Fourth Reich on horizon?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Globalist French President Macron has been huddling with German uber-cow Merkel and they weren't just canoodling!

Nay, they're thumping the tubs for what could well be The Fourth Reich - successor to Germany's unrealized dreams for their third - The Thousand Year Reich.

France's Macron calls for 'historic reconstruction' of Europe - BBC News

Yup, the new Frog-in-Chief is already calling for a "deeper European Union" and not-so-little Angela is lapping it up like cream:

"France's new president, Emmanuel Macron, has called for a "historic reconstruction" of Europe, saying it is "the only reaction" to fight populism."

"Speaking in Berlin on the first full day of his presidency, he was joined by German Chancellor Angela Merkel."

"She said the pair had a "joint conviction" that they needed to "deepen the European Union".

"Both said they would work together more closely on defence, eurozone reform and reducing bureaucracy."

"Mrs Merkel said the EU depended on France being strong, and that she and Mr Macron had a "joint conviction that we are not only going to deal with the British exit from the European Union, but we also need to deepen the EU".

"She also made her most positive comments yet about eurozone reforms mooted by Mr Macron, saying it may be possible to change EU treaties as would be required to enact them."

"From the German point of view, it's possible to change the treaty if it makes sense," she said. "I would be ready to do this, but first we will work on what we want to reform."

Is Macron really fool enough to believe that once the "deeper EU" comes a about France would have any role to play other than to sit in a corner and suck a thumb? That It would not be a replay of "Deutschland Über Alles" (Germany Above All Else)?

Yes, bois und girl, so he he be!
Globalist French President Macron has been huddling with German uber-cow Merkel and they weren't just canoodling!

Nay, they're thumping the tubs for what could well be The Fourth Reich - successor to Germany's unrealized dreams for their third - The Thousand Year Reich.

France's Macron calls for 'historic reconstruction' of Europe - BBC News

Yup, the new Frog-in-Chief is already calling for a "deeper European Union" and not-so-little Angela is lapping it up like cream:

"France's new president, Emmanuel Macron, has called for a "historic reconstruction" of Europe, saying it is "the only reaction" to fight populism."

"Speaking in Berlin on the first full day of his presidency, he was joined by German Chancellor Angela Merkel."

"She said the pair had a "joint conviction" that they needed to "deepen the European Union".

"Both said they would work together more closely on defence, eurozone reform and reducing bureaucracy."

"Mrs Merkel said the EU depended on France being strong, and that she and Mr Macron had a "joint conviction that we are not only going to deal with the British exit from the European Union, but we also need to deepen the EU".

"She also made her most positive comments yet about eurozone reforms mooted by Mr Macron, saying it may be possible to change EU treaties as would be required to enact them."

"From the German point of view, it's possible to change the treaty if it makes sense," she said. "I would be ready to do this, but first we will work on what we want to reform."

Is Macron really fool enough to believe that once the "deeper EU" comes a about France would have any role to play other than to sit in a corner and suck a thumb? That It would not be a replay of "Deutschland Über Alles" (Germany Above All Else)?

Yes, bois und girl, so he he be!
Informative. Except for the Reichsbullshit of course.
France new president is doing well, he is young and smart. We need more of young president to rule :eusa_angel:
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