Fox glosses-over final Report on $13 MILLION Beghazi investigation

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Surprised? Not me. Takes a spechul kind of ideologue to take anything GOP TV says seriously

Fox News Barely Covers House Intel Benghazi Report Ed Henry Mediaite
So, how did Fox cover these findings? Chief White House correspondent Ed Henry, sitting in for Bret Baier on Special Report Friday evening, spent just under 30 seconds discussing the report and the aspects he chose to highlight speak volumes.

Could it have been unintentional that Fox left out the fact that it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees like Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes or others, that made the wrong call about the origin of the attack in those first few days? Or the fact that there was no “stand down” order given to a CIA response team once the attack was under way? And what about the theory that the CIA was collecting and shipping arms from Libya to Syria? Not true, according to the report.
I have read $13 million and $14 million was the total cost. Does anyone know where the numbers came from ?
Got it:
WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today made the following statement after House Republicans said they will vote next week on a resolution calling on the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel for the IRS investigation:

“Another day, another desperate Republican effort to dredge up a political scandal even after a year of evidence has proven otherwise. The IRS has spent more than $14 million in taxpayer money accommodating Republican requests, turning over more than 600,000 pages of documents, none of which substantiate the GOP’s wild attempt from the get-go to tar the administration
Levin Statement on GOP Resolution Calling for IRS Special Counsel Committee on Ways and Means
a 30 second blurb by a 2nd-rate, fill-in host for one of their chief trash talkers is all talking about Benghazi 24/7 & blowing $14 MILLION in taxpayer $$$ deserves?
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Typical. Spend us further into debt for nothing but don't even consider working toward job creation or economic recovery.
Never heard them whine ONE bit about how much it cost for this witch hunt from Democrats

In March 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that the investigation had cost $2.58 million. Valerie Plame in 2003

and no one was Killed like they were in Benghazi

I have read $13 million and $14 million was the total cost. Does anyone know where the numbers came from ?
here ya' go :up:

Pay Us Back House Republicans Owe Taxpayers 14 Million For Benghazi Investigations

Thanks! I can't tell is the $14 million is for Benghazi or this is what has been spent already for just the IRS crap.

And dang! We're still dropping like flies from that there disease brought over from Ebola.

And its all Obama's fault.
Never heard them whine ONE bit about how much it cost for this witch hunt from Democrats

In March 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that the investigation had cost $2.58 million. Valerie Plame in 2003

and no one was Killed like they were in Benghazi


Oh good fucking god Stephanie You just get dumber ever day.

You are a credit to the pubs - dumb as a box of rusty old nails.

Hint: look up Valerie Plame and EDUCATE yourself about how your hero threw her under the bus to fend for herself.
Never heard them whine ONE bit about how much it cost for this witch hunt from Democrats

In March 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that the investigation had cost $2.58 million. Valerie Plame in 2003

and no one was Killed like they were in Benghazi


Oh good fucking god Stephanie You just get dumber ever day.

You are a credit to the pubs - dumb as a box of rusty old nails.

Hint: look up Valerie Plame and EDUCATE yourself about how your hero threw her under the bus to fend for herself.
whats the resident lunch lady going on about now? lol

anyway, GOP TV needs to come out & apologize to their drone viewers for wasting 250+ hrs of their lives listening to Fox's 1/2 truths, innuendos, & outright lies :eusa_liar:
Fox provides 24/7 coverage of Benghazifor two years and barely mentions a report they were demanding which exonerates Obama and Clinton?

Move along......nothing to see here
I have read $13 million and $14 million was the total cost. Does anyone know where the numbers came from ?
here ya' go :up:

Pay Us Back House Republicans Owe Taxpayers 14 Million For Benghazi Investigations

Thanks! I can't tell is the $14 million is for Benghazi or this is what has been spent already for just the IRS crap.

And dang! We're still dropping like flies from that there disease brought over from Ebola.

And its all Obama's fault.

We'll see just how many Democrats roll for Turbo Tax in a minute. Kind of like how we see how many rolled over the Post Office.
Fox provides 24/7 coverage of Benghazifor two years and barely mentions a report they were demanding which exonerates Obama and Clinton?

Move along......nothing to see here
I know right? :dunno: Fox-watching, Republicans :(
This makes me hoppin' mad!!! :mad-61: The repubs should have that amt of $$$ taken-out of their operating budget. Like when false accusations are made against someone, the false accuser has to compensate the falsely accused.

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