four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?

Wrong, it is a open carry State that means since it is perfectly legal to carry a weapon in the open one can not shoot someone for it and get away with it.
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?

Wrong, it is a open carry State that means since it is perfectly legal to carry a weapon in the open one can not shoot someone for it and get away with it.

So if someone enters your property with a gun, you shouldn't shoot them because it is legal for them to have a gun?

So much for Stand Your Ground, then.
What if they fear for their lives. I see someone with a gun and I think they are going to rob me, or rape me. I have to shoot them dead in order to protect myself. I have a reasonable fear. Do I not?

Or does the person carrying the gun have to be black before its okay to shoot them?
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?

They were not wielding their weapons, they could have been charged with a crime if they were, they were legally carrying them. It would be no more justified to kill them under those circumstances than it would be to kill a police officer doing the same thing.

1. to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating.
2. to use (a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle or employ actively.
3. Archaic. to guide or direct.
4. Archaic. to govern; manage.
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?


Somebody gets it!

That someone is not you.
Sarge, Sarge.... you're embarrassing yourself.

sat·ire [sat-ahyuhr] Show IPA
the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

It wasn't satire and further more you thanked at least one of them for calling for others to kill people.

Yeah it was, and it skipped right over your head, just like my handle.

I am a shart.


Urban Dictionary: shart

In other words, you are a shitstain.
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If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?

Wrong, it is a open carry State that means since it is perfectly legal to carry a weapon in the open one can not shoot someone for it and get away with it.

So if someone enters your property with a gun, you shouldn't shoot them because it is legal for them to have a gun?

So much for Stand Your Ground, then.


Stand your ground works the same way here that it does in South Australia, i.e. the defendant honestly believed the threat to be imminent and made an objectively reasonable and proportionate response to the circumstances as the accused subjectively perceived them. (s15(1) Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA)) The only real diefference is you lie about the laws in your country.

Castle doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What if they fear for their lives. I see someone with a gun and I think they are going to rob me, or rape me. I have to shoot them dead in order to protect myself. I have a reasonable fear. Do I not?

Or does the person carrying the gun have to be black before its okay to shoot them?

Do you normally shoot cops when you see them?
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?

Wrong, it is a open carry State that means since it is perfectly legal to carry a weapon in the open one can not shoot someone for it and get away with it.

So if someone enters your property with a gun, you shouldn't shoot them because it is legal for them to have a gun?

So much for Stand Your Ground, then.

The simple fact someone has a firearm is not justification for murder. That you think it is is moronic.

In an open carry State one can not shoot people because they happen to be carrying firearms. It is a pretty simple concept. One must be threatened to fear for their lives and the simple existence does not establish that threat ESPECIALLY in an open carry State.

Next you will claim we can shoot cops cause after all they openly carry firearms as well.
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Just to be contentious, for grins and giggles... in that particular comparison, we need to look at presence or behavior upon Private Property, versus property open to the General Public.

You do not have the right to stand on my front lawn; armed or weapon-free.

You DO have a right, however, to enter my publicly-accessible business establishment, and to be-present and to behave in any manner consistent with legally-allowed public behaviors.

In our example here, in the jurisdiction under discussion, one of those 'legally-allowed public behaviors' is the open carrying of firearms.

There probably ARE better analogies that get you closer to where you'd like to go.

I'm just not sure that this is one of them.
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I will repeat the only people in this thread that advocated violence where lefties that insisted the fast food workers should arm themselves ( or store clerks) and shoot law abiding citizens for the sole affront of legally carrying firearms.

And you will continue to ignore the point therein. Ignorance is bliss.

There was no was no more than the text version of explosive diarrhea.
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

That is easy. I saw a man with a gun outside my front gate. He was black and was therefore suspicious. I believed he was going to rob my home, and I defended myself by shooting his sorry black ass before he could enter the home and steal the silverware.

Typical white conservative defence, eh?
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

That is easy. I saw a man with a gun outside my front gate. He was black and was therefore suspicious. I believed he was going to rob my home, and I defended myself by shooting his sorry black ass before he could enter the home and steal the silverware.

Typical white conservative defence, eh?
Defense. And you didn't understand a goddamn word I said. Typical lib.
I am defending myself against the black Trayvon Martin thug wandering around my neighbourhood. What is wrong with that?
I am defending myself against the black Trayvon Martin thug wandering around my neighbourhood. What is wrong with that?
Did he bang your noggin on the sidewalk?

No, but he's black. That was enough for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon, it should be enough for me to shoot that dude, eh?
That proves you don't know what you're talking about. He didn't shoot Trayvon for being black. Why not look up the trial?

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