Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

But please tell me, without the BA test or blood test, and the convenient excuse of "oh I got that disease that makes me look, act and smell drunk", how would we ever convict anyeone of DUI? Ever? Would you have to prove you have the disease? NO. The state would have to prove you dont- burden of proof in court.

The Libertarian/Tea Party government hatred sounds good and all in a controlled environment. But in reality, we need cops and a military and a government, and sometimes they have to do some hard things to make society work in a civil manner.

Funny, because any Libertarian would tell you that the chances of being acquitted by a jury (for drunk driving) would be next to nil, even without hard evidence. How do you think juries managed to convict hundreds of years ago without all these tools of modern science? Oh yeah, guilty without reasonable doubt.

Its actually very hard to convict one now. For one, video is required on all stops. Then, there are dozens of technicalities a cop must follow while on roadside that defense attorneys jump on to get a case thrown out. Drivers dont have to do field sobriety. They dont have to blow. Cities and counties cant afford to host endless jury trials, so a jury trial request will often result in a plea deal.

Its very hard. Which is why drunk drivers kill more people per year than both our foreign wars combined. Because it's hard to prosecute DUI's, and because of that, there is not much of a deterrence to people fucking driving shit faced.

Thank God, some judges are tired of it, and are gonna start ruling in ways that maybe we can stop the "red asphault" in America.
and hell if you even eat a poppy seed bun and get a blood test.. it would say you have opium (heroin) in your system......

Only if you eat a shit ton of poppy seed muffins.

Prove it. ..... a pee test tells real fast. I know...for a fact because it happened to me...ate a sonics chicago style hot dog once and took a pee test an hour latter for a job not thinking....

What the hell is a Chicago-style hot dog? Do they shoot at you after serving it or something?
:cuckoo: Here we go.................

Ok. 8 years working PD in that exact same city in the link.

A cop cant pull you just for "suspicion". He must have a moving violation first, like swerving, speeding, red light, etc, or, something factual that may tie you into a crime, like your car is similar to one that was the getaway car for a recent crime.

Now, lets say he pulls you for speeding. He cant just make you do a BA. Lawyers, rightfully so, have made that reality. He must have a few things. Like smelling alcohol on your breathe or car. Glossy eyes. Slurred speech. THEN he can articulate suspicion that you've been drinking.

He can THEN ask you to do roadside field sobriety tests. The alphabet. Walking the straight line. Or following the pen with your eyes. Even if you smell like booze a bit, but you pass these FST's, then you drive home free.

Now, if the cop has a reason to stop you, has the smell/sight indicators, and you fail Field Soberity tests, THEN he can handcuff you and arrest you.

THEN.....yes, after all that, you'll be offered the breathe test, which you have consented to with accepting a license. But you dont have to blow. You can refuse to blow.

And it seems judges are SICK AND TIRED like the rest of us of all these damn DUI drivers KILLING people, killing more than the 2 wars combined. So, the judges said fuck it, they fail all those tests and refuse the breathe test, take a blood sample.

GOOD. Fewer dead Americans on our roads. At what cost? Taking blood from a person who failed the FST's, refused to blow, and showed physical signs of intoxication? FUCK IT, thats a price worth paying to keep Americans safe.

Bull. SHIT. Happened to me last week, among many other times. We knew he was tailing us, I followed all the rules and he still did it. When we asked him on what basis he tried to tell me I had "smoke coming out of my tailpipe". I shit you not, that was all he could come up with. Lucky for me I had a severely disabled person in the car on a medical errand.

All that other shit is a simple matter of lying or self-delusion- "yeah I thought I smelled alcohol"... nobody can prove that, can they? Duh.

Poster please. Don't quote the book to me. I'm talking reality. Fact is you're taking your life in your hands just going out there with this kind of power abuse. Any of us could be a statistic tomorrow.

Oh Lord. You're one of those types huh. Then file a lawsuit. If the cop stopped you for a reason that isn't lawful, and it is on video as all patrol cars are required to have them now, then your unlawful detention will be on camera, and you'll win a lawsuit and some money.

You dont know police work, and never will. Cops use bullshit reasons (although technically a real violation) to stop cars all the time. Cars in shady areas. Cars that resemble BOLO cars that were involved in another crime. Thats how they catch hard criminals. Afterall, the thugs dont carry big neon signs saying "HERE I AM". Cops have to find them. Sometimes, it means saturating an area and stopping a lot of people and cars, often times inconveniencing otherwise innocent people who didnt do anything but violate some petty law like tailpipe smoke, so that they can end up catching a rapist or predator.

That was my point. Thank you.

And btw there wasn't any "petty law" involved. My car is registered in another state and is entirely legal and inspected. Nor was there any crime or accident anywhere nearby. It was, as you described, a bullshit stop.

"One of those types" meaning one who won't bend over and say "yes master, may I have another?"

Damn right bub. Count on it.
Bull. SHIT. Happened to me last week, among many other times. We knew he was tailing us, I followed all the rules and he still did it. When we asked him on what basis he tried to tell me I had "smoke coming out of my tailpipe". I shit you not, that was all he could come up with. Lucky for me I had a severely disabled person in the car on a medical errand.

All that other shit is a simple matter of lying or self-delusion- "yeah I thought I smelled alcohol"... nobody can prove that, can they? Duh.

Poster please. Don't quote the book to me. I'm talking reality. Fact is you're taking your life in your hands just going out there with this kind of power abuse. Any of us could be a statistic tomorrow.

Oh Lord. You're one of those types huh. Then file a lawsuit. If the cop stopped you for a reason that isn't lawful, and it is on video as all patrol cars are required to have them now, then your unlawful detention will be on camera, and you'll win a lawsuit and some money.

You dont know police work, and never will. Cops use bullshit reasons (although technically a real violation) to stop cars all the time. Cars in shady areas. Cars that resemble BOLO cars that were involved in another crime. Thats how they catch hard criminals. Afterall, the thugs dont carry big neon signs saying "HERE I AM". Cops have to find them. Sometimes, it means saturating an area and stopping a lot of people and cars, often times inconveniencing otherwise innocent people who didnt do anything but violate some petty law like tailpipe smoke, so that they can end up catching a rapist or predator.

That was my point. Thank you.

And btw there wasn't any "petty law" involved. My car is registered in another state and is entirely legal and inspected. Nor was there any crime or accident anywhere nearby. It was, as you described, a bullshit stop.

"One of those types" meaning one who won't bend over and say "yes master, may I have another?"

Damn right bub. Count on it.

There is a difference in a bullshit reason, and an UNLAWFUL reason. And yes, "bullshit" reasons for stops have caught COUNTLESS murders, rapists, fugitives, pedophiles, mexican drug cartel shipments, stolen firearms, kidnapped children, etc, etc, etc. AGAIN....the lowlifes dont have neon signs announcing their presence.

And you did bend over and took it. You didnt do shit to the cop. And you haven't filed a lawsuit. Yet, you claim you were illegally stopped. Grow a pair fa**ot and do something about what happened to you? OH thats right, you are.....venting on the internet:eusa_whistle:
Simple solution, don't drink and drive. Sit in your house and get drunk or, have a sober designated driver.
If you refuse to cooperate when pulled over, then they need to get you off the road and some evidence as to why you were taken off the road and a blood test gets that evidence.
Personally, I think that law enforcement should be able to do to the driver, the same as they do for those who deal drugs out of the car in some areas; confiscate the car and auction it off (in the drunk drivers cases, with proceeds going to the victims of drunk drivers and a permanent ban on the guilty person being allowed a driver's license). Too many people have been victims of drunk drivers. It has to stop.

Sure, that's simple enough...

Now what happens when you're driving with a BAL of 0.00 because you don't even drink, but some cop decides to pull you over anyway, on "suspicion"?

Some of y'all don't get that nobody in the thread is defending drunks. They're defending non-drunks.

Drivers drunk on alcohol are a menace on the roads. That's a given. But police drunk on power are too.

:cuckoo: Here we go.................

Ok. 8 years working PD in that exact same city in the link.

A cop cant pull you just for "suspicion". He must have a moving violation first, like swerving, speeding, red light, etc, or, something factual that may tie you into a crime, like your car is similar to one that was the getaway car for a recent crime.

Stop lying. That is and has always been fiction and anyone HONEST will admit it.
Oh Lord. You're one of those types huh. Then file a lawsuit. If the cop stopped you for a reason that isn't lawful, and it is on video as all patrol cars are required to have them now, then your unlawful detention will be on camera, and you'll win a lawsuit and some money.

You dont know police work, and never will. Cops use bullshit reasons (although technically a real violation) to stop cars all the time. Cars in shady areas. Cars that resemble BOLO cars that were involved in another crime. Thats how they catch hard criminals. Afterall, the thugs dont carry big neon signs saying "HERE I AM". Cops have to find them. Sometimes, it means saturating an area and stopping a lot of people and cars, often times inconveniencing otherwise innocent people who didnt do anything but violate some petty law like tailpipe smoke, so that they can end up catching a rapist or predator.

That was my point. Thank you.

And btw there wasn't any "petty law" involved. My car is registered in another state and is entirely legal and inspected. Nor was there any crime or accident anywhere nearby. It was, as you described, a bullshit stop.

"One of those types" meaning one who won't bend over and say "yes master, may I have another?"

Damn right bub. Count on it.

There is a difference in a bullshit reason, and an UNLAWFUL reason. And yes, "bullshit" reasons for stops have caught COUNTLESS murders, rapists, fugitives, pedophiles, mexican drug cartel shipments, stolen firearms, kidnapped children, etc, etc, etc. AGAIN....the lowlifes dont have neon signs announcing their presence.

And you did bend over and took it. You didnt do shit to the cop. And you haven't filed a lawsuit. Yet, you claim you were illegally stopped. Grow a pair fa**ot and do something about what happened to you? OH thats right, you are.....venting on the internet:eusa_whistle:

See the attitude? That's what I'm talking about.

That's your defence? "So sue me"?? Every time I get police-overreached I'm supposed to go file another suit?

Are you insane?
Anybody who believes their individual liberty should put others in the public at risk from drinking and driving deserve big needles when their blood is drawn.

Your sadistic-psychotic streak is showing again, pops.

Enforcement of a sensible law by the lege when a criminal refuses to follow it is sadistic-psychotic in your estimation? Jarl, you just described yourself.
Sure, that's simple enough...

Now what happens when you're driving with a BAL of 0.00 because you don't even drink, but some cop decides to pull you over anyway, on "suspicion"?

Some of y'all don't get that nobody in the thread is defending drunks. They're defending non-drunks.

Drivers drunk on alcohol are a menace on the roads. That's a given. But police drunk on power are too.

:cuckoo: Here we go.................

Ok. 8 years working PD in that exact same city in the link.

A cop cant pull you just for "suspicion". He must have a moving violation first, like swerving, speeding, red light, etc, or, something factual that may tie you into a crime, like your car is similar to one that was the getaway car for a recent crime.

Stop lying. That is and has always been fiction and anyone HONEST will admit it.

You're WRONG. Terry vs Ohio, aka, a "Terry Stop". A cop must have a minimum "reasonable suspicion that a person or car MAY have been involved in a crime in the past, MAY be currently involved in a crime, or MAY be about to be involved in a crime............based on facts or circumstances known by the officer in which a REASONABLE person under the same circumstances would come to the same conclusion".

Meaning: A 7-11 is robbed at gunpoint by a white male. He flees in a blue Honda sedan. You are driving a blue Honda sedan within 2-3 miles of that gas station, and you are a white male. A cop CAN stop you for that, although you have committed no crime.

Again....."bullshit" vs "illegal" is a big fat line. The cop may tell you "You're blinker didnt work" or "You have smoke coming from your pipe". Whatever. He's not gonna tip you off just in case you DID happen to be the robber, he wants to read your reaction.

NEvermind. You folks who are trying to grasp real world police work never will.
That was my point. Thank you.

And btw there wasn't any "petty law" involved. My car is registered in another state and is entirely legal and inspected. Nor was there any crime or accident anywhere nearby. It was, as you described, a bullshit stop.

"One of those types" meaning one who won't bend over and say "yes master, may I have another?"

Damn right bub. Count on it.

There is a difference in a bullshit reason, and an UNLAWFUL reason. And yes, "bullshit" reasons for stops have caught COUNTLESS murders, rapists, fugitives, pedophiles, mexican drug cartel shipments, stolen firearms, kidnapped children, etc, etc, etc. AGAIN....the lowlifes dont have neon signs announcing their presence.

And you did bend over and took it. You didnt do shit to the cop. And you haven't filed a lawsuit. Yet, you claim you were illegally stopped. Grow a pair fa**ot and do something about what happened to you? OH thats right, you are.....venting on the internet:eusa_whistle:

See the attitude? That's what I'm talking about.

That's your defence? "So sue me"?? Every time I get police-overreached I'm supposed to go file another suit?

Are you insane?

Sure. Bad apples do get jobs in law enforcement. MAYBE you got stopped by one, and your cowardice in not confronting him and taking your case to his boss is going to result in his continued employment, and violating other people's rights. Grow a pair and do something.....or are you just gonna tolerate it and let it keep happening?

I bet his in-car camera would tell a different story. And who knows, maybe your vehicle matched the description of a vehicle involved in a kidnapping, or murder or some other serious crime, so GOD FORBID he had to inconvenience you to check out your car and ensure you weren't the REAL criminal they were looking for.

Im sure if your kid was kidnapped by a white male in a brown Ford truck, you'd demand cops NOT stop all the brown Ford trucks out there for "bullshit" reasons in an effort to find her.........right?

And, Im sure you read the daily crime reports issued to all the cops, so you KNOW that couldnt have been the case in your stop, right?

Get over it. You got stopped. It was minor. You drove away inconvenienced for a few minutes. Im sure the cop either had a good reason.......or, he wont be in LE for very long. A little longer thanks to you not speaking up, but eventually someone else with some guts will expose him.
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?

Yes, at some point liberty triumphs over security. This leads to false confessions and torture, and quickly.

Fuck you and your simple mentality. Liberty trumps security? How old are you -- 18? Get back to me when you have aged a little and have gotten some real world experience.
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?

You automatically lose your license for 12 months in Georgia if you refuse a Breathalyzer.

Well, I don't necessarily agree with that punishment, but if that is the law, then that's all the more reason to not refuse one, or better yet, don't drive drunk.
Driving on public roads with a DL is implied consent to the laws governing driving.
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?

Yes, at some point liberty triumphs over security. This leads to false confessions and torture, and quickly.

Fuck you and your simple mentality. Liberty trumps security? How old are you -- 18? Get back to me when you have aged a little and have gotten some real world experience.

Exactly right. These far right types are just getting creepy insane.

So I suppose they would support lifting the age restrictions on driving a car. I mean, why must one be 16 to drive? Says WHO? The government? If I want to let my capable 12 year old son drive to the store, why cant he? Because the GOVT says so? Liberty trumps security. Let children drive.

And why must we have municipal dog laws, like leash laws? MY Pit Bull and Rotty are nice, and they dont even leave the yard. I can walk them in the park without a leash, and they're fine. MY liberty to do so. And I carry a gun, so if someone elses dog attacks, I'll kill it. Liberty trumps security, let the dogs roam free if their owners wish.
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?

You automatically lose your license for 12 months in Georgia if you refuse a Breathalyzer.

Well, I don't necessarily agree with that punishment, but if that is the law, then that's all the more reason to not refuse one, or better yet, don't drive drunk.

I think it should be 2 years. A person doesnt get to the BA machine unless they've already shown signs of intoxication through bad driving, smell, physical appearance, and failing field sobriety tests, or any combination of those.

DUI laws arent harsh enough.
There is a difference in a bullshit reason, and an UNLAWFUL reason. And yes, "bullshit" reasons for stops have caught COUNTLESS murders, rapists, fugitives, pedophiles, mexican drug cartel shipments, stolen firearms, kidnapped children, etc, etc, etc. AGAIN....the lowlifes dont have neon signs announcing their presence.

And you did bend over and took it. You didnt do shit to the cop. And you haven't filed a lawsuit. Yet, you claim you were illegally stopped. Grow a pair fa**ot and do something about what happened to you? OH thats right, you are.....venting on the internet:eusa_whistle:

See the attitude? That's what I'm talking about.

That's your defence? "So sue me"?? Every time I get police-overreached I'm supposed to go file another suit?

Are you insane?

Sure. Bad apples do get jobs in law enforcement. MAYBE you got stopped by one, and your cowardice in not confronting him and taking your case to his boss is going to result in his continued employment, and violating other people's rights. Grow a pair and do something.....or are you just gonna tolerate it and let it keep happening?

I bet his in-car camera would tell a different story. And who knows, maybe your vehicle matched the description of a vehicle involved in a kidnapping, or murder or some other serious crime, so GOD FORBID he had to inconvenience you to check out your car and ensure you weren't the REAL criminal they were looking for.

Im sure if your kid was kidnapped by a white male in a brown Ford truck, you'd demand cops NOT stop all the brown Ford trucks out there for "bullshit" reasons in an effort to find her.........right?

And, Im sure you read the daily crime reports issued to all the cops, so you KNOW that couldnt have been the case in your stop, right?

Get over it. You got stopped. It was minor. You drove away inconvenienced for a few minutes. Im sure the cop either had a good reason.......or, he wont be in LE for very long. A little longer thanks to you not speaking up, but eventually someone else with some guts will expose him.

Once again your superior asshole attitude just demonstrates my whole point. That's the problem; police drunk on power who think they can push the populace around.

And again, no there was no "matched a crime somewhere". They were sitting there watching us as soon as we came out of the house and waited a considerable time before I pulled out, knowing they were there. It took a considerable time because I was accommodating a disabled friend whose motion is severely limited. They watched the whole thing. They were playing bullshit. As are you.
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Remember, this is the axiom upon which MikeK's argument stands:

You do not have a right to jeopardize others by driving while drunk!

Which is logically equivalent to:

You are allowed to jeopardize other people while driving, so long as you are not drunk.

Uhh no. That's not at all equivalent. I do not believe that by condemning drunk driving he is giving a pass to all other dangerous driving behavior. And you know it -- or you should.

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