Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

See the attitude? That's what I'm talking about.

That's your defence? "So sue me"?? Every time I get police-overreached I'm supposed to go file another suit?

Are you insane?

Sure. Bad apples do get jobs in law enforcement. MAYBE you got stopped by one, and your cowardice in not confronting him and taking your case to his boss is going to result in his continued employment, and violating other people's rights. Grow a pair and do something.....or are you just gonna tolerate it and let it keep happening?

I bet his in-car camera would tell a different story. And who knows, maybe your vehicle matched the description of a vehicle involved in a kidnapping, or murder or some other serious crime, so GOD FORBID he had to inconvenience you to check out your car and ensure you weren't the REAL criminal they were looking for.

Im sure if your kid was kidnapped by a white male in a brown Ford truck, you'd demand cops NOT stop all the brown Ford trucks out there for "bullshit" reasons in an effort to find her.........right?

And, Im sure you read the daily crime reports issued to all the cops, so you KNOW that couldnt have been the case in your stop, right?

Get over it. You got stopped. It was minor. You drove away inconvenienced for a few minutes. Im sure the cop either had a good reason.......or, he wont be in LE for very long. A little longer thanks to you not speaking up, but eventually someone else with some guts will expose him.

Once again your superior asshole attitude just demonstrates my whole point.
That's the problem.

Its not a "superior" attitude. Its an "Im right and you're not" attitude. I clearly explained case law of reasonable suspicion stops. I clearly explained how cops use them with GREAT success at catching criminals, and yes, how it often inconveniences innocent people with petty stops in the process.

I cleary stated the difference in a "bullshit" stop (which may have a very good root reason that the particular driver ends up not being involved in) and an ILLEGAL stop which has no basis in any case law for being conducted.

And I clearly said that if you were subject to an ILLEGAL stop, then did NOTHING about it and plan to do nothing, then you are allowing a corrupt cop to continue his ways until someone finally does man up and expose it.

All while you are posing as a hard ass on the internet who wont, as you said, "bow down" to the government and accept a wrong.

So, you are either dead wrong, or a cowardly hypocrite. I clearly laid out the case for either of the two, but it is limited to ONLY those two.
From the opening post link:
In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that it is not unconstitutional for the state to hold down Americans and forcefully withdraw blood. A January 2013 ruling affirmed that a warrant must be obtained for the process, although police could dispense with the warrant requirement in an “emergency”.

So...this has been going on since at least 2005.

I guess Alex Jones's warning about the Gestapo is a little late.
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It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.
Hey sheep, just because it's "legal" doesn't make it right. You Lefturds have proven you love totalitarianism.

Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance. Since this has been going on since at least 2005, that would make the red state of Georgia and Bush totalitarian, right?
And again, no there was no "matched a crime somewhere". They were sitting there watching us as soon as we came out of the house and waited a considerable time before I pulled out, knowing they were there. It took a considerable time because I was accommodating a disabled friend whose motion is severely limited. They watched the whole thing. They were playing bullshit. As are you.

You added this in an edit. I'll respond to it, and hopefully you read my first response to the pre-edit post.

How do you know there wasnt? Did you read their internal crime report, distributed at roll call each shift? No. You didnt. You ever hear of "Vulnerable Adult" laws? Is it possible they watched you and your disabled friend, and suspected he may have been in an abusive or vulnerable living condition and they found a BS reason to stop you so they could check to ensure he was OK???? way, cops are evil and they waited around all that time just to fuck with YOU right???:cuckoo:
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

And this is your idea of a better solution? A DUI conviction without evidence of guilt?
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So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

And this is your idea of a better solution? Guilty without evidence of guilt?

If they refuse roadside field sobriety tests, and they refuse a breathalyzer test, and we cant take blood..........

Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

And this is your idea of a better solution? Guilty without evidence of guilt?

If they refuse roadside field sobriety tests, and they refuse a breathalyzer test, and we cant take blood..........


Take away the license of someone who refused a breathalyzer. Driving is a privilege.

Now was that really so hard to figure out?
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What a drama queen...

squealing like a little bitch because they are taking blood

Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

You rubes are so cute. Just now whining about something which has been going on since long before Obama.

Such blazing public displays of ignorance!

Such a blazing public display of puerility. Do you people always troll me when I leave you helpless and without a rebuttal? And what does it matter if it's been going on long before Obama? Nobody should be doing this to anyone!
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So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.


How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.
Thank you for your feedback, my vicious, nastly little Internet butt-nugget.

Now, why don't you amaze us with your Constitutional Scholarship, and give us some specifics regarding what you are objecting to, and the Constitutional basis for such objection(s).
Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

You rubes are so cute. Just now whining about something which has been going on since long before Obama.

Such blazing public displays of ignorance!

Such blazing display of a lack of argument. Do you people always troll me when I leave you helpless and without a rebuttal? And what does it matter if it's been going on long before Obama? Nobody should be doing this to anyone!
And yet your masters have been silent all this time. They waited until now to serve you this glass of piss. Hmmmm...

This procedure was ruled constitutional. During Bush's administration.

If you would like to show me Alex Jones puked on himself over this back in 2005, go right ahead.

Otherwise, this faux outrage is pathetically transparent.
You added this in an edit. I'll respond to it, and hopefully you read my first response to the pre-edit post.

How do you know there wasnt? Did you read their internal crime report, distributed at roll call each shift? No. You didnt. You ever hear of "Vulnerable Adult" laws? Is it possible they watched you and your disabled friend, and suspected he may have been in an abusive or vulnerable living condition and they found a BS reason to stop you so they could check to ensure he was OK???? way, cops are evil and they waited around all that time just to fuck with YOU right???:cuckoo:

No, it isn't possible. It's her house where she grew up; they know damn well who she is. And as I said they watched the whole scene of me helping her into the car; it was obvious she was in good care. And I can tell you they've done this before at the same house when another driver who came to pick her up was nonwhite. I might add, this was 700 miles from home, and you expect me to go back to New Jersey and get a lawyer. :cuckoo: Harassing cars from out of state is convenient that way. I'm reminded of Humpy Parker in Texas who used to pull over all the out-of-state licenses, take the drivers in and waterboard them. Thankfully he was finally brought down when one of his out-of-state victims turned out to be an FBI agent.

You seem to make a lot of assumptions; you "know" I haven't filed a lawsuit; you "know" I didn't read the crime report or talk to the PD. That's the kind of assumption that leads to, as you put it, bullshit stops.

Look, I'm not going to sit here and entertain your fantasies. Police simply have way too much power, period.
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You rubes are so cute. Just now whining about something which has been going on since long before Obama.

Such blazing public displays of ignorance!

Such blazing display of a lack of argument. Do you people always troll me when I leave you helpless and without a rebuttal? And what does it matter if it's been going on long before Obama? Nobody should be doing this to anyone!
And yet your masters have been silent all this time. They waited until now to serve you this glass of piss. Hmmmm...

This procedure was ruled constitutional. During Bush's administration.

If you would like to show me Alex Jones puked on himself over this back in 2005, go right ahead.

Otherwise, this faux outrage is pathetically transparent.

How vulgar.

And what are you talking about? The only master I serve is God. I am the master of my will, not like you, who was most likely demagogued into spewing liberal talking points by the elites in your party's establishment. I will make it deadly clear. I don't care. Bush is/was just as bad as Obama. No government whether they be Republican or Democrat should be allowed to treat their citizens so arbitrarily. Bush and Obama are different sides of the same coin. If you can argue me legibly, go right ahead. Otherwise your misplaced self-righteous attitude is noted and dismissed.
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What a drama queen...

squealing like a little bitch because they are taking blood

and exactly what would you do you fucking sheep ? i do understand your liking being strapped down and butt fucked by your loving government.., is that how they take your blood ? or do you willingly slit your wrist and say, "here, take all you want" ?

you :suck: .gov big time :up: :laugh2:
You want to complain about your constitutional rights, do it like a man

Don't squeal like a doesn't fucking hurt

Fucking drama queen

if there are any qweens (sic) around here it is little liarberal twits like you, i do not give blood to anyone.., why are you such a .gov lover ? ooh i forgot.., you like being strapped down and butt fucked by your loving Obumbler and his regime.
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.


How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.
Thank you for your feedback, my vicious, nastly little Internet butt-nugget.

Now, why don't you amaze us with your Constitutional Scholarship, and give us some specifics regarding what you are objecting to, and the Constitutional basis for such objection(s).

You can read the 4th Amendment for starters. You'll find the basis for his objections there as well.
Such blazing display of a lack of argument. Do you people always troll me when I leave you helpless and without a rebuttal? And what does it matter if it's been going on long before Obama? Nobody should be doing this to anyone!
And yet your masters have been silent all this time. They waited until now to serve you this glass of piss. Hmmmm...

This procedure was ruled constitutional. During Bush's administration.

If you would like to show me Alex Jones puked on himself over this back in 2005, go right ahead.

Otherwise, this faux outrage is pathetically transparent.

How vulgar.

And what are you talking about? The only master I serve is God. I am the master of my will, not like you, who was most likely demagogued into spewing liberal talking points by the elites in your party's establishment. I will make it deadly clear. I don't care. Bush is/was just as bad as Obama. No government whether they be Republican or Democrat should be allowed to treat their citizens so arbitrarily. Bush and Obama are different sides of the same coin. If you can argue me legibly, go right ahead. Otherwise your misplaced self-righteous attitude is noted and dismissed.

So I take it you cannot find where Alex Jones attacked the government during the Bush Administration for this.
Here's a clue, folks.

Next time one of your masters pours a big ol' helping of piss over something like this, take a minute to find out how long this has been going on before you make an ass of yourself with the whole "the time is near" doom and gloom, mm-kay?
You can read the 4th Amendment for starters. You'll find the basis for his objections there as well.

the 4th amdt. and all the others do not mean shit to these liberals, invasion of one privacy is one of their specialties, they want to destroy the Constitution and "fundamentally change" America as much as their leader.., "Oburner of the Constitution" :up:

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