Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion

And here we see exactly what I was talking about in post 71. The bigot's pathetic attempt to carefully frame the conversation to a specific time period.

UC is attempting to mimic the Fox News host. Isn't he cute?

Is the time period we are talking about NOW?

As a faithful Communist, have you had exposure to the word and concept of contemporaneous? Look, I realize that your just defending your messiah Obama, who made a really fucking stupid claim, but the hole in the logical fallacy you employ is that you are not comparing events in the same time period.

Oh, I have little doubt that you're just being dishonest, that you have no intent of a legitimate examination - you are a hack after all. Still. Jihadist in Chief Obama is engaging is base stupidity with his defense of his terrorist allies.
are you so dumb that you think that was the message during the prayer breakfast?

Are you really such a hack that you will lie that it was otherwise?

Jihadist in Chief Obama is a pile of shit.His is an embarrassment to this nation.
And here we see exactly what I was talking about in post 71. The bigot's pathetic attempt to carefully frame the conversation to a specific time period.

UC is attempting to mimic the Fox News host. Isn't he cute?

Is the time period we are talking about NOW?

This isn't about time periods. This is about the fact that extremists have killed people in the name of every religion.

How is it possible that your head is so thick that this cannot penetrate, and yet you are still able to draw breath?

It's a miracle!
are you so dumb that you think that was the message during the prayer breakfast?

Are you really such a hack that you will lie that it was otherwise?

Jihadist in Chief Obama is a pile of shit.His is an embarrassment to this nation.
so yes, you are that fucking dumb. i didn't think it possible.

the whole point was that we can't assume that barbaric acts are the product of a certain religion. most religions have had barbaric acts committed in their names. and certainly as christians there is nearly no act too barbaric to have not been committed as an act of faith by christians at one time or another.

but recognizing that atrocities and inhumanity are a part of human nature, unique to no one and common to all, regardless of faith, doesn't excuse any specific atrocities, acts of inhumanity, or barbarism.

it's not a hard concept.
Did all Christians have to be wiped out, oppressed, or otherwise punished to stop the Christian extremists such as the Klan?


Did all the member of any religions have to be wiped out, oppressed, or otherwise punished to end the extremists elements of their religions?


So do all Muslims need to be wiped out, oppressed, or otherwise punished to end Al Qaeda or ISIS?


See how that works?
Retards are too retarded to separate Muslim extremists from Muslims. Strangely enough, they are able to separate Christian extremists from Christians.

Jake, from your perspective as a liar and a scumbag, how many non-Christians have been murdered by Christians in the last 50 years? How many for converting to another religion? How many for drawing a cartoon of Christ?

Yes, you're a hack with zero integrity seeking to defend your little tin god - but seriously dude - this level of stupidity is beyond the pale.

Hmmm. Why do you think this is?

It is because they are bigots trying to justify their bigotry, and so they get trapped in their confirmation biases.

The retarded thought process of a bigot:

Some Muslims behead a guy = All Muslims are bad.

Some Christians lynch a guy =/= All Christians are bad.

Comrade Jake5000 - when was the last lynching of a person for not being Christian?

Has it ever happened?
What the retards in this topic don't get is that any religion can be, and has been, perverted by extremists.

That perversion can take many forms. In the Deep South, the Christian religion was perverted by extreme right wing racists. In the Middle East, the religion of Islam is being perverted by violent extremists seeking to conquer land.

The irony in this topic is that there are right wing extremists who are now seeking justification for their bigotry toward all Muslims, the same way the right wing extremists sought justification for their bigotry toward all blacks in the Deep South. In fact, these anti-Muslim bigots are the direct political descendants of those extreme right wing racists of our recent past.

Jake5000, is there a religion that has murdered thousands of people over the last year, including many in gruesome internet videos?

Is there another religion that hasn't killed anyone in the last year?

Do you defend and promote the first religion, whilst you condemn the one that kills no one?

You like the word promote. Do yoû know what it means?

You are too retarded. Seriously. You are incapable of thinking the way normal, rational people think,

So "rational people" lie for Obama the way you do?

and so you cannot comprehend that someone can separate all extremists of all religions from those religions.

Because you hate all Muslims for the actions of a few, you assume that someone who points out the extremists of Christian religion hates Christians. It just does not get more retarded than that.

I actually pity you. You are trapped in a twisted, illogical mindset with no way out because you are just too stupid.

You may lie, you may engage in logical fallacy, but you will defend Obama - no matter how stupid he gets.

Jihadist in Chief Obama is a pile of shit - I'm not sure you're any better.
You like the word promote. Do yoû know what it means?

When your little tin god compared acts of Christians a thousand years ago to acts by Muslims today - wasn't he in fact lying?

We have established that Jihadist in Chief Obama was lying, so why? Is it not to protect Islam from the consequences of the acts of the faithful, by claiming that Christians do the same? Is the lying by Obama anything but the promotion of the goals of the Jihadists?

Jihadist in Chief Obama is a pile of shit.
Christ loving Obabble slaughtered some muzzies in Afghanistan today. The fox guy was wrong.
Christ loving Obabble slaughtered some muzzies in Afghanistan today. The fox guy was wrong.

So, Jihadist in Chief Obama screamed "Jesus is the Greatest" as drones dispatched by the CIA and piloted by people Obama never met based on orders he was unaware of?

Are you certain you've thought this through?
You like the word promote. Do yoû know what it means?

When your little tin god compared acts of Christians a thousand years ago to acts by Muslims today - wasn't he in fact lying?

We have established that Jihadist in Chief Obama was lying, so why? Is it not to protect Islam from the consequences of the acts of the faithful, by claiming that Christians do the same? Is the lying by Obama anything but the promotion of the goals of the Jihadists?

Jihadist in Chief Obama is a pile of shit.

Unlike you...I don't have a god. I don't submit wholesale to any being. You seem to despise others for being beholden to their gods. You despise yourself. You are a person who fears a god. You obey a god. Fear defines you.
Christ loving Obabble slaughtered some muzzies in Afghanistan today. The fox guy was wrong.

So, Jihadist in Chief Obama screamed "Jesus is the Greatest" as drones dispatched by the CIA and piloted by people Obama never met based on orders he was unaware of?

Are you certain you've thought this through?
I'm only quoting LIBTARDS who claim that obabble all but flies the drones himself from his iPhone in the Oval Office. Wasn't he the man that killed OBL?
Unlike you...I don't have a god.

What about Obama?

I don't submit wholesale to any being.

You've submitted your integrity and intellect to defending Jihadist in Chief Obama... Sounds like worship to me..

You seem to despise others for being beholden to their gods. You despise yourself. You are a person who fears a god. You obey a god. Fear defines you.

Which god is it I fear?

What obedience is it that I have demonstrated to this god?

My guess is that you are again lying in service to your little tin god Obama, Hey, you're an assclown, it's what you do! :dunno:
give me a quote. in many ways christians are like muslims. in some ways they are different. you're "paraphrasing" is too vague

Is it true? Are Christians just like Muslims?

{“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” } - Jihadist in Chief Obama

Is the comparison of Christians a thousand years ago a valid defense of Muslims today? And this assumes that the acts of Christians in the Crusades are equal to the savagery of the Muslims today.

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