Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

And yet your masters have been silent all this time. They waited until now to serve you this glass of piss. Hmmmm...

This procedure was ruled constitutional. During Bush's administration.

If you would like to show me Alex Jones puked on himself over this back in 2005, go right ahead.

Otherwise, this faux outrage is pathetically transparent.

How vulgar.

And what are you talking about? The only master I serve is God. I am the master of my will, not like you, who was most likely demagogued into spewing liberal talking points by the elites in your party's establishment. I will make it deadly clear. I don't care. Bush is/was just as bad as Obama. No government whether they be Republican or Democrat should be allowed to treat their citizens so arbitrarily. Bush and Obama are different sides of the same coin. If you can argue me legibly, go right ahead. Otherwise your misplaced self-righteous attitude is noted and dismissed.

So I take it you cannot find where Alex Jones attacked the government during the Bush Administration for this.

Isn't Alex Jones the same guy who blamed Bush for 9/11? Doesn't that prove he isn't in cahoots with him?

How does this relate to the OP? Do I look like I give a rat's ass about what Alex Jones did or didn't do?! You cannot debate the OP, but you can trash him for quoting WND. How smart. Not.
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"...You can read the 4th Amendment for starters. You'll find the basis for his objections there as well."
I didn't ask you.

And, of course, none of this speaks to the fact that most of these things already occur as part of the chronology of a DUI arrest.

When you post your replies on this board, they are open to responses. If you don't like it, don't post it, dimwit. Just because it's lawful doesn't make it constitutionally legal.
"...When you post your replies on this board, they are open to responses..."
Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou... really? Soooo glad you're here to tell us these things!

"...If you don't like it, don't post it, dimwit..."

Dimwit? What the hell did I ever do to you? Fine. Blow it out your ass, chump.

"...Just because it's lawful doesn't make it constitutionally legal."

No shit, Sherlock.
"...When you post your replies on this board, they are open to responses..."
Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou... really? Soooo glad you're here to tell us these things!

"...If you don't like it, don't post it, dimwit..."

Dimwit? What the hell did I ever do to you? Fine. Blow it out your ass, chump.

"...Just because it's lawful doesn't make it constitutionally legal."

No shit, Sherlock.

Are you drugged? Anger issues? I'll just neg you for being a dimwit on top of telling me which posts I am and am not allowed to respond to.
"...Are you drugged? Anger issues? I'll just neg you for being a dimwit on top of telling me which posts I am and am not allowed to respond to."
You insult someone, then act all offended and Neg-Rep-Righteous when they come back at you and tell you to blow it out your ass?

Knock yourself out, snookums...
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.


How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.
Thank you for your feedback, my vicious, nastly little Internet butt-nugget.

Now, why don't you amaze us with your Constitutional Scholarship, and give us some specifics regarding what you are objecting to, and the Constitutional basis for such objection(s).
Would you please explain your rationale for considering a trip to jail, impounding of your car, and revocation of your driver license as "win-win."

I could understand the firm adherence to principles of liberty if submitting to the breathalyzer was unreasonable and unnecessarily oppressive. But drunk drivers are a menace and these tests are the only means of discouraging their presence on the roads where you and your loved ones could be injured or killed by them. It isn't like being pulled over and searched to see if you're carrying marijuana. It is something that operates in the interest of every sober and responsible driver on the road.

If you're not DUI you will be on your way. If you are DUI you'll get away with a fine and considerably less unpleasantness and loss than if you stand on some unreasonable principle, plead guilty to DUI, get fined, possibly serve six months, and lose your license to drive for a year or more.

I would say that's being a real loser, not winning.
Would you please explain your rationale for considering a trip to jail, impounding of your car, and revocation of your driver license as "win-win."
I would be happy to...

1. it satisfies the demands of blood-draw supporters that they be taken off the road.

2. it satisfies those who object to a non-consensual blood-draw.

Both sides win something.


The trip-to-jail and impounding and revocation are all being done already in most States, once a test has been refused.

"...these tests are the only means of discouraging their presence on the roads..."

Disagree. Treating them as though they failed the test (in most aspects, anyway) rather than just refusing the test accomplishes the same thing when you impound cars, etc.
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By the State's own laws the Breathalyzer test can be refused and no other tests are performed. The new law contradicts the old law by requiring the blood test.

There are diseases that have some of the same symptoms as intoxication - even the smell of alcohol on the breath. One of these is diabetes. There are others that mimic ethanol poisoning (too much to drink) that unless treated promptly could cause death. Then you have people like me, If someone were to turn my head that far it could kill me because of previous injury to the nerves and bones in my neck. I have had two surgeries to provide clearance for the nerves that control my lungs and my heart - twist my head that far and there would be no need to file charges - they would have a dead man on the table.

In my state I can choose a breathalyzer, a blood test performed at a hospital or decline and lose my driving privileges for a year. If I decline both then there is no arrest record, no trial for DUI and no conviction. It is my choice. I don't drink and drive - I rarely drink when I am not at home and I might have as many as three beers a year. This law is not only unlawful - in view of the existing law but it could be fatal for some. If they need to take blood then get it done at a hospital or doctors office not with four cops tying you down to a gurney and on twisting your head to the point it could cause injury or death.
First, if your range of neck motion is as limited as you say it is you could not pass the driving test in New Jersey, which requires more than a 90 degree rotation to check for oncoming traffic before merging from a Yield position.

Last, why would you decline to do the breathalyzer test? It takes ten seconds and there is no physical stress at all. You have that perfectly passive option. It's not like the cops just yank you out of your car, slam you onto a gurney and twist your neck.
You added this in an edit. I'll respond to it, and hopefully you read my first response to the pre-edit post.

How do you know there wasnt? Did you read their internal crime report, distributed at roll call each shift? No. You didnt. You ever hear of "Vulnerable Adult" laws? Is it possible they watched you and your disabled friend, and suspected he may have been in an abusive or vulnerable living condition and they found a BS reason to stop you so they could check to ensure he was OK???? way, cops are evil and they waited around all that time just to fuck with YOU right???:cuckoo:

No, it isn't possible. It's her house where she grew up; they know damn well who she is. And as I said they watched the whole scene of me helping her into the car; it was obvious she was in good care. And I can tell you they've done this before at the same house when another driver who came to pick her up was nonwhite. I might add, this was 700 miles from home, and you expect me to go back to New Jersey and get a lawyer. :cuckoo: Harassing cars from out of state is convenient that way. I'm reminded of Humpy Parker in Texas who used to pull over all the out-of-state licenses, take the drivers in and waterboard them. Thankfully he was finally brought down when one of his out-of-state victims turned out to be an FBI agent.

You seem to make a lot of assumptions; you "know" I haven't filed a lawsuit; you "know" I didn't read the crime report or talk to the PD. That's the kind of assumption that leads to, as you put it, bullshit stops.

Look, I'm not going to sit here and entertain your fantasies. Police simply have way too much power, period. every cop knows every single citizen in a city, and knows where each individual lives, and how long they've lived there? Wow. Atlanta PD's 2,000 cops sure have great memories for a metro area of 5,000,000 people to know every single one by heart, where they live, and for how long they've lived there.

Just be honest dude. You hate cops. You hate that they have authority. You are one of "those" types.
Unfortunately for the "jack boots", pigs and tyrants, they left a few loopholes on how you can avoid being strapped down and having your blood drawn. HOW? Here are the loopholes they missed:

1- Dont get drunk then drive
2- Dont smell like booze, have glassy eyes and slurred speech while driving
3- Dont fail the straight line walk and turn test
4- Dont fail the "D to Z" alphabet test
5- Dont fail the 1 leg stand test
6- Dont fail the nistagmus test, which is the most accurate physical test of all
7- If you do happen to commit 1-6, and are asked to blow, then BLOW into the machine like you consented to do when you accepted a driver's license.
8- Reread #7. Blow into the BA machine.

Now, if you simply follow all or any combination of 3 or more of the above 8 listed items, your blood will NOT be drawn. Those idiot dicators HAHAHA we outsmarted them!
Oh, but you far right wingers please keep demonizing cops. You're pushing more and more of them to the Democrat Party. And the sequester, constant right wing push for wars, and growing hatred of all things govt is eventually gonna cost you guys the military support as well.
"Democrat [sic] party".
If I didn't know enough already, that phrase alone would tell me plenty.
Unfortunately for the "jack boots", pigs and tyrants, they left a few loopholes on how you can avoid being strapped down and having your blood drawn. HOW? Here are the loopholes they missed:

1- Dont get drunk then drive
2- Dont smell like booze, have glassy eyes and slurred speech while driving
3- Dont fail the straight line walk and turn test
4- Dont fail the "D to Z" alphabet test
5- Dont fail the 1 leg stand test
6- Dont fail the nistagmus test, which is the most accurate physical test of all
7- If you do happen to commit 1-6, and are asked to blow, then BLOW into the machine like you consented to do when you accepted a driver's license.
8- Reread #7. Blow into the BA machine.

Now, if you simply follow all or any combination of 3 or more of the above 8 listed items, your blood will NOT be drawn. Those idiot dicators HAHAHA we outsmarted them!

You left out a few:
9. Don't DWB
10. Don't DWH
11. Don't happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.
Thank you for your feedback, my vicious, nastly little Internet butt-nugget.

Now, why don't you amaze us with your Constitutional Scholarship, and give us some specifics regarding what you are objecting to, and the Constitutional basis for such objection(s).
Would you please explain your rationale for considering a trip to jail, impounding of your car, and revocation of your driver license as "win-win."

I could understand the firm adherence to principles of liberty if submitting to the breathalyzer was unreasonable and unnecessarily oppressive. But drunk drivers are a menace and these tests are the only means of discouraging their presence on the roads where you and your loved ones could be injured or killed by them. It isn't like being pulled over and searched to see if you're carrying marijuana. It is something that operates in the interest of every sober and responsible driver on the road.

If you're not DUI you will be on your way. If you are DUI you'll get away with a fine and considerably less unpleasantness and loss than if you stand on some unreasonable principle, plead guilty to DUI, get fined, possibly serve six months, and lose your license to drive for a year or more.

I would say that's being a real loser, not winning.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

US Constitution, Amendment V
Anybody who believes their individual liberty should put others in the public at risk from drinking and driving deserve big needles when their blood is drawn.

Your sadistic-psychotic streak is showing again, pops.

Enforcement of a sensible law by the lege when a criminal refuses to follow it is sadistic-psychotic in your estimation? Jarl, you just described yourself.

You are projecting YET AGAIN, pops!
:cuckoo: Here we go.................

Ok. 8 years working PD in that exact same city in the link.

A cop cant pull you just for "suspicion". He must have a moving violation first, like swerving, speeding, red light, etc, or, something factual that may tie you into a crime, like your car is similar to one that was the getaway car for a recent crime.

Stop lying. That is and has always been fiction and anyone HONEST will admit it.

You're WRONG. Terry vs Ohio, aka, a "Terry Stop". A cop must have a minimum "reasonable suspicion that a person or car MAY have been involved in a crime in the past, MAY be currently involved in a crime, or MAY be about to be involved in a crime............based on facts or circumstances known by the officer in which a REASONABLE person under the same circumstances would come to the same conclusion".

Meaning: A 7-11 is robbed at gunpoint by a white male. He flees in a blue Honda sedan. You are driving a blue Honda sedan within 2-3 miles of that gas station, and you are a white male. A cop CAN stop you for that, although you have committed no crime.

Again....."bullshit" vs "illegal" is a big fat line. The cop may tell you "You're blinker didnt work" or "You have smoke coming from your pipe". Whatever. He's not gonna tip you off just in case you DID happen to be the robber, he wants to read your reaction.

NEvermind. You folks who are trying to grasp real world police work never will.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Is this sinking in yet? In the REAL WORLD, you can be pulled over for any or no reason. If a cop doesn't have a valid reason, he can and will just make something up. We both know this is the case, and if you are HONEST, you will admit it!

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