four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

That is easy. I saw a man with a gun outside my front gate. He was black and was therefore suspicious. I believed he was going to rob my home, and I defended myself by shooting his sorry black ass before he could enter the home and steal the silverware.

Typical white conservative defence, eh?

Actually, typical bigoted portrayal of the normal people who live outside of the democratic strongholds of our country...i.e., the people who live in small towns and rural areas across the nation.
I will repeat the only people in this thread that advocated violence where lefties that insisted the fast food workers should arm themselves ( or store clerks) and shoot law abiding citizens for the sole affront of legally carrying firearms.

And you will continue to ignore the point therein. Ignorance is bliss.

There was no was no more than the text version of explosive diarrhea.

I think what you guys might be missing is over here....

-- either that or it's a simple case of :lalala:
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

So lemme get this straight...
Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life -- but everyone should walk around packing to defend their life. And ideally, openly.

Thanks for, uh, clearing that up...
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

That is easy. I saw a man with a gun outside my front gate. He was black and was therefore suspicious. I believed he was going to rob my home, and I defended myself by shooting his sorry black ass before he could enter the home and steal the silverware.

Typical white conservative defence, eh?
Defense. And you didn't understand a goddamn word I said. Typical lib.

Defence in Australia. And most of the English speaking world.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?

Still trying to figure out what life in an open carry world will be like

You take your kids to the movies to see Batman and you see James Holmes sitting there dressed like the Joker. He is holding an AR-15 with a huge magazine and has a backpack at his feet

Do you respect his second amendment rights or do you take your kids out of the theater and ask for your money back?
If someone had shot one of these gun welding men, in fear for their lives, not knowing if they would be robbed or killed by one of these men, would it be justified?

Because if its okay to shoot someone dead on your front lawn, it should be legal to shoot dead someone who enters your store with a weapon. Right?
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

So lemme get this straight...
Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life -- but everyone should walk around packing to defend their life. And ideally, openly.

Thanks for, uh, clearing that up...
You aren't clear on anything. I said all along I'm not a fan of open carry. But they don't don't frighten me, certainly not to the point of executing someone. That's the left's caricature of a gun owner, not reality. It's irrational since you need a gun to shoot someone, explain that.
That is easy. I saw a man with a gun outside my front gate. He was black and was therefore suspicious. I believed he was going to rob my home, and I defended myself by shooting his sorry black ass before he could enter the home and steal the silverware.

Typical white conservative defence, eh?
Defense. And you didn't understand a goddamn word I said. Typical lib.

Defence in Australia. And most of the English speaking world.

The US is most of the English speaking world.
Give it up, guys. The Right is never going to understand that "stand your ground" laws, and "open carry" laws are completely inconsistent. For one thing, they don't understand that "stand your ground" laws do not require that a shooter actually be in danger of losing life. All that is necessary is for him to PERCEIVE that he is in danger of losing life.

The Right sees these laws as being consistent, because they think that they both only apply to themselves, not to others. Since they have no bad intentions, then anyone who is terrified because they are walking around as if he were in a battle zone in Afghanistan is clearly breaking the law for shooting them. That would not be true if YOU were innocently packing heat, and he perceived you to be a threat. As near as I can tell, the reason for that is that the Right has some sort of special mind reading ability, and they always know EXACTLY what your intentions are. They are NEVER confused about that.
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Give it up, guys. The Right is never going to understand that "stand your ground" laws, and "open carry" laws are completely inconsistent. For one thing, they don't understand that "stand your ground" laws do not require that a shooter actually be in danger of losing life. All that is necessary is for him to PERCEIVE that he is in danger of losing life.
Well duh, that's what being in fear for your life means. It's simple really. SYG means that you don't have a duty to try to flee. Some states have it, some don't.
The Right sees these laws as being consistent, because they think that they both only apply to themselves, not to others. Since they have no bad intentions, then anyone who is terrified because they are walking around as if he were in a battle zone in Afghanistan is clearly breaking the law for shooting them. That would not be true if YOU were innocently packing heat, and he perceived you to be a threat. As near as I can tell, the reason for that is that the Right has some sort of special mind reading ability, and they always know EXACTLY what your intentions are. They are NEVER confused about that.
You are VERY confused and in no shape to predict someone else's train of thought.
Why do you libs consistently get this so wrong? Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life. You people need to know, in case it ever happens, that you need to articulate why you shot someone outside of your home. Inside, it's a given that they are there with bad intentions. Outside, you will be screwed if you say you shot someone because guns make you afraid, it wouldn't really make much sense. Think about it.

So lemme get this straight...
Seeing a weapon is not a justifiable excuse to defend your life -- but everyone should walk around packing to defend their life. And ideally, openly.

Thanks for, uh, clearing that up...
You aren't clear on anything. I said all along I'm not a fan of open carry. But they don't don't frighten me, certainly not to the point of executing someone. That's the left's caricature of a gun owner, not reality. It's irrational since you need a gun to shoot someone, explain that.

So... it's "irrational" to fear somebody wielding a gun, because they need a gun to shoot you.

It just gets clearier and clearier. Yup, never been more clearerer.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?

James Holes was not carrying anything when he bought his ticket, he went out the fire door, propping it open, and came back in with the weapons.

The fact that you feel a need to lie in order to make whatever point you are tying to make shows how sad that point actually is.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?

James Holes was not carrying anything when he bought his ticket, he went out the fire door, propping it open, and came back in with the weapons.

The fact that you feel a need to lie in order to make whatever point you are tying to make shows how sad that point actually is.

A posited hypothetical cannot be a "lie", idiot. Adam Lanza also did not knock on the door and explain anything. The question was, "what if".

::::: wwwwhhhhhoooooossssshhhhh:::::
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Give it up, guys. The Right is never going to understand that "stand your ground" laws, and "open carry" laws are completely inconsistent. For one thing, they don't understand that "stand your ground" laws do not require that a shooter actually be in danger of losing life. All that is necessary is for him to PERCEIVE that he is in danger of losing life.

The Right sees these laws as being consistent, because they think that they both only apply to themselves, not to others. Since they have no bad intentions, then anyone who is terrified because they are walking around as if he were in a battle zone in Afghanistan is clearly breaking the law for shooting them. That would not be true if YOU were innocently packing heat, and he perceived you to be a threat. As near as I can tell, the reason for that is that the Right has some sort of special mind reading ability, and they always know EXACTLY what your intentions are. They are NEVER confused about that.


All self defense laws require that your fear of harm be reasonable, which is why that idiot that sat in his basement with a shotgun waiting for those kids could not claim it was self defense, even in jurisdiction that assumes that you have the right to shoot anyone who enters your home uninvited. All a stand your ground rider does is say that you don't have to prove that you couldn't run away 2 years later after a bunch of experts examine the scene and find 22 different ways you could have safely got away if you just had been thinking clearly.

But thanks for demonstrating you know less about the law than the average reporter.
It must be terrible to be so terrified of the average citizens of your own country...commies have lived in the pockets of the criminals they protect for so long, they are suspicious of people who aren't criminal...and identify with the goons, thugs and rapists.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?

James Holes was not carrying anything when he bought his ticket, he went out the fire door, propping it open, and came back in with the weapons.

The fact that you feel a need to lie in order to make whatever point you are tying to make shows how sad that point actually is.

A posited hypothetical cannot be a "lie", idiot. Adam Lanza also did not knock on the door and explain anything. The question was, "what if".

::::: wwwwhhhhhoooooossssshhhhh:::::

Funny, whenever I posit a hypothetical gun grab and mention the real name Hitler I always get accused of being a lying sack of shit, and you have never once defended me.

I wonder if this post has anything to do with the fact that you jumped into my Monsatto thread to show how much better you are at debating than I am, and I handed you your ass on a platter. It really hurts to know that the fact that I chose to call you out as a scumbag hypocritical fuckwad doesn't mean I don't actually know how to actually debate, doesn't it? I bet it hurts even more for you to discover that you actually don't know how to debate.

I have an simple solution for you, stop trying to prove you are smarter than I am, I read a hell of a lot more than you ever will.
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James Holes was not carrying anything when he bought his ticket, he went out the fire door, propping it open, and came back in with the weapons.

The fact that you feel a need to lie in order to make whatever point you are tying to make shows how sad that point actually is.

A posited hypothetical cannot be a "lie", idiot. Adam Lanza also did not knock on the door and explain anything. The question was, "what if".

::::: wwwwhhhhhoooooossssshhhhh:::::

Funny, whenever I posit a hypothetical gun grab and mention the real name Hitler I always get accused of being a lying sack of shit, and you have never once defended me.

I wonder if this post has anything to do with the fact that you jumped into my Monsatto thread to show how much better you are at debating than I am, and I handed you your ass on a platter. It really hurts to know that the fact that I chose to call you out as a scumbag hypocritical fuckwad doesn't mean I don't actually know how to actually debate, doesn't it? I bet it hurts even more for you to discover that you actually don't know how to debate.

I have an simple solution for you, stop trying to prove you are smarter than I am, I read a hell of a lot more than you ever will.

Uh.... howzzat again?

I went into the "what if corporations aren't evil" thread because the premise was worthy of discussion. There, I pretty much ignored you as incapable of discussing your own premise, and opined on my own. IIRC I exchanged views there with PlumBob. This just in, it STILL ain't all about you, egomaniac.

Change your diaper and grow the fuck up, little man. The fact remains, a hypothetical cannot by definition be a "lie", your ubiquitous whining notwithstanding. You fucked up and all you can do is whine about being exposed for it.

Here's an idea: try thinking your post through before hitting "submit". What a concept.
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