FOX decides name-recognition should be criteria for debate. maybe Bieber should run.

He has never actually done a debate that I can recall he will talk this up go on all the talk shows then drop out as he always does.

"as he always does"?...he did it ONCE before...but whatever ...FIX's superficial criteria will let him in the debates I think,...if he wants in.
He has no real interest in running everyone knows this it wouldn't matter who was sponsoring this debate they would not be including those polling between 3 and 5 percent. I will be surprised if the Democrats even have a debate given there is no one remotely close Hillary or a even a mild challenge to her if they do have one it will be nothing more than show piece to give the illusion of there being an actual race.

If someone offered to make you a $20 bet on whether there will end being Democratic primary debates, would you take it, on the side of them not happening?
No because they will likely have one just to give the apperance that this not a coronation for Hillary even though we all know she has no real challenger.

So in fact, you don't think that you'll be surprised if in the Democrats even have a debate. So if someone offered the same bet but instead that they'll have at least two primary debates, would you take it?
Yes and in fact if Hillary was willing to actually do real interviews and take more than a couple of questions from the press every few months I don't think there even be the one debate.
"as he always does"?...he did it ONCE before...but whatever ...FIX's superficial criteria will let him in the debates I think,...if he wants in.
He has no real interest in running everyone knows this it wouldn't matter who was sponsoring this debate they would not be including those polling between 3 and 5 percent. I will be surprised if the Democrats even have a debate given there is no one remotely close Hillary or a even a mild challenge to her if they do have one it will be nothing more than show piece to give the illusion of there being an actual race.

If someone offered to make you a $20 bet on whether there will end being Democratic primary debates, would you take it, on the side of them not happening?
No because they will likely have one just to give the apperance that this not a coronation for Hillary even though we all know she has no real challenger.

So in fact, you don't think that you'll be surprised if in the Democrats even have a debate. So if someone offered the same bet but instead that they'll have at least two primary debates, would you take it?
Yes and in fact if Hillary was willing to actually do real interviews and take more than a couple of questions from the press every few months I don't think there even be the one debate.

Ok. In that case, I'm going to offer that bet. Interested?
He has no real interest in running everyone knows this it wouldn't matter who was sponsoring this debate they would not be including those polling between 3 and 5 percent. I will be surprised if the Democrats even have a debate given there is no one remotely close Hillary or a even a mild challenge to her if they do have one it will be nothing more than show piece to give the illusion of there being an actual race.

If someone offered to make you a $20 bet on whether there will end being Democratic primary debates, would you take it, on the side of them not happening?
No because they will likely have one just to give the apperance that this not a coronation for Hillary even though we all know she has no real challenger.

So in fact, you don't think that you'll be surprised if in the Democrats even have a debate. So if someone offered the same bet but instead that they'll have at least two primary debates, would you take it?
Yes and in fact if Hillary was willing to actually do real interviews and take more than a couple of questions from the press every few months I don't think there even be the one debate.

Ok. In that case, I'm going to offer that bet. Interested?
Sure don't know how either of us is planning on collecting though.
If someone offered to make you a $20 bet on whether there will end being Democratic primary debates, would you take it, on the side of them not happening?
No because they will likely have one just to give the apperance that this not a coronation for Hillary even though we all know she has no real challenger.

So in fact, you don't think that you'll be surprised if in the Democrats even have a debate. So if someone offered the same bet but instead that they'll have at least two primary debates, would you take it?
Yes and in fact if Hillary was willing to actually do real interviews and take more than a couple of questions from the press every few months I don't think there even be the one debate.

Ok. In that case, I'm going to offer that bet. Interested?
Sure don't know how either of us is planning on collecting though.

Generally, in the 10-30 dollar range, people on the internet are pretty honest about paying up bets. Paypal is very efficient for this purpose. In any event, I've recorded the bet on Prediction Book here. You may want to set up a reminder of your own in case I forget or in case Prediction Book goes down.
You have a bit of a point, but I've heard of some 19 that are somewhat prominent...Fiorina and Trump in business only I guess....Carson? in medical field ...but at least at first have them all

It looks like might have 4 democrats, like to see them all in a debate.
The reality is a lot of these people will fall away rather quick Trump is just a publicity stunt he does this every four years never runs Fioina has a litle campign experience as she tried to run unsuccessfully for Congress but thats it Carson is a good man smart but has never served in public office in any capacity. I saw this morning John Bolton one of the possibles on the list said he won't run I wonder how many more will drop out before the debate is even here?

Trump only tried to run once before I'am pretty sure. Anyway FOX's criteria will allow in Trump...he has thte name recognition
He has never actually done a debate that I can recall he will talk this up go on all the talk shows then drop out as he always does.

"as he always does"?...he did it ONCE before...but whatever ...FIX's superficial criteria will let him in the debates I think,...if he wants in.
He has no real interest in running everyone knows this it wouldn't matter who was sponsoring this debate they would not be including those polling between 3 and 5 percent. I will be surprised if the Democrats even have a debate given there is no one remotely close Hillary or a even a mild challenge to her if they do have one it will be nothing more than show piece to give the illusion of there being an actual race.

Seriously -- get a grip here.
This is 2015. It's not even an election year yet.

I mean, who do you like in the 2023 Super Bowl, nomsayin'?
There are plenty of reasons to assume the Democrats will have their full slate of debates.
1) they always have during my memory, even when it was considered a "done deal."
2) it provides free TV time for their candidate(s)
3) a candidate who jumps out to lead in the polls this early typically sees their lead dwindle
4) their is a decent-sized "anyone except Clinton" vote even among Democrats. Remember 2008? These folks haven't settled on their candidate yet, but i'm sure they will.
What should be the joy for you liberals is that nobody has to watch FOX.

Oh wait, I keep forgetting that at least a few of you liberals only income comes from monitoring FOX fir "the party/cause"!
I don't believe media outlets select the participants. Are they sponsoring a debate?
they do and they are

Link please

I found it . You are correct. I was wrong.

But at what number should it be cut off? Even allowing 10 means each candidate will have very little time to express himself /herself. And if you don't use polling numbers as the criteria, what do you use?

Not a fan of Fox News by ANY MEANS, but I think they are ok on this call.
Losing their MSM monopoly was the worst thing that ever happened to Liberals, well that and the Obama Presidency.

They used to get away with lying 24/7, but now that they get called on it they just can't cope
I don't believe media outlets select the participants. Are they sponsoring a debate?
they do and they are

Link please

I found it . You are correct. I was wrong.

But at what number should it be cut off? Even allowing 10 means each candidate will have very little time to express himself /herself. And if you don't use polling numbers as the criteria, what do you use?

Not a fan of Fox News by ANY MEANS, but I think they are ok on this call.

well it points to a problem with the whole system. I think tho that in the early debates you leave all in who have political or prominent private experience...fiorina, carson and trump all should be in.
so because Bush has had a couple of fuck-up relatives in the presidency...he deserves a place on the debate stage....good idea FOX

....... Link? :dunno:

LINK?!!!!...its obvious on its face
It is not obvious on its face that Fox said debates should be based on name recognition. Please provide a link where Fox said this.

Who said it?

no-one said it( I dont think) ...but it is in effect what they are saying when they limit it to the top polling candidates at this early stage.

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