Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion

Just another one of hazlnut's lying by omission threads. He thought he could get away with it. Fortunately he didn't.

Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion


But Fox News host Eric Bolling denied Saturday that Christians, or people of any faith other than Islam for that matter, have killed anyone in the name of their religion.

"Reports say radical Muslim jihadists killed thousands of people in the past few months alone," Bolling said on "Cashin' In." "And get, and yet when you take Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, whatever, their combined killings in the name of religion -- well that number would be zero."

Yes, that happened...and here's the moron who said it:


Wake up indeed...

what is wrong with the statement? Who else has murdered
"others" in the name of their religion in the past few months
other than muslims?

So now you've sunk to claiming this is just about the last few months?


that is what the man said-------he did not say "in all of the history of mankind. He is clearly referring to ----now.
Thanks, Kosh.

Do you really demand that acts by Muslims today are justified by acts that Christians engaged in a thousand years ago?

I realize you need to defend Jihadist in Chief Obama, but you're making a fool of yourself.
The KKK is not a thousand years ago. They've killed people right here in the US in the name of religion in my own lifetime.

Do you really demand that acts by Muslims today are justified by acts that Christians engaged in a thousand years ago?

Full Definition of DELUSION
: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated

b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

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He said the last few months.

Yes, bigots don't like to be reminded that people of their own religion have committed atrocities, and so they would like the conversation restricted to as narrow a frame as possible. A frame which excludes their own religion's culpability so they can ride that self-righteous high horse Obama was talking about.

Are you really stupid enough to fall for that?

You shouldn't.

The dickface who attempted to narrow the view down to the day before yesterday is trying to excuse bigotry toward ALL Muslims. Keep your eye on the big picture, suckers.

He is trying to portray Islam as a religion of violence, and therefore to excuse bigotry and oppression toward all Muslims.

It pisses him off if he is reminded that all religions have been/are plagued with violent extremists. That does not fit his ultimate narrative.
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The KKK is not a thousand years ago.

True, and though you are dishonest enough to try and compare the acts of the democrats to the acts of the Muslims, are you really stupid enough?

Hint, were the actions of your fellow democrats in the KKK motivated by religion, or something else - say racial hatred?

They've killed people right here in the US in the name of religion in my own lifetime.


Not to call you a fucking liar - actually, I think I will..

EVEN if you can defend Jihadist in Chief Obama by claiming that the guy who killed hero of the left George Tiller did it in the name of religion, it STILL fails in that it has no tie to any sort of organization or campaign.

Basically, you're just a lying moron trying to defend the terrorists because your foolish pile of shit in the white house stuck his foot in it.

This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.
This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.
Nope. That is not what is being said. The only stupidity here is your own.
If you are gay in Uganda you are violating the law. We're talking life imprisonment. The world community had to exert pressure to get them to drop the death penalty clause.

I don't see how this makes this a Christian issue at all.
If you are gay in Uganda you are violating the law. We're talking life imprisonment. The world community had to exert pressure to get them to drop the death penalty clause.

I don't see how this makes this a Christian issue at all.
Their justification for the persecution of gays is based on Christianity. Are you that ignorant of the realities on the ground in Uganda?
This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.

No. You will not be able to cute a single liberal member of this board making that claim. You are possibly a liar. More likely a dummy.
This is the same level of stupidity that is exhibited by liberal members of this board who routinely make the claim on these boards that there is no more of a problem with TODAY'S Islamic fundamentalists than TODAY'S Christian fundamentalists.

True, but a drooling retard like rdean or Jake5000 spewing this idiocy as a far cry from the President of the United States doing it.

Jihadist in Chief Obama is truly a pile of shit.
Fox Host: Christians Have Killed 'Zero' People In The Name Of Religion


But Fox News host Eric Bolling denied Saturday that Christians, or people of any faith other than Islam for that matter, have killed anyone in the name of their religion.

"Reports say radical Muslim jihadists killed thousands of people in the past few months alone," Bolling said on "Cashin' In." "And get, and yet when you take Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, whatever, their combined killings in the name of religion -- well that number would be zero."

8216 UNREAL Obama calls murdered Jews just 8216 a bunch of folks 8217 shot 8216 in a deli 8217 video Twitchy

Yes, that happened...and here's the moron who said it:


Wake up indeed...

8216 UNREAL Obama calls murdered Jews just 8216 a bunch of folks 8217 shot 8216 in a deli 8217 video Twitchy

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