Fox Host Says We Need To Implement A Video Game Registry, Not Gun Control

lol, she is right winger that goes STRAIGHT for shredding the Constitution at any chance they get?

omg, I doubt the the wittle bwackie has ever seen the constitution to know what's in it that could be shredded..

Yes, I've seen the constitution in person when I went on a tour of DC. You on the other hand, bring the stupid with every post you make :lol:

Do you just sit on your ass all day trolling internet forums, eating ho-ho's, and blaming "da libs" for your morbid obesity and miserable existence? :lmao:
Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

There is no shortage of morons on this subject be they right or left. Video games are a scapegoat for all who wish to avoid the underlying issues.


Indeed, and so is "gun control" posturing.

To register video games is of course ridiculous. Access to video games isn't the underlying issue any more than access to guns is. The underlying issue is the desire for violence that fuels both.
First they hated on the Nra, then moved onto FOX newwwwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

tomorrow will be?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

any guesses?

I say, Ted Nugent

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Funny...Japan MAKES many of the"violent" games America plays and for sure play them themselves. What are Japan's gun deaths per year again?

Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

But...that doesn't add up.
Japan is one giant Gun Free Zone.
You might want to re-think your argument.
Funny...Japan MAKES many of the"violent" games America plays and for sure play them themselves. What are Japan's gun deaths per year again?

Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

But...that doesn't add up.
Japan is one giant Gun Free Zone.
You might want to re-think your argument.

I wanted to point that out but I've exceeded my daily quota of stating the obvious. Yeah 2A is good with guns -- so good he shot his own argument in the proverbial foot.

Japan, while it has plenty of violent video game indulgence, has no equivalent to the 2nd Amendment, yet also has neither a gun violence problem nor a repressive government. Damn inconvenient, those Japanese.
Funny...Japan MAKES many of the"violent" games America plays and for sure play them themselves. What are Japan's gun deaths per year again?

Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

Japan DOES NOT make shooters. They are ALL made by European and America. Japan makes kiddie

Yes the do.

Not only that, but

Call of Duty: Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 and 3 each sold a quite respectable 400k copies in Japan.
Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

But...that doesn't add up.
Japan is one giant Gun Free Zone.
You might want to re-think your argument.

I wanted to point that out but I've exceeded my daily quota of stating the obvious. Yeah 2A is good with guns -- so good he shot his own argument in the proverbial foot.

Japan, while it has plenty of violent video game indulgence, has no equivalent to the 2nd Amendment, yet also has neither a gun violence problem nor a repressive government. Damn inconvenient, those Japanese.

Inscrutable, even...
Given your snide comment, Doc, who wouldn't broadbrush you?

That doesn't make any sense. Me being a snide asshole doesn't have anything to do with you not having a response to my post.

Why do you feel a need to defend Hasslebeck's idiotic remarks? You say you agree with Gramps, yet you take offense when I act "snide" towards her. Why?

It's the right wing brainwashed mindset to defend the idiotic actions of their fellow right wingers no matter what and to troll threads that call them out , even when they themselves think they are idiots.

This is a perfect example of that.

Coming from one who would follow his man Barry Obama into the pit of hell, all on a lie.

You are a perfect example of what you speak of.
Weird, I've seen victims of gun violence before. Never seen anyone killed with a Zelda cartridge though.
No, she's an idiot right winger that goes straight for shredding the constitution at any chance they can get.

Wouldn't that automatically make her a liberal?

Uh... since Liberals created the Constitution, it would make her the opposite.

Equating today's term of "liberal" with the term liberal during the founding fathers time is like trying to equate the term "fag" between those times? Nice try, but no cigar.
Wouldn't that automatically make her a liberal?

Uh... since Liberals created the Constitution, it would make her the opposite.

Equating today's term of "liberal" with the term liberal during the founding fathers time is like trying to equate the term "fag" between those times? Nice try, but no cigar.

If not for progressives of the time, we would all be speaking with a British accent. The regressive conservatives called the libs of the time "traitors".
Wouldn't that automatically make her a liberal?

Uh... since Liberals created the Constitution, it would make her the opposite.

Equating today's term of "liberal" with the term liberal during the founding fathers time is like trying to equate the term "fag" between those times? Nice try, but no cigar.

Nice pun :thup: butt -- logic from the ashtray. :puke3:

Liberalism is exactly what founded this country. Just because some demagogue wackaloons took the word over to the corner and painted it brown in an attempt to demonize it, that doesn't make it a turd. But it does make their agenda for doing so .... interesting..
Japan's murder rate is very low in general, for knives, guns and fists.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I'd say the problem isn't video games.

It's probably the Gun Free Zone.

Japan DOES NOT make shooters. They are ALL made by European and America. Japan makes kiddie

Yes the do.

It's True, Japanese First-Person Shooters Do Exist

Not only that, but

Call of Duty: Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 and 3 each sold a quite respectable 400k copies in Japan.

Thats a few OLD games and some of them ARE NOT first person shooters. Resident evil is survival horror and ammo is scarce. One of the others was a mech game.

Point being they don't make fpsers. One or two in twenty five years hardly qualifies. And COD is not made in Japan. Only now has Sony changed the design of the controller to accomodate shooters and that is a decision to better compete in the west.

Bringing up Japan in this debate is just dumb.
Japan DOES NOT make shooters. They are ALL made by European and America. Japan makes kiddie

Yes the do.

It's True, Japanese First-Person Shooters Do Exist

Not only that, but

Call of Duty: Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 and 3 each sold a quite respectable 400k copies in Japan.

Thats a few OLD games and some of them ARE NOT first person shooters. Resident evil is survival horror and ammo is scarce. One of the others was a mech game.

Point being they don't make fpsers. One or two in twenty five years hardly qualifies. And COD is not made in Japan. Only now has Sony changed the design of the controller to accomodate shooters and that is a decision to better compete in the west.

Bringing up Japan in this debate is just dumb.

Not dumb at all. You yourself pointed out (correctly) that "Video games are a scapegoat for all who wish to avoid the underlying issues" (and I commended you for it). Violent video games are very popular in Japan, yet it hs virtually no gun culture like we do. That supports your point.
Uh... since Liberals created the Constitution, it would make her the opposite.

Equating today's term of "liberal" with the term liberal during the founding fathers time is like trying to equate the term "fag" between those times? Nice try, but no cigar.

Nice pun :thup: butt -- logic from the ashtray. :puke3:

Liberalism is exactly what founded this country. Just because some demagogue wackaloons took the word over to the corner and painted it brown in an attempt to demonize it, that doesn't make it a turd. But it does make their agenda for doing so .... interesting..

Your lack of education is astounding.
Remember that idiot Hasselbeck from the view that would do nothing but spew right wing BS day after day? Well she's now a fox news host and already bringing the insanity.

Hasselbeck tries to make a link between violent video games as the cause for mass shootings, and that there should be a registry on who buys them.

Hello fascism! :eusa_hand:

Fox News? Hasselbeck: Navy Yard shooting shows need for video game registry, not gun control | The Raw Story

There is no shortage of morons on this subject be they right or left. Video games are a scapegoat for all who wish to avoid the underlying issues.

Agreed. There are millions of people who play violent video games and if the games caused violent behavior, then we'd be seeing thousands of mass shootings all over the globe on a daily basis. If little Johnny goes out and shoots up his school after playing a video game, then perhaps there was something seriously wrong with Johnny BEFORE he played the game.

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