Fox Edits and "Interprets" Obama Speech As "Un-American" Class Warfare


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Fox's propaganda messaging involves clever manipulation of language such as the use of incendiary words to describe what they are framing as an "outrage." They are also adept at manipulating others words in order to convey whatever agitprop meme they are advancing. A classic example would be how Obama's campaign statement about reproductive freedom was really "endorsing contraception" for kids. In Today's Sunday homily by Fox News' only full time clergy contributor (no rabbis or liberal Protestant clergy - especially icky women clergy - need apply in the America's Vatican newsroom), employed this type of propaganda in that it conveyed what seemed, ostensibly, an inspirational message but was really an attack on President Obama whose cleverly cropped words were, at the beginning of the piece, very cleverly misinterpreted( manipulated )dare I say twisted.

Fr. Jonathan Morris "Interprets" Obama Speech As "Un-American" Class Warfare - NewsHounds
If you crave liberal bias watch CBS which used forged documents to influence a presidential election or watch MSNBC that edited a Romney sound bite. Read Huffington that relies on Soros tax exempt Media Matters cherry picked words edited from (only) conservatives but for the sale of your own sanity quit whining about Fox.
If you crave liberal bias watch CBS which used forged documents to influence a presidential election or watch MSNBC that edited a Romney sound bite. Read Huffington that relies on Soros tax exempt Media Matters cherry picked words edited from (only) conservatives but for the sale of your own sanity quit whining about Fox.

MSNBC does cherry pick..but they don't change the meanings of things.

That's what FOX does.
"Edit" in this case implies that they changed the meaning. All they did was cut off the end (they had cut it off somewhere)

How did that change the meaning?
If you crave liberal bias watch CBS which used forged documents to influence a presidential election or watch MSNBC that edited a Romney sound bite. Read Huffington that relies on Soros tax exempt Media Matters cherry picked words edited from (only) conservatives but for the sale of your own sanity quit whining about Fox.

How about the Unbelievably Irresponsible, Bordering on Criminal, Editing of the TVM/Zimmerman 9/11 Tape. Taking 1 Line out where the 9/11 Dispatcher says "does he look white,black or Hispanic" and leaving in Zimmerman's Response "he looks black"

Which Of Course made it appear Zimmerman Offered up TVM's Race with out being asked. As if Race was on his mind from the Start. It was a Blatant and clear attempt to make Zimmerman look Racially Motivated by a So Called News Network. Possibly the worst case of Deliberate Editing I have ever seen.

Yet did the Libs scream and yell about that? Nah, Not when a Mans Life and Freedom might be on the line no, They only get up set when Fox Takes some Democrats words out of Context.
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Fox's propaganda messaging involves clever manipulation of language such as the use of incendiary words to describe what they are framing as an "outrage." They are also adept at manipulating others words in order to convey whatever agitprop meme they are advancing. A classic example would be how Obama's campaign statement about reproductive freedom was really "endorsing contraception" for kids. In Today's Sunday homily by Fox News' only full time clergy contributor (no rabbis or liberal Protestant clergy - especially icky women clergy - need apply in the America's Vatican newsroom), employed this type of propaganda in that it conveyed what seemed, ostensibly, an inspirational message but was really an attack on President Obama whose cleverly cropped words were, at the beginning of the piece, very cleverly misinterpreted( manipulated )dare I say twisted.

Fr. Jonathan Morris "Interprets" Obama Speech As "Un-American" Class Warfare - NewsHounds
FOXLIES. Period. Full stop.
Fox's propaganda messaging involves clever manipulation of language such as the use of incendiary words to describe what they are framing as an "outrage." They are also adept at manipulating others words in order to convey whatever agitprop meme they are advancing. A classic example would be how Obama's campaign statement about reproductive freedom was really "endorsing contraception" for kids. In Today's Sunday homily by Fox News' only full time clergy contributor (no rabbis or liberal Protestant clergy - especially icky women clergy - need apply in the America's Vatican newsroom), employed this type of propaganda in that it conveyed what seemed, ostensibly, an inspirational message but was really an attack on President Obama whose cleverly cropped words were, at the beginning of the piece, very cleverly misinterpreted( manipulated )dare I say twisted.

Fr. Jonathan Morris "Interprets" Obama Speech As "Un-American" Class Warfare - NewsHounds

Sounds completely fair, given the length democrats go to lie about any subject.
The "RICH" who are rich either earned their money by being astute and smart or got their riches by being crooked and dishonest.

But according to the Constitution, they should not have to pay a higher rate of taxes, than anybody else.

Equality means equality. Whether you make $10,000.00 or $10,000,000.00 a year, everybody should pay the same rate.

BTW, if the government confiscated not only the taxes, but the entire wealth of those, who allegedly don't pay their "FAIR SHARE" how much would that add to the Treasury?
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You have written crack-brained nonsense.

The "RICH" who are rich either earned their money by being astute and smart or got their riches by being crooked and dishonest.

But according to the Constitution, they should not have to pay a higher rate of taxes, than anybody else.

Equality means equality. Whether you make $10,000.00 or $10,000,000.00 a year, everybody should pay the same rate.

BTW, if the government confiscated not only the taxes, but the entire wealth of those, who allegedly don't pay their "FAIR SHARE" how much would that add to the Treasury?
JakeStarkey opined:

"You have written crack-brained nonsense.", in response to my post.

He failed to explain why he thought so.
I don't have to rebut with evidence an assertion; I can simply reassert that it is nonsense.

Make a case with solid evidence, though, and we can go from there.

I am tired of the far left and far right folks making unsupported assertions then demand they be rebutted with evidence.
Fox's propaganda messaging involves clever manipulation of language such as the use of incendiary words to describe what they are framing as an "outrage." They are also adept at manipulating others words in order to convey whatever agitprop meme they are advancing. A classic example would be how Obama's campaign statement about reproductive freedom was really "endorsing contraception" for kids. In Today's Sunday homily by Fox News' only full time clergy contributor (no rabbis or liberal Protestant clergy - especially icky women clergy - need apply in the America's Vatican newsroom), employed this type of propaganda in that it conveyed what seemed, ostensibly, an inspirational message but was really an attack on President Obama whose cleverly cropped words were, at the beginning of the piece, very cleverly misinterpreted( manipulated )dare I say twisted.

Fr. Jonathan Morris "Interprets" Obama Speech As "Un-American" Class Warfare - NewsHounds

Sounds completely fair, given the length democrats go to lie about any subject.

[ame=]I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee - YouTube[/ame]
I don't have to rebut with evidence an assertion; I can simply reassert that it is nonsense.

Make a case with solid evidence, though, and we can go from there.

I am tired of the far left and far right folks making unsupported assertions then demand they be rebutted with evidence.

You just illustrated what "cracked-brained nonsense" is.
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I don't have to rebut with evidence an assertion; I can simply reassert that it is nonsense.

Make a case with solid evidence, though, and we can go from there.

I am tired of the far left and far right folks making unsupported assertions then demand they be rebutted with evidence.

You just illustrated what "cracked-brain nonsense" is.

says the crack-brain hisself. kiddo, you gots to give support if you want some credit, ese?

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