non-threatening enough.

Do you actually believe the bullshit you post?
I did. AND explained it in easy words for you since it went over your thick noggin. Carrying a firearm isn't a threat. The poster said employees should be armed and decide what the threat is. Why mention that if not to make the case the protesters could have been shot for merely carrying?

It remains your strawman, as already pointed out. Like it or not, Rightwinger's scenario is the logical culmination of this cockamamie "an armed society is a polite society" bullshit, and illustrates exactly why it's bullshit.

Your problem is that you really aren't very bright, all you do is insult other peoples' intellect in the hopes some like you will approve and think it makes you smart. It doesn't. That pee that runs down your leg when you see a gun isn't the gun's fault. It isn't the gun owner's fault. It isn't the law's fault. It's your own fear and inadequacy you need to deal with and no one else's problem.

You just used ad hom to accuse me of ad hom. Btw how many "assholes" are we up to now? Do you ever read your own posts?
There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

You're right. I won't.

I am not as stupid nor as naïve as the idiots that think the streets in these places are safe. But if I was a black man, I wouldn't have a problem walking through the ninth ward. Are you a black man? Or just a lying white guy?

I'll say this, having lived in New Orleans...
"black man" and "white man" don't mean quite the same thing there as they do in, say, Texas. Broadly speaking, they're less different.

What the fuck does that even mean?

What is the meaning of "black man" and "white man" everywhere else except Texas?
I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do. But I wouldn't expect a moron like yourself to understand.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

Typical lefty, resort to lying when all else fails.

I drive through there on my way to and from work. Yea I could drive around that area if I wanted to waste time and fuel.

Tell us tough guy

Do you lock your doors or just undo the safety on your gun?
You keep proving the point, you are an idiot. You keep claiming that the general population should fear and panic and be terrified if someone carries a firearm in public. You keep claiming that in a State where open carry is legal one can reasonably shoot a person so doing it just because they are afraid of them.

That wasn't mine either. We Retards must all look alike to you.

But his point, I'll just repeat again, was taking the old tired "arm everybody because the gun is the answer to everything" mentality to its logical conclusion, which obviously doesn't work....

My point was "What you and I feel about this is moot. Doesn't matter." - which I had already clarified previously - and that's about as far from "arm everybody because..." as one can possibly get.

I don't mind you building on something I said as a segue for your own agenda, but this one comes a little too close to putting words into my mouth that were never intended, OK?

...That's the whole point of thinking an idea out to its logical conclusion. And when that conclusion is found to end badly, you can take it as a pretty good indication that the idea was flawed in the first place...
Given that the argument "arm everybody because..." was not the point, the supports for the argument are immaterial.

...Which is what we Retards of the Ilk Order have been saying all along --- that saying the answer to a guy with a gun is more guys with more guns, is like fighting a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
Dunno 'bout that, but something tells me that only a small minority percentage of the population of Texas is 'carrying', so, I really don't see much evidence of the populace arming to the teeth in line with some new state of affairs. Perhaps I"m wrong.

Uh - that's not your post, Kondor. I'm talkng to Sarge there. You're conflating his point with your own.
I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do. But I wouldn't expect a moron like yourself to understand.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

More interestingly he's been describing the place from the POV of an "observer", not from direct experience. Impressions in the imagination, carefully assayed through a moving body of tempered safety glass surrounded by two tons of steel. What a reliable source.

See -- that's the same tired old "us and them" mentality. Surround yourself in your little bubble and make up stories about the Morlocks. God forbid actually interacting with them.

You have no idea what my experiences are.
More LIB bull shit.
The 'fast food' store doesn't even have a "freezer" large enough to put one fucking midget in. It's a fucking chest freezer.
The "freezer" which it turned out the employees NEVER "locked" themselves in and told the cops as much turned out to be a 'walk-in' cooler which BTW is, according to the law NOT able to be "locked" from inside. This is to prevent anyone, like a kid from locking themselves in accidentally and not then not being able to unlock the door then dying from hypothermia.

Right, because the whole point of this thread is the construction of the freezer door.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

Typical lefty, resort to lying when all else fails.

I drive through there on my way to and from work. Yea I could drive around that area if I wanted to waste time and fuel.

Tell us tough guy

Do you lock your doors or just undo the safety on your gun?


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