Fox: Deliberate Misinformation

Bush, Junior was and is a lier, drug user, alchoholic, and a coward. The only thing that you Conservatives can say with any truth about Obama is that he's half-Negro and that drives you nuts.
Yep. Just as I said there were legitimate leadership reasons George HW Bush went back on his "read my lips"

I don't do hysterics or feigned outrage very well.

No. This isn't about George Herbert Walker Bush. It's not even about taxes. It's about simple, ethics-based promises, made by Barack Obama as a candidate. It's your contention that circumstances have changed in such a way that as a matter of "leadership", he shouldn't have made good on those promises. So... what is it that's changed in terms of "transparency", in terms of lobbyists, and in terms of backroom deals for congressmen and special interests?
It's about leadership. Ethics? YOu have lots of nerve even using that term.


So.. Ya got nothing huh? :rofl::rofl::rofl: You can't back up your statements so you're running away. Good job. :clap2::clap2:
Thus why I told you that this board was not for simple minds such as yours.
You didnt listen.
Your gooid luck!

How many of Obama's lies started wars?

You truly are is sad.

How many of Bush's lies started wars?

The WMD lie
The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud lie

Then he lied to the American people about how easy the Iraq war would be..
The "They will treat us like liberators" lie
The "Mission accomplished" lie
Every News station is biased.

CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC. you know name it.

Please feel free to chime in with misinformation from CBS, CNN, MSNBC ans NBC

'RatherGate" comes to mind very quickly. I was quite surprised when I read this poll the other day:

Poll: Fox most trusted name in news

A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.

Read more: Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - Andy Barr -

Poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic Party-affiliated polling firm.
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The WMD lie
The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud lie

Then he lied to the American people about how easy the Iraq war would be..
The "They will treat us like liberators" lie
The "Mission accomplished" lie

1. The WMD "lie" was by the Clinton appointed head of the CIA who called it a "slam dunk".

2. The Iraq War was relatively easy. It was the nation-building instead of letting them have their civil war that cost us so much. They may still get their civil war.

3. The "mission accomplished" sign was on an aircraft carrier headed back to the US. Their mission was accomplished. Only the Left has no clue what it meant.
FOX is not a news provider. FOX creates and twists the news. They lie to make the GOP seem reasonable.
How many of Obama's lies started wars?

You truly are is sad.

How many of Bush's lies started wars?

The WMD lie
The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud lie

Then he lied to the American people about how easy the Iraq war would be..
The "They will treat us like liberators" lie
The "Mission accomplished" lie
Gosh are you still pounding that dead horse? Gee, dickwad. I see Tony Blair was giving testimony about this yesterday. Seems he believed intelligence about WMD. And somehow Blair doesnt seem like someone who would just fall over dead for Bush.
LONDON, United Kingdom — Clearly feeling the strain of six hours at the witness table, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair survived his day of testimony at Britain's Iraq Inquiry here without his inquisitors landing a serious blow.

His voice failing but his spirit intact, Blair today threw himself robustly into the task of writing into history his own version of the war. He finished the gruelling day by insisting that Iraqis were better off materially now than they had been under Saddam Hussein, and that he had no regrets about removing the dictator.

He categorically rejected any suggestion that he had deceived the public about the grounds for war.

“This isn’t about a lie or a conspiracy or a deceit or a deception,” he declared. “It’s a decision. And the decision I had to take was, given Saddam’s history, given his use of chemical weapons, given the over 1 million people whose deaths he had caused, given 10 years of breaking U.N. resolutions, could we take the risk of this man reconstituting his weapons programs or is that a risk it would be irresponsible to take?”

Blair also defended his alliance with the United States, denying that there had been a covert deal between himself and then-President George W. Bush, saying instead that he “didn't want America to feel that it had no option but to do it on its own.”

In three hours at the witness table this morning, Blair insisted that intelligence assessments supported the view that Iraq had a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program.

“It was at least reasonable for me at the time [to conclude that] this was a threat I should take very seriously,” he said. “All the intelligence we received was to the same effect. There were people perfectly justifiably and sensibly also saying that you cannot sit around and wait ... you have got to take action clearly and definitively.”

Blair’s eagerly awaited appearance at the hearings came at the end of a week of revelations that attacked the legality of the 2003 invasion and chipped away at the foundations of his government’s war rationale.

The inquiry is the fifth in a succession of panels set up by the government in response to public fury about the war. All have failed to defuse a widespread conviction, focused on Blair himself, that Britons were deceived, and in the days before his appearance feelings against him were stoked by his detractors.

Anticipating high emotions, police prepared for the worst, and in a street just out of sight of the conference center where the inquiry is taking place waited a long row of police vans.

Yet it was an orderly throng that gathered in the cold rain, displaying signs that called the former prime minister a liar and mass murderer. A young man in a rubber Bair mask gripped the bars of a mock-up prison cell. Blair himself arrived at 7 a.m. and was whisked into the building through a rear entrance blocked off by police.
More at the source:
Tony Blair Testimony | Iraq War Inquiry

Why don't you lie your way past this?
Huffington cornered Ailes early, asking if he was concerned with the hateful and inciteful rhetoric of Glenn Beck. Isn’t Ailes worried when his Fox firebrand uses inflammatory words like “slaughter” and “killing spree” in relation to Obama and the Democrats? Huffington asked. Ailes said, “He was talking about Hitler and Stalin.” When she pressed further, insisting Beck was in fact, talking about the Obama administration, Ailes, remaining as calm as he is corpulent, said, ” we can’t be the word police.”

Or apparently the fact police. HUFFINGTON POST has fact checked Ailes contention and–surprise–he’s wrong. Beck specifically took aim at the Obama administration in October 2009, warning of a killing spree: “Spread the wealth–hello, Mao– this is what this is all about– and anybody not on board, look out, because you could be the next victim of the killing spree.” And in November 2009, the Beckster warned of the impending slaughter: “These people ( Obama administration/Democrats) are taking you to a place to be slaughtered.”

Battle of Titans: Huffington vs. Ailes Shakes Up Walters on ABC | NEWS JUNKIE POST
lol....two dirt bags debating who is the bigger dirtbag is all this show was.....its like Louie DePalma telling Frank Reynolds he is a dishonest lowlife........
Of course the people watching Fox would say that. ;)

Do you actually think they would say they watch a deceptive news source?

You truly must be an idiot....


You supported my point you moron.

But earlier I said most people seem to like to be told what to think and how to act.
That explains the viewership.
Why they defend their viewership is my last post on this.

they also would rather watch a show like American Idle were you dont have to think over a show were you a good drama....
FOX "News" is the voice of the GOP. The network does not report the news but twists it to ensure the GOP looks good and the Dems look bad.

I have noticed on several occassions very subtle encouragement for some right-wing wack job to do harm to Mr Obama. Im sure the authorities are aware of these threats and take them serious.

FOX is a propaganda arm of the GOP - no more, no less. No intelligent, thinking, ratuional person could watch the network and take it seriously.

watch the network or fox news dipshit?.....
Oldand Tired and obviosuly stupid,

Listen to the FowNews reports. It isnt news its an editoral. They twist the news, they lie, they defame, the urge criminal activity, the network is a disgrace.Only an uneduated fool could believe what they say and that's abot 70% of the US population - thank goodness 20 % of them cant afford a TV.

[ame=]YouTube - Canadian Idiot[/ame]
Every News station is biased.

CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC. you know name it.

That is very true, but Fox outright lies. The fact that Fox fans swallows it is the sad part.

Yeah...I guess that must be true seeing as you said it as fact.

And I guess 49% of the people are too stupid to realize it.

49% of americans watch fox? well, I hate to tell you this but less than 5% of Americans watch fox. That means 95% of Americans have some sense.

Thank god.
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

I guess they cut back to their regular programming because Obama is enamoured of the sound of his own voice and wouldn't shut the fuck up.
[ame=]YouTube - FOX NEWS- LIES, LIES, LIES --See For Yourself (part 1 of 2)[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - FOX NEWS- LIES, LIES, LIES --See For Yourself (part 2 of 2)[/ame]

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