four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts, but has this thread degenerated into, "Houston has more dangerous criminals than New Orleans"?

That's what always amused me about Texas. If you were to say, "My state has the most polluted industrial area in the country, a Texas would say, "That's nothing! The Houston ship channel is worse, by far". If you were to say, The azaleas in Georgia are beautiful", the Texan will say, "That's because you have not seen the bluebonnets next to I-10!"


More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.
You have no idea what my experiences are.

True. The most we have is what you say they are:
I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do

You wanna change your story now?

No I stand by what I said. But why do you feel the need to take what I said out of context?

I said that in response to RW after he asked what to people do there besides sell/buy drugs. I said they sit at the corner store drinking malt liquor. He asked if that was what I did or something to that effect and I answered with the quote you posted.

You people cannot help yourselves from being dishonest. I truly pity you fools.

Yeah it was perfectly clear the first time dood. I just note what it means. If that's inconvenient, maybe it's time to think about it.
I'm saying that, culturally speaking, the races aren't as far apart in New Orleans as they are elsewhere. Certainly not saying racism doesn't exist but there are more and deeper avenues of communication and understanding between them. In a word they're friendlier.

And why is that?

Because they have more of a history of interaction and less of a history of isolating themselves from each other, pointing out the window and going, "look at the scary black/white man" -- that's why.

Again -- it all comes down to this paranoid "us versus them" mentality. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. And this just in -- it's not mandatory.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You should speak from your own personal knowledge and stop trying to speak for others.

That's exactly what I did. Perhaps you glossed over the part where I introduced this with the words "having lived in New Orleans". The phrase is still back there though.

Anyway - when I get nothing deeper than "you don't know what you're talking about" I know I've hit paydirt. Thanks.

You come back with more dishonesty.
I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts, but has this thread degenerated into, "Houston has more dangerous criminals than New Orleans"?

That's what always amused me about Texas. If you were to say, "My state has the most polluted industrial area in the country, a Texas would say, "That's nothing! The Houston ship channel is worse, by far". If you were to say, The azaleas in Georgia are beautiful", the Texan will say, "That's because you have not seen the bluebonnets next to I-10!"


More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Er, ah,....LS, The first sentence I posted SAID that I have not read the thread.....
True. The most we have is what you say they are:

You wanna change your story now?

No I stand by what I said. But why do you feel the need to take what I said out of context?

I said that in response to RW after he asked what to people do there besides sell/buy drugs. I said they sit at the corner store drinking malt liquor. He asked if that was what I did or something to that effect and I answered with the quote you posted.

You people cannot help yourselves from being dishonest. I truly pity you fools.

Yeah it was perfectly clear the first time dood. I just note what it means. If that's inconvenient, maybe it's time to think about it.

but who has the spelling problem here?
I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts, but has this thread degenerated into, "Houston has more dangerous criminals than New Orleans"?

That's what always amused me about Texas. If you were to say, "My state has the most polluted industrial area in the country, a Texas would say, "That's nothing! The Houston ship channel is worse, by far". If you were to say, The azaleas in Georgia are beautiful", the Texan will say, "That's because you have not seen the bluebonnets next to I-10!"


More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Once again you missed an intro. Specifically "I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts" ...

What do you do -- start in the middle of everything? No wonder you're paranoid.
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True. The most we have is what you say they are:

You wanna change your story now?

No I stand by what I said. But why do you feel the need to take what I said out of context?

I said that in response to RW after he asked what to people do there besides sell/buy drugs. I said they sit at the corner store drinking malt liquor. He asked if that was what I did or something to that effect and I answered with the quote you posted.

You people cannot help yourselves from being dishonest. I truly pity you fools.

Yeah it was perfectly clear the first time dood. I just note what it means. If that's inconvenient, maybe it's time to think about it.

Obviously you don't know what it means. If you did then you wouldn't be dishonest enough to take it out of context.
No I stand by what I said. But why do you feel the need to take what I said out of context?

I said that in response to RW after he asked what to people do there besides sell/buy drugs. I said they sit at the corner store drinking malt liquor. He asked if that was what I did or something to that effect and I answered with the quote you posted.

You people cannot help yourselves from being dishonest. I truly pity you fools.

Yeah it was perfectly clear the first time dood. I just note what it means. If that's inconvenient, maybe it's time to think about it.

Obviously you don't know what it means. If you did then you wouldn't be dishonest enough to take it out of context.

How is it "out of context"?
I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts, but has this thread degenerated into, "Houston has more dangerous criminals than New Orleans"?

That's what always amused me about Texas. If you were to say, "My state has the most polluted industrial area in the country, a Texas would say, "That's nothing! The Houston ship channel is worse, by far". If you were to say, The azaleas in Georgia are beautiful", the Texan will say, "That's because you have not seen the bluebonnets next to I-10!"


More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Once again you missed an intro. Specifically "I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts" ...

What do you do -- start in the middle of everything?

I didn't miss shit, the idiot lied just like all the rest of you liberal pricks lie.

If you read one or two post in this thread, you're reading the thread!
More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Once again you missed an intro. Specifically "I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts" ...

What do you do -- start in the middle of everything?

I didn't miss shit, the idiot lied just like all the rest of you liberal pricks lie.

If you read one or two post in this thread, you're reading the thread!

So you miss the introductory parts of everybody's posts but won't admit to it, is that what you're saying?

And yet you want to talk "context"? :rofl:

You lost here Homer. Next.

Obviously you don't know what it means. If you did then you wouldn't be dishonest enough to take it out of context.

How is it "out of context"?

I've explained it to you once. Not my fault your retarded ass can't understand.

Can't answer. Check.

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More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Once again you missed an intro. Specifically "I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts" ...

What do you do -- start in the middle of everything?

I didn't miss shit, the idiot lied just like all the rest of you liberal pricks lie.

If you read one or two post in this thread, you're reading the thread!

Take 10 MG of Valium, and call me in the morning....
That's true everywhere. It's all about attitude and psychology. If you walk around looking nonthreatening, you won't be bothered. Walk around packing looking for trouble, and you'll get your wish that way too. Why, of those two choices, one would choose the latter course is damned mysterious.
...because no hipster has ever been killed or hurt? :cuckoo:

That is only their deluded PR anti-gun bullshit.

If that kind of shit really worked then the Secret Service wouldn't have to arm themselves to defend the President.
Because Obama, the hipster president, just leaves a trail of awesome in his wake. He really knows how to make the world leaders respect him too.
I doubt you've ever been in a "scary" place. I know for a fact you won't come down to the third ward for one night.

Scary for you is anywhere that you cannot bring your gun. You must get really paranoid in the shower.

And for once you are right, these places were not scary, for me. You would have been petrified with fear being in these places unarmed.

Stop projecting. No place scares me not even the third ward. A place that you would not dare to tread at night.

Pussy who needs a gun turns into INTERNET TOUGH GUY!!!!
I doubt you've ever been in a "scary" place. I know for a fact you won't come down to the third ward for one night.

Scary for you is anywhere that you cannot bring your gun. You must get really paranoid in the shower.

And for once you are right, these places were not scary, for me. You would have been petrified with fear being in these places unarmed.

Stop projecting. No place scares me not even the third ward. A place that you would not dare to tread at night.

Actually, every place scares you, that is why you always carry a gun. No place scares me, and I do not carry a gun.
Well, I can see why you want to go there

I drive through there regularly and it's what I observe not what I do. But I wouldn't expect a moron like yourself to understand.

You have been bragging about how tough you are going into the third ward because you have a gun

My only question is why?

Most people avoid those areas whether they have a gun or not. What reason do you have for being there?

He got used to the 'company' of Black fellas when he was in prison.
There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

When I was a musician, when in New Orleans we used to go to the ninth ward to score drugs. We used to have a good time there. If you act like you are streetwise and not scared, you can go almost anywhere.

That's true everywhere. It's all about attitude and psychology. If you walk around looking nonthreatening, you won't be bothered. Walk around packing looking for trouble, and you'll get your wish that way too. Why, of those two choices, one would choose the latter course is damned mysterious.

Looking unthreatened by the environment is the key.
I will repeat the only people in this thread that advocated violence where lefties that insisted the fast food workers should arm themselves ( or store clerks) and shoot law abiding citizens for the sole affront of legally carrying firearms.
I will repeat the only people in this thread that advocated violence where lefties that insisted the fast food workers should arm themselves ( or store clerks) and shoot law abiding citizens for the sole affront of legally carrying firearms.

And you will continue to ignore the point therein. Ignorance is bliss.
More leftist dishonesty.

No one compared which city was more dangerous. If that's what you got from reading the thread then you are certainly retarded.

Once again you missed an intro. Specifically "I just briefly dropped in, and am not really interested in reading all the back posts" ...

What do you do -- start in the middle of everything?

I didn't miss shit, the idiot lied just like all the rest of you liberal pricks lie.

If you read one or two post in this thread, you're reading the thread!

If you're talking about the neanderthals (like you and your Bowie buddy) on this thread who've been trivially tossing about slurs like "Nazi" because that's all they can do, then yeah, you have a point.

Otherwise, that's dumb.

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