Fox Host Says We Need To Implement A Video Game Registry, Not Gun Control

Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

You coulda saved yourself a lot of time by just saying Hasselback said something stupid. It's also known as doing a Hasselback
Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

You coulda saved yourself a lot of time by just saying Hasselback said something stupid. It's also known as doing a Hasselback

Not unlike doing an Obama.
Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

Sounds like the same libturd shit I heard after Columbine

But when a repub says it/ it's "insanity"

got it
What we really need is a video non registered registry. This way we wouldn't have to worry about the government invading our personal lives because the non registered registry would just register the non registered so the government wouldn't be keeping a registry of people who play video games but, instead, the government would keep a registry of people who are unregistered, thus providing privacy for those that are registered. This can also be done with a gun registry where gun owners would register their guns so the government could only focus on people who are unregistered as a way to protect the privacy of the registered. First, of course, we must create an unregistered registry department or registration with gun registry and video registry units able to coordinate with the expressed purpose of kissing my ass.
What we really need is a video non registered registry. This way we wouldn't have to worry about the government invading our personal lives because the non registered registry would just register the non registered so the government wouldn't be keeping a registry of people who play video games but, instead, the government would keep a registry of people who are unregistered, thus providing privacy for those that are registered. This can also be done with a gun registry where gun owners would register their guns so the government could only focus on people who are unregistered as a way to protect the privacy of the registered. First, of course, we must create an unregistered registry department or registration with gun registry and video registry units able to coordinate with the expressed purpose of kissing my ass.

The people who are employed as employees at the Department of Redundancy Department already took care of that.
Fox's Steve Doozy said the cause is that there are too many military ID's being issued. A link to the video of all the Fox "ideas" is in the OP here -

Or, you can find it at Jon Stewart's site.

so? they are commentators just like most of those PmsNbc...they can think what they want and you accept it as fact or NOT..that's what most people do who has a function brain and thought process...I'm not sure you lefties know how to do swallow anything from a left wing site as if they are the gospel of

I know that's a novel thing for some of you who RAGE aginst fox news.. you people are so shallow that you are embarrassing, all this angst against a news station...I've never seen anything like it...
must be because they are the number ONE watched news and on the left with Chrissy (Obama talks gives me tingles), loud mouth Eddie Schultz and Rachel the harp on NOTHING but Republicans she is so UNBISED....yeah right.....they can't pull PmsNBC out of the ratings TOILET...
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Fox's Steve Doozy said the cause is that there are too many military ID's being issued. A link to the video of all the Fox "ideas" is in the OP here -

Or, you can find it at Jon Stewart's site.

so? they are commentators just like most of those PmsNbc...they can think what they want and you accept it as fact or NOT..that's what most people do who has a function brain and thought process...I'm not sure you lefties know how to do swallow anything from a left wing site as if they are the gospel of

I know that's a novel thing for some of you who RAGE aginst fox news.. you people are so shallow that you are embarrassing, all this angst against a news station...I've never seen anything like it...
must be because they are the number ONE watched news and on the left with Chrissy (Obama talks gives me tingles), loud mouth Eddie Schultz and Rachel the harp on NOTHING but Republicans she is so UNBISED....yeah right.....they can't pull PmsNBC out of the ratings TOILET...

TV ratings have nothing to do with veracity of content. Get a grip.
Fox's Steve Doozy said the cause is that there are too many military ID's being issued. A link to the video of all the Fox "ideas" is in the OP here -

Or, you can find it at Jon Stewart's site.

so? they are commentators just like most of those PmsNbc...they can think what they want and you accept it as fact or NOT..that's what most people do who has a function brain and thought process...I'm not sure you lefties know how to do swallow anything from a left wing site as if they are the gospel of

I know that's a novel thing for some of you who RAGE aginst fox news.. you people are so shallow that you are embarrassing, all this angst against a news station...I've never seen anything like it...
must be because they are the number ONE watched news and on the left with Chrissy (Obama talks gives me tingles), loud mouth Eddie Schultz and Rachel the harp on NOTHING but Republicans she is so UNBISED....yeah right.....they can't pull PmsNBC out of the ratings TOILET...

TV ratings have nothing to do with veracity of content. Get a grip.

the hell if it doesn't for new show's what station is trusted by the people to give a FAIR AND BALANCED reports on a topic they discuss...
PnsNbc never heard of that fair and balanced thing...they just hog the whole show with their wailing and you see where their ratings are...toilet..where it SHOULD BE
now you get a grip...
So to recap: Repubs thinks laws for Gun Control violate the constitution but they are FOR violating the 1st's American? Or something

But you prefer it the other way around? How about we preserve the ENTIRE Bill of Rights?
Another "Newshounds" inane scoop. What would the left do without the tax exempt Media Matters or newshounds? Think? Naah.
so? they are commentators just like most of those PmsNbc...they can think what they want and you accept it as fact or NOT..that's what most people do who has a function brain and thought process...I'm not sure you lefties know how to do swallow anything from a left wing site as if they are the gospel of

I know that's a novel thing for some of you who RAGE aginst fox news.. you people are so shallow that you are embarrassing, all this angst against a news station...I've never seen anything like it...
must be because they are the number ONE watched news and on the left with Chrissy (Obama talks gives me tingles), loud mouth Eddie Schultz and Rachel the harp on NOTHING but Republicans she is so UNBISED....yeah right.....they can't pull PmsNBC out of the ratings TOILET...

TV ratings have nothing to do with veracity of content. Get a grip.

the hell if it doesn't for new show's what station is trusted by the people to give a FAIR AND BALANCED reports on a topic they discuss...
PnsNbc never heard of that fair and balanced thing...they just hog the whole show with their wailing and you see where their ratings are...toilet..where it SHOULD BE
now you get a grip...

Oh poster, please. :bang3:

Broadcast ratings have never in the history of the world worked like that. Ratings measure attention, not assent, and attention is drawn by spectacle and controversy and drama, by weeping and gnashing of teeth, by scandal and sex and violence .... not by "trust". Were that not the case, the top rated TV shows would not be fake wrestling, people on an island forced to eat bugs, paternity tests and gossip.

Highway accidents get "ratings" (attention) in the form of cars lined up to rubberneck. It doesn't mean people "agree" with the idea of a jackknifed tractor trailer.

That's why your local Fraction News opens not with what your city council just did, but with some fire in a neighborhood you never heard of. "If it bleeds it leads". That's also why William F. Buckley had his show on PBS -- it didn't sell soap. Not enough scandal and sex and violence.

The whole point of ratings is to amass eyeballs (or in radio, ears) so that the advertiser has a maximum reach to sell you shit you don't need. That's the one and only function of ratings. They'll do whatever they can think of to get your attention, because the more eyeballs they can deliver an advertiser, the more they can charge them for commercial time. That's it. And that's also why Fox Noise dresses up its studio in bright romper room colours, adorns the set with short-skirted bimbos, has a constant screen crawl of suggestive chyrons, and constantly refreshes the scene with graphics that go whoooosh. It's all candy for the senses, appealing to the basest of emotions, especially fear. Because that's what draws eyeballs and keeps them watching.

As a ClearChannel TV executive put the definition of programming, "Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

That's why it's called a ""vast wasteland". Don't be naïve.
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Both ideas are stupid.

Parents need to do a better job with the upbringing of our children.

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