FOX host Judge says Feds have damning evidence that trump committed a felony


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fox News judicial analyst says prosecutors have “damning” evidence Trump committed a felony

The chips are falling. When a FOX host says the Feds have evidence like this....the Repubs will begin to listen and worry about their own chances in 2020. Let me explain...

A mistake in a finance contribution amount or in bookkeeping is not unusual. It happens. A slap on the wrist and a fine....BUT, when contributions are made to influence an election and it is part of a planned is a felony.....a major felony.

The planning for the payoffs began in 2015 at the beginning of the the request of trump. He KNEW it was illegal. He asked the Enguirer for help to conceal the affairs. He WAS the leader of a major conspiracy to defraud the American people. A Felony....

But....this is the tip of the iceberg that is coming. It will get much worse. He would be smart to design
Oh we'll just have to wait and see what the felony is.

Gee guess FOX is now right when you consider them FAUX news all the time.
After January 3rd and the Dems move into the House....let"s see who is laughing. trump is screwed and it is just the beginning of the revelation of his crimes. One or both of his very slow sons will be charged with a he approved the National Enquirer deal....LOVE IT!
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Republicans want to pretend that Michael Cohen went to Robert Mueller and lied and Robert Mueller just believed whatever he said.

The reason they believe that is because they believe whatever Trump says so they figure will if they do everybody must do it.

The difference is Robert Mueller has what’s called corroborating evidence.
Oh we'll just have to wait and see what the felony is.

Gee guess FOX is now right when you consider them FAUX news all the time.

When there is no way around a fact....they are forced to admit it. The orange king not only committed....he ordered the commission of a felony.
After January 3rd and the Dems move into the House....let"s see who is laughing. trump is screwed and it is just the beginning of the revelation of his crimes. One or both of his vet slow sons will be charged with a he approved the National Enquirer deal....LOVE IT!

Yes. Lets see who's laughing.

Natioinal Enquiere?? That's your source. Well they were right about deep throat. Once in a million times ain't to bad.

Buckle up butter cup. Its going to be a bumpy ride.
Jimbo must you always post lead stories from NBC CBS ABC CNN PBS NPR AP UPI REUTERS NYT WAPO ETC?

Be creative for once.
Republicans want to pretend that Michael Cohen went to Robert Mueller and lied and Robert Mueller just believed whatever he said.

The reason they believe that is because they believe whatever Trump says so they figure will if they do everybody must do it.

The difference is Robert Mueller has what’s called corroborating evidence.

Ka Ching!
Oh we'll just have to wait and see what the felony is.

Gee guess FOX is now right when you consider them FAUX news all the time.

When there is no way around a fact....they are forced to admit it. The orange king not only committed....he ordered the commission of a felony.

No. One person on fox admitted the fact. Individuals there have done that before, but it didn't change what fox as a network believes and claims.
After January 3rd and the Dems move into the House....let"s see who is laughing. trump is screwed and it is just the beginning of the revelation of his crimes. One or both of his vet slow sons will be charged with a he approved the National Enquirer deal....LOVE IT!

January 2007 posters like you declared Bush would be impeached and brought to the Hague...

Now 2019 Trump will be impeached and brought to justice...

Do you see my point yet?

Pelosi is speaker but hey let you enjoy your fantasy...
Republicans want to pretend that Michael Cohen went to Robert Mueller and lied and Robert Mueller just believed whatever he said.

The reason they believe that is because they believe whatever Trump says so they figure will if they do everybody must do it.

The difference is Robert Mueller has what’s called corroborating evidence.

Ka Ching!
I Ching!
Trump isn't going to be removed from office, period. These leftist jackals are just emotionally and mentally masturbating that fantasy. Fun to watch.
Fox News judicial analyst says prosecutors have “damning” evidence Trump committed a felony

The chips are falling. When a FOX host says the Feds have evidence like this....the Repubs will begin to listen and worry about their own chances in 2020. Let me explain...

A mistake in a finance contribution amount or in bookkeeping is not unusual. It happens. A slap on the wrist and a fine....BUT, when contributions are made to influence an election and it is part of a planned is a felony.....a major felony.

The planning for the payoffs began in 2015 at the beginning of the the request of trump. He KNEW it was illegal. He asked the Enguirer for help to conceal the affairs. He WAS the leader of a major conspiracy to defraud the American people. A Felony....

But....this is the tip of the iceberg that is coming. It will get much worse. He would be smart to design
Hahahaha.....opinion being sold as fact.

At worst this is a campaign finance violation to which you pay a fine.
The truth is Trump can list paying hush money to blackmailing porn stars as a personal expense.
Fox News judicial analyst says prosecutors have “damning” evidence Trump committed a felony

The chips are falling. When a FOX host says the Feds have evidence like this....the Repubs will begin to listen and worry about their own chances in 2020. Let me explain...

A mistake in a finance contribution amount or in bookkeeping is not unusual. It happens. A slap on the wrist and a fine....BUT, when contributions are made to influence an election and it is part of a planned is a felony.....a major felony.

The planning for the payoffs began in 2015 at the beginning of the the request of trump. He KNEW it was illegal. He asked the Enguirer for help to conceal the affairs. He WAS the leader of a major conspiracy to defraud the American people. A Felony....

But....this is the tip of the iceberg that is coming. It will get much worse. He would be smart to design

“We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, him this time....and this time we really mean it!”
Jimbo must you always post lead stories from NBC CBS ABC CNN PBS NPR AP UPI REUTERS NYT WAPO ETC?

Be creative for once.
When you report the news you’re not trying to be creative. You’re trying to report the news.

Fox is creative.

CNN is not creative.

MSNBC is not creative.

Breitbart is creative.

Newsmax is creative.

Do you see a theme here?
Jimbo must you always post lead stories from NBC CBS ABC CNN PBS NPR AP UPI REUTERS NYT WAPO ETC?

Be creative for once.
When you report the news you’re not trying to be creative. You’re trying to report the news.

Fox is creative.

CNN is not creative.

MSNBC is not creative.

Breitbart is creative.

Newsmax is creative.

Do you see a theme here?

When FOX reports the truth and facts that implicate trump....the end is near.

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