Fox Host Says We Need To Implement A Video Game Registry, Not Gun Control

Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

She was ridiculing you libturds.

No, she's an idiot right winger that goes straight for shredding the constitution at any chance they can get.
So to recap: Repubs thinks laws for Gun Control violate the constitution but they are FOR violating the 1st's American? Or something
There would be no problem with people playing videogames if we had spayed and neutered our liberals in the 1930's.

Since these bed wetters clearly have no comprehension of reality, morality or ethics we would all be better off if we let Margret Sanger cull their grand parents from the herd 80 years ago.

How nazi germany of you :cuckoo:

Right wingers like you are the reason why this nation can't prosper, you guys are filth that call for attacks on the constitution non stop, and this is another perfect example.

You have a little shit on the corner of your mouth there you might want to wipe away.
Your denial tells me everything I need to know. You're butt-hurt because she told your favorite liberal talk show ladies to screw off.

She's still wrong regardless of the idiots on the View.

Well yeah, being a gamer and all, I know she's full of it, but here BL is screaming about it. I agree with you.

So to recap: Repubs thinks laws for Gun Control violate the constitution but they are FOR violating the 1st's American? Or something

That's correct. The constitution is toilet paper in their minds, except for gunzzzzzzz!!! Ain't nobody gunna take derr gunnnzzzzzz!
Sure, and we all know how well you liberals revere the First.


Who are you referring to when you say "you liberals"?

Do you have an example of me not respecting the First? Or are you just broad-brushing because you've got nothing to say?

Given your snide comment, Doc, who wouldn't broadbrush you?

That doesn't make any sense. Me being a snide asshole doesn't have anything to do with you not having a response to my post.

Why do you feel a need to defend Hasslebeck's idiotic remarks? You say you agree with Gramps, yet you take offense when I act "snide" towards her. Why?
Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

She was ridiculing you libturds.

No, she's an idiot right winger that goes straight for shredding the constitution at any chance they can get.

Wouldn't that automatically make her a liberal?
Who are you referring to when you say "you liberals"?

Do you have an example of me not respecting the First? Or are you just broad-brushing because you've got nothing to say?

Given your snide comment, Doc, who wouldn't broadbrush you?

That doesn't make any sense. Me being a snide asshole doesn't have anything to do with you not having a response to my post.

Why do you feel a need to defend Hasslebeck's idiotic remarks? You say you agree with Gramps, yet you take offense when I act "snide" towards her. Why?

It's the right wing brainwashed mindset to defend the idiotic actions of their fellow right wingers no matter what and to troll threads that call them out , even when they themselves think they are idiots.

This is a perfect example of that.
There would be no problem with people playing videogames if we had spayed and neutered our liberals in the 1930's.

Since these bed wetters clearly have no comprehension of reality, morality or ethics we would all be better off if we let Margret Sanger cull their grand parents from the herd 80 years ago.

How nazi germany of you :cuckoo:

Right wingers like you are the reason why this nation can't prosper, you guys are filth that call for attacks on the constitution non stop, and this is another perfect example.

You have a little shit on the corner of your mouth there you might want to wipe away.

The bed wetter probably doesn't know who Sanger was.
An interesting read found on today's RealClearPolitics.

".......D.C. police concluded their advisory to residents with the same all-capital-letters admonition that punctuates every crime alert: “Do not take action.” Instead, we are given an “event” number and instructed to call 911.

As any decent American knows, there is no feeling more powerless than to realize that a couple of mass murderers are loose in your neighborhood and you are denied the right to keep a gun to defend yourself, your family or your home. A sickening knot tightens in your gut.

“Do not take action.”

Then came the latest Orwellian phrase in the “homeland security” lexicon: “Shelter in place!” So, not only are you not allowed to defend yourself against mass murderers, you are not supposed to run from them, either.

This, my fellow countrymen, is pure insanity.

And all the terror and real bloody carnage took place inside the most impenetrable fortress of gun-control utopia.

The very guns Aaron Alexis used to kill 12 people are banned in this city, unless you submit to an exhaustive, invasive and expensive process and prove to the city bureaucracy that you are worthy of your Second Amendment rights. Clearly, that failed.

We now know that Alexis was run through the normal background checks already in place to purchase a gun from a gun dealer. He submitted to even more exhaustive background checks to get his job and access to the Navy Yard. All of those background checks, and he still massacred 12 people......."

".......So here we are with 12 good people dead, living in the land of gun control, where terrorism reigns because the criminals have guns and the rest of us are scolded: “Do not take action” and “Shelter in place.”......"

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Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

She was ridiculing you libturds.

No, she's an idiot right winger that goes straight for shredding the constitution at any chance they can get.

I wasn't calling her a liberal you moron. I was calling you idiots liberals.

Damn you people are stupid!!
lol, she is right winger that goes STRAIGHT for shredding the Constitution at any chance they get?

omg, I doubt the the wittle bwackie has ever seen the constitution to know what's in it that could be shredded..
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Funny...Japan MAKES many of the"violent" games America plays and for sure play them themselves. What are Japan's gun deaths per year again?

Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

Japan DOES NOT make shooters. They are ALL made by European and America. Japan makes kiddie
No, she's an idiot right winger that goes straight for shredding the constitution at any chance they can get.

I wasn't calling her a liberal you moron. I was calling you idiots liberals.

Damn you people are stupid!!

Yes, you texas idiots are a bunch of morons, just look at your dumbass governor. He can't even count to 3 :lol:

You need to pull your head out of your ass and read the message someone left you on your self portrait avie.

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