Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion


Commitment to hardcore partisan ideology damages perception.

It blinds, it warps, it distorts.

Bolling is a case in point.

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This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.
Nope. That is not what is being said. The only stupidity here is your own.

It was an ignorant thing for the host to claim, just as it's ignorant of liberal members here who claim that in TODAY'S world there is no difference between Christian fundies and Islamic fundies.
What the retards in this topic don't get is that any religion can be, and has been, perverted by extremists.

That perversion can take many forms. In the Deep South, the Christian religion was perverted by extreme right wing racists. In the Middle East, the religion of Islam is being perverted by violent extremists seeking to conquer land.

The irony in this topic is that there are right wing extremists who are now seeking justification for their bigotry toward all Muslims, the same way the right wing extremists sought justification for their bigotry toward all blacks in the Deep South. In fact, these anti-Muslim bigots are the direct political descendants of those extreme right wing racists of our recent past.
This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.
Nope. That is not what is being said. The only stupidity here is your own.

It was an ignorant thing for the host to claim, just as it's ignorant of liberal members here who claim that in TODAY'S world there is no difference between Christian fundies and Islamic fundies.
The anti-Muslim bigots of today are prevented from acting on their impulses because we have the rule of law here. In the recent past, the law was on the side of the right wing cross burning lynchers. But thanks to the civil rights movement, that is no longer the case.

Don't kid yourself that modern day bigots wouldn't be hanging Muslims from trees if they had the law backing them up. A lot of blood was shed to prevent them from ever being able to do it again.

So it will have to be for Arabs.
What the retards in this topic don't get is that any religion can be, and has been, perverted by extremists.

That perversion can take many forms. In the Deep South, the Christian religion was perverted by extreme right wing racists. In the Middle East, the religion of Islam is being perverted by violent extremists seeking to conquer land.

The irony in this topic is that there are right wing extremists who are now seeking justification for their bigotry toward all Muslims, the same way the right wing extremists sought justification for their bigotry toward all blacks in the Deep South. In fact, these anti-Muslim bigots are the direct political descendants of those extreme right wing racists of our recent past.

Jake5000, is there a religion that has murdered thousands of people over the last year, including many in gruesome internet videos?

Is there another religion that hasn't killed anyone in the last year?

Do you defend and promote the first religion, whilst you condemn the one that kills no one?
RaHoWa. Racial Holy War. There are present day right wing extremists who can't wait for RaHoWa in America. They look forward to it.
Jake5000, is there a religion that has murdered thousands of people over the last year, including many in gruesome internet videos?

And here we see exactly what I was talking about in post 71. The bigot's pathetic attempt to carefully frame the conversation to a specific time period.

UC is attempting to mimic the Fox News host. Isn't he cute?
RaHoWa. Racial Holy War. There are present day right wing extremists who can't wait for RaHoWa in America. They look forward to it.

Comrade, please point to the last three beheadings by the Christians you hate?

I mean, your terrorist allies are not difficult to point to with these acts, so please demonstrate that the middle class Americans you detest are really exactly like the Jihadists you defend?
Retards are too retarded to separate Muslim extremists from Muslims. Strangely enough, they are able to separate Christian extremists from Christians.

Hmmm. Why do you think this is?

It is because they are bigots trying to justify their bigotry, and so they get trapped in their confirmation biases.

The retarded thought process of a bigot:

Some Muslims behead a guy = All Muslims are bad.

Some Christians lynch a guy =/= All Christians are bad.
Thanks, Kosh.

Do you really demand that acts by Muslims today are justified by acts that Christians engaged in a thousand years ago?

I realize you need to defend Jihadist in Chief Obama, but you're making a fool of yourself.

yes---haven't you heard? since islam was born about 600 years after Christianity was born-----we are supposed to see
a sense that like a severely retarded child-----islam will never
Comrade, please point to the last three beheadings by the Christians you hate?


You are too retarded. Seriously. You are incapable of thinking the way normal, rational people think, and so you cannot comprehend that someone can separate all extremists of all religions from those religions.

Because you hate all Muslims for the actions of a few, you assume that someone who points out the extremists of Christian religion hates Christians. It just does not get more retarded than that.

I actually pity you. You are trapped in a twisted, illogical mindset with no way out because you are just too stupid.
The retarded thought process of a bigot:

Some Muslims behead a guy = All Muslims are bad.

Some Christians lynch a guy =/= All Christians are bad.

The thought process of a rational person:

Some Muslims behead a guy =/= All Muslims are bad.

Some Christians lynch a guy =/= All Christians are bad.

They way a bigot thinks a rational person thinks:

Some Muslims behead a guy =/= All Muslims are bad.

Some Christians lynch a guy = All Christians are bad.
Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion


Yes, that happened...and here's the moron who said it:


Wake up indeed...

what is wrong with the statement? Who else has murdered
"others" in the name of their religion in the past few months
other than muslims?

So now you've sunk to claiming this is just about the last few months?


that is what the man said-------he did not say "in all of the history of mankind. He is clearly referring to ----now.

Are we a Christian nation?

In general----yes------that does not mean that in times of war
the objective is CHRISTIANITY and an effort to establish CHRISTIAN RULE

that one Is easy .. don't identify your captives as POW's and you can torture the shit out of them one day and be a Christian the next day.
So according to Obama, Hitler was a catholic or a jew? and it was ok that he killed/tortured/burned god knows how many people?

Jihadist in Chief Obama says that Hitler was a Christian, so his ISIS buddies cutting off heads and burning people alive is all kewl - CUZ THEY DO IT TOOOOOOO!
are you so dumb that you think that was the message during the prayer breakfast?
what is wrong with the statement? Who else has murdered
"others" in the name of their religion in the past few months
other than muslims?

So now you've sunk to claiming this is just about the last few months?


that is what the man said-------he did not say "in all of the history of mankind. He is clearly referring to ----now.

Are we a Christian nation?

In general----yes------that does not mean that in times of war
the objective is CHRISTIANITY and an effort to establish CHRISTIAN RULE

that one Is easy .. don't identify your captives as POW's and you can torture the shit out of them one day and be a Christian the next day.

your response is vulgar, uninformed and idiotic.
when you find cases in the past 100 years of POW's
being tortured and murdered for not converting to or
BEING a Christian-----let me know----

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