Fox: Deliberate Misinformation

FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

Right Winger ALWAYS DOES this--spew "misinformation" of part of the story he/she is great at.--:lol::lol::lol:

What is laughable is that he believes that Mitt Romney wrote these two bills--that Americans are kicking to the curb.

While Romney was govenor of MASS they did in deed institute a cover all plan to Mass. It turned out to be a mess--& as the current democrat govenor will tell you is because they made no efforts to CONTROL the ever rising cost of medical care---which is 100% similar to the Pelosi/Reid/Obama plan. Yet these morons still wanted it passed--even though they do have experience with the disaster in MASS.
FOX: 'Deliberate misinformation'? - THE WEEK

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman accused Fox News of spreading "deliberate misinformation" about the health-care reform bill and other important issues -- and he made the complaint directly to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Krugman, appearing with Ailes and others on a ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, said that the bill was actually a Republican plan, first championed by Mitt Romney, but many people don't realize that because Fox News has tried to convince people it was socialism. Ailes said "the American people are not stupid," and if they're confused about the health plan it's because the bill's supporters tried to "hide" elements the public wouldn't like in a 2,000 page bill. Does Fox News try to get at the truth -- or does it intentionally mislead its viewers?

Actually the thread title ought to be:
Rightwinger: Deliberate Misinformation.

We can start with your screen name. You are a rightwinger only in comparison to say Jane Fonda.
Then there is the putting of a period in the title instead of the question mark in the original.
Then there is the knowledge that the "deliberate misinformation" was actually just an attack by a partisan hack on a TV show rather than anything substantive.

But it is a measure of the left's desperation they have to sink to low's like this. Pinning the failed health care bill ont he GOP is really scraping.

Right Winger ALWAYS DOES this--spew "misinformation" of part of the story he/she is great at.--:lol::lol::lol:

What is laughable is that he believes that Mitt Romney wrote these two bills--that Americans are kicking to the curb.

While Romney was govenor of MASS they did in deed institute a cover all plan to Mass. It turned out to be a mess--& as the current democrat govenor will tell you is because they made no efforts to CONTROL the ever rising cost of medical care---which is 100% similar to the Pelosi/Reid/Obama plan. Yet these morons still wanted it passed--even though they do have experience with the disaster in MASS.

Mass. health care is the corporate welfare system-the most expensive system available. Of course it is a disaster. Unfortunately the plan being debated is also a corporate welfare system.
That is very true, but Fox outright lies. The fact that Fox fans swallows it is the sad part.

Yeah...I guess that must be true seeing as you said it as fact.

And I guess 49% of the people are too stupid to realize it.

49% of americans watch fox? well, I hate to tell you this but less than 5% of Americans watch fox. That means 95% of Americans have some sense.

Thank god.

you're such a moron....

now give us the percentage who watch other news honest for once
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

Let's see why---:lol::lol: President Obama in is 1st year has given over 475 SPEECHES--:lol::lol:

Could it be that the news media--including FOX have heard the same old crap before?
The fight against FOX News will never end as long as there are liberals in this country. So I guess that means the fight will last forever!!!

It's getting old. REAL OLD!
Take a look at the number of viewers on any given night.
There's your answer.

So because lots of people watch it can't be biased?

Really? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

I guess they cut back to their regular programming because Obama is enamoured of the sound of his own voice and wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Has a US news program ever done that with the president before when there wasn't some breaking news they needed to cover?
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Yeah...I guess that must be true seeing as you said it as fact.

And I guess 49% of the people are too stupid to realize it.

49% of americans watch fox? well, I hate to tell you this but less than 5% of Americans watch fox. That means 95% of Americans have some sense.

Thank god.

you're such a moron....

now give us the percentage who watch other news honest for once

You call him a moron and then ask for more information from him?
They typical Fax viewer mentality.
Wow, FXN really has the cool-aid drinkers pissed-off. Great work. Let them watch Olberman & Maddow, they need the viewers. Besides, they wouldn't appreciate seeing both sides of issues discussed intelligently. They prefer the leftist politically correct pablum they've been programmed with in college.
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

I guess they cut back to their regular programming because Obama is enamoured of the sound of his own voice and wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Or it could be Obama was spanking the right so bad, they had to talk over his responses, then they simply cut him off 20 minutes early.

FAIR AND BALANCED. Don't think America, we got it for you. We don't report, we decide.
Wow, FXN really has the cool-aid drinkers pissed-off. Great work. Let them watch Olberman & Maddow, they need the viewers. Besides, they wouldn't appreciate seeing both sides of issues discussed intelligently. They prefer the leftist politically correct pablum they've been programmed with in college.

Ok, MSNBC didn't interrupt the president and they certainly didn't cut him off 20 minutes early.

Fox showed both sides of issues? They allowed you to see exactly what they wanted YOU to see. That is beyond showing one side, that is pathetic.
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I have the distinct impression that people like rightwinger and his libby cohorts watch Fox more than any repudlicans do
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

I guess they cut back to their regular programming because Obama is enamoured of the sound of his own voice and wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Or it could be Obama was spanking the right so bad, they had to talk over his responses, then they simply cut him off 20 minutes early.

FAIR AND BALANCED. Don't think America, we got it for you. We don't report, we decide.

49% of Americans need their news filtered by FoxNews. Total sheep who ignore all other news sources
I have the distinct impression that people like rightwinger and his libby cohorts watch Fox more than any repudlicans do

Trust me...I try

I can go about 10 minutes before I become irate at their shabby excuse for a news network. I tried to watch professional wrestling too. I figured all these people who watch must see something in it.
Like Fox, I came to the realization that the fans are just idiots.
Has a US news program ever done that with the president before when there wasn't some breaking news they needed to cover?

Has a U.S. president ever tried to co-opt such a ridiculous amount of air time??? Just last page Oreo reminded us that this guy has done 475 speeches. It's tiresome. He demanded more prime time in a year than Bush asked for in 8. It'd be one thing if he ever had anything interesting or truthful to say... but it's pretty much the same nonsense every time he steps to the podium.

Further, even Nixon didn't have the temerity to mount consistent attacks on a news outlet. But that's EXACTLY shat we've seen from the Obama White House, isn't it?... his media directors, Nancy Dunn, and more recently Dan Pfeiffer, demanding that Fox be isolated and that whatever stories they generate be ignored. Was Pfeiffer even in office 10 whole minutes before he started throwing feces?

Liberals can keep up their whining. We KNOW where it's ultimately coming from. We've learned the Alinsky playbook. We see who's really pulling the strings.

Mark Twain said, "Never pick a fight with someone who buys his ink by the barrel." .... I guess we'll see if that's still wisdom today, won't we?
I have the distinct impression that people like rightwinger and his libby cohorts watch Fox more than any repudlicans do

Trust me...I try

I can go about 10 minutes before I become irate at their shabby excuse for a news network. I tried to watch professional wrestling too. I figured all these people who watch must see something in it.
Like Fox, I came to the realization that the fans are just idiots.

Get your news the old fashioned way.

I rarely if ever watch TV or cable news and I am far from uninformed.
I have the distinct impression that people like rightwinger and his libby cohorts watch Fox more than any repudlicans do

Trust me...I try

I can go about 10 minutes before I become irate at their shabby excuse for a news network. I tried to watch professional wrestling too. I figured all these people who watch must see something in it.
Like Fox, I came to the realization that the fans are just idiots.

but you admit you watch it RW....and so do all the other left leaning crowd here.....WHY?.....christ i cant stand watching any of those news shows lib or cons......if they SUCK,why are you watching giving them the ratings they have,and then turn around and bitch about it.....if you have to watch something on Fox....try Fringe,Bones....this new one Human Target aint bad either.....the so called news shows suck,and if you watch it daily,then you must be one of the IDIOTS Rw mentions above....
I have the distinct impression that people like rightwinger and his libby cohorts watch Fox more than any repudlicans do

Trust me...I try

I can go about 10 minutes before I become irate at their shabby excuse for a news network. I tried to watch professional wrestling too. I figured all these people who watch must see something in it.
Like Fox, I came to the realization that the fans are just idiots.

.....a miracle...he finally posted something I agree with !
Here is a question righty's. If fox is so fair and balanced, why did they just stop the president 20 minutes short and why did they talk over a lot of his responses when he spoke to those genius republicans last week? NO OTHER STATION DID THIS, NONE.

Fox just sucks.

I guess they cut back to their regular programming because Obama is enamoured of the sound of his own voice and wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Has a US news program ever done that with the president before when there wasn't some breaking news they needed to cover?

You seem to be operating under the impression that Fox News somehow owes the Obama administration something. They don't. Obama was running well over the time scheduled and I see no reason why Fox should waste time that could be used to pay the bills, to stroke this blowhard's ego.

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