Fox Host Tries To Bash Socialism In Denmark Gets Her Ass Handed To Her By Denmark Officials

What works for Denmark works for them.
Works for those who rate quality of life, happiness, etc., etc., too. But if your system worked so well for you, don't you think you'd report more happiness?

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In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?

If you or the article has a point, maybe you could skip the part where you just personally attack her and get to what she said that was wrong. This is just leftist mental masteurbation
Let Denmark or any of those other countries import a few million of our worthless welfare queens and then lets see how that pooling money for collective services works out when so many people aren't paying.
I bot banned from Daily Kos in like 4 minutes. lol.

Gosh. That was years ago. I forgot about that place.
In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?
Just as half the CNN and MSNBC commentators (or more) are partisan hacks...

So, too, are half (or more) the commentators on Fox...

Dog Bites Man... not exactly news.

What signifies here is that Denmark, like much of Europe, has been living under the American Defense Shield for the past seventy years or more.

If they had to spend enough money to defend themselves separately, they would have long-since gone bankrupt.

The United States has been the Sugar Daddy of Europe for decades, with respect to defense.

It's easy to divert money to internal social services programming if you're not laying-out tons of cash to keep yourselves alive and free.

It's easy to look good when you've got a Defensive Sugar Daddy holding a shield over your precious snowflake heads.
...our racist Nazi nation?
If we were a Nazi nation, the Secret Police would have already broken down your door and taken you away, for speaking against the regime in public like that.

Trouble is, pi$$ants like you don't understand the difference.
What signifies here is that Denmark, like much of Europe, has been living under the American Defense Shield for the past seventy years or more.
Now you're supposed to complain the US is too large and 'diverse' and the greatest country in the world is helpless to change. Helpless.
In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?

Denmark isn't socialist you stupid little bitch.

It's a Welfare State.

Then you post a load of garbage from one of THE worst Hate-Sites on the Internet, worse than Alex Jones by far

Daily Kos is a Hate Site | Voices on the Square

Is Daily Kos Really A 'Hate Site'?

This pile of shit belongs in the Rubber Room. Along with you.

And, posting to other Message Boards is against the rules...... Unless it's to a hate-filled dimocrap scum Message Board, I guess
In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?

Why is your thread title an outright lie? She is not a Fox host.
Trish Regan - Wikipedia

Tricia Ann Regan, known professionally as Trish Regan, is an American television host, journalist and author. She currently hosts The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan on the Fox Business Network daily. She is also a frequent contributor to other Fox News Channel Shows, and serves as a substitute anchor on some programs. Regan was a TV host on Bloomberg Television from 2012-15, and a host at CNBC from 2007–12.

I know who she is, dickhead! She is not a host on Fox. Thank you for proving that you can't read either.
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I’d live in Denmark in a heartbeat. No, FoxReganIdiot, people are not working for the government — they are working for each other.

But you could never understand a government that wants its citizens to have good lives, never.

Fox is a tool of globalists who want to keep the people in ignorance.

Then get steppen dumbfuck!!!
They won't take Americans or Brits now for that matter...

And you're okay with that?
Denmark isn't socialist you stupid little bitch.
It is a mixed economy.
It has public hospitals. That means they are held in common cause, through the agency of the state. The very definition of socialism.
The official name of the Country of Denmark is: "The Kingdom of Denmark"

The current Monarch is Queen Margrethe II.


Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not. It is a Scandi Welfare State.

This whole thread is based on several lies and a post from a KNOWN Hate-Site.

This piece of garbage belongs in the Rubber Room and the Poster needs to be banned for posting to a Hate Site that has a Hate-Filled Message Board second to none.

DailyKooks is the dimocrap version of Storm Front.

Or is that okay in here?
Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not.
Yet it has means of production - hospitals - held in common cause through the agency of the state. The very definition of socialism. Not that the mouth breathers here would actually know anything about socialism.
It is a mixed economy.
It has public hospitals. That means they are held in common cause, through the agency of the state. The very definition of socialism.

And we have the VA.

Denmark is NOT a socialist Country, stupid little girl

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily

The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation

This thread is totally based on a lie and links to a HATE-SITE.
6 million people, of which 90%are Danish. Military of 33,000.

If we had that population and diversity, and perhaps we could replicate.

Their GDP is 300 billion, ours is 18 trillion.

Saying that the economic models used in Scandinavia would work in th USA is simply stupid.

It’s like saying that Starbucks should be organized and operated the same way that your local single door family owned cafe is organized and operated.

No shit, these liberals in this country are so fucking stupid and live in a fantasy land..

BTW anyone know what the fuck do they make and export????


And we know what a million blacks make living together..

Fucking Detroit.

Of course they are discriminated against totally dot-dot-dot breaking news 4 dupes...

Blacks discriminate against each other? yea's if you call killing each other for wearing the wrong colors or the wrong hand signals I guess you're right.

But that's not the point, whites left they could of made it into another black wall street of the past instead the indoctrination by liberals fucked their brains up and trashed the place

The whites just left town and took the manufacturing with them. That works great!

So you're telling us blacks aren't smart enough to manufacture cars?
Yet it has means of production - hospitals - held in common cause through the agency of the state. The very definition of socialism. Not that the mouth breathers here would actually know anything about socialism.

I wrote a book on socialism, you stupid little bitch. I have forgotten more about that fucking disease than you will ever know.

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