Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

Three weeks later, a State Trooper shows up at where she works, goes to her desk, handcuffs her and perp-walks her out of her Office for DUI.

Of course, she lost her job. And almost lost her mind.

I knew her. She was my Customer. Incidentally, so was the Trooper.

People, you need to understand something.......

ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING proposed by the left? There's a turd in there somewhere. They believe in an all-powerful State and ain't nothing ever gonna change them.

Although I do have a proven cure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is a true story as best as I can remember it.

Hand to God.

NEVER trust a dimocrap.

Fukking NEVER

The left? Democrats? So, Florida and Georgia are run by leftist legislatures? You're full of shit and not too bright on top of it.

First, it happened while Lawton Chiles (D-Scumbag) was Governor.

Secondly, it was pushed... HARD... by the leftist group MADD.

Third, Florida went for the scum-sucking piece of shit obama in the last two elections.

Fourth, go suck a dick. Do it today.
why....? because our government 'said so'.....? people traveled the dirt roads of America for centuries without a government license that 'permitted' them to do so....

Yes, they did, but they weren't driving cars. They were walking, riding horses, driving wagons or carts pulled by horses, dogs, ponies, donkeys or oxen, but once people starting driving cars, licenses were required. When the speed of travel became such that people risked life and limb by driving, laws were enacted to ensure that those driving were fit and competent.

Until the 1900's heroin, cocaine and other drugs weren't illegal either. Are you suggesting that since these things were legal in the past, it's our right to use them as we see fit?
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When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.

keep telling yourself that Jakeyboy...

you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...

Sorry, Sparky, I'm a libertarian and I'm here to tell you that no, you don't have the right to drive an automobile on a public road. You do so at the grace of the state and you follow their guidelines. If you don't like it then find another means of transportation.

Sorry dude, the Supremes already ruled the using drug dogs was illegal, this will in time I think be rulled the same. but not up to speed on just taking someone to the hospital at a check under just a hunch of a DUI...
Justices Strike Down Drug Checkpoints - ABC News
The U.S. Supreme Court today struck down the police practice of executing random drug searches at highway checkpoints, calling the practice a violation of Americans’ right to privacy. With the court’s most conservative members dissenting, the justices ruled against the city of Indianapolis, voting 6-3 that the police use of roadblocks and random stops to cut the flow of illegal drugs through the city was unconstitutional.
When I first moved to Florida, the drinking age was 18. Not 3.2 beer -- Everything.

Drinking and driving was the norm. There were a bunch of places that had drive-through windows, like a McDonalds, where you could pull up, order a drink or a beer and drive all around town.

I swear to God, it is true. You could be driving along and raise your beer to a Cop. He'd just smile and go on about his business.

But then, the 2nd worst president in history happened (right behind the Stuttering Clusterfukk) and Frank Lautenberg saw a chance to make some points and get his disgusting face on TV.

Jimmy the Peanut, with Lautenberg (may he rot in Hell) running his stinking pie hole, started to Champion a National minimum drinking age of 21.

Florida didn't want to change their age limit. We're a "Party State". It's what we do. We party. And the roads are safer here than almost anywhere else in the Country.

So the Peanut shut down the construction of I-75 at Tampa. Cold. Stopped it... Cold. In its tracks.

And then it caught on.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM pushed it like it was a cure for Cancer, evry dimocrap douchebag on Earth got his or her ignorant face on TV talking about "The Children" and Reagan was shamed into signing it into law in 1984.

I lived it, I watched it, don't argue with me about it.

And know what? Didn't make a goddamned bit of fukking difference. If anything, the roads are worse, the drunks are worse, there's more deaths and injuries and people under 21 just party, irresponsibly, at private residences, Motels, Hotels, at the Beach, in the woods... Whatever.

Compare our completely and utterly STOOPID drinking age to the rest of the World. It's just ignorant.

And no, disgusting libtards... It isn't Bible-Thumping Conservatives that did it... It was the scum of the Earth dimocraps that did it. Your pals. The dumbest motherfukkers on Earth.

We share a minimum drinking age of 21 with Countries like Pakistan, Kazakstan, Indonesia and only one or two more.

Stupidity. But... We're talking dimocraps here. What else can you expect?

Most of Europe? Germany, the minimum drinking age is 16, same as Italy and Switzerland.

The majority of the World? 18.

Only IDIOT scumbag dimocraps pushed the drinking age to 21 because they got a few votes out of it. Because they hopped on the "MADD" bandwagon and pretended to give a fukk.

And you know why it stuck? Know why it ain't gonna change? Ever?

Because States accidentally found out that there was MILLIONS to be made on handng out DUIs.


And scum-of-the-Earth lawyers? Getting fat as hell off of it. Tons of them.

In this State, $3,000 to get it pleaded down to a reckless. Which is ignorant. If it's alcohol-related, the reckless scores the same as a DUI. The only difference?

A scum-sucking lawyer gets $3,000 of your money. The State gets several hundred and various 'schools' get hundreds more. Like those 'schools' aren't owned by someone else that's "Connected".

So Jeff Gordon blows a .08 and he's a threat society but Granny Good Witch, who could never drive in the first place, can cruise on down the road with her left turn signal on for ten miles?

You people deserve what you get.
why....? because our government 'said so'.....? people traveled the dirt roads of America for centuries without a government license that 'permitted' them to do so....

Yes, they did, but they weren't driving cars. They were walking, riding horses, driving wagons or carts pulled by horses, dogs, ponies, donkeys or oxen, but once people starting driving cars, licenses were required. When the speed of travel became such that people risked life and limb by driving, laws were enacted to ensure that those driving were fit and competent.

Until the 1900's heroin, cocaine and other drugs weren't illegal either. Are you suggesting that since these things were legal in the past, it's our right to use them as we see fit?

Yea but weed stays in your system for a long time, the high does not, so they are getting busted for smoking a joint a 3 weeks or so ago in Colorado and traviling to say Georgia? lol, this will get interesting....
When I first moved to Florida, the drinking age was 18. Not 3.2 beer -- Everything.

Drinking and driving was the norm. There were a bunch of places that had drive-through windows, like a McDonalds, where you could pull up, order a drink or a beer and drive all around town.

I swear to God, it is true. You could be driving along and raise your beer to a Cop. He'd just smile and go on about his business.

But then, the 2nd worst president in history happened (right behind the Stuttering Clusterfukk) and Frank Lautenberg saw a chance to make some points and get his disgusting face on TV.

Jimmy the Peanut, with Lautenberg (may he rot in Hell) running his stinking pie hole, started to Champion a National minimum drinking age of 21.

Florida didn't want to change their age limit. We're a "Party State". It's what we do. We party. And the roads are safer here than almost anywhere else in the Country.

So the Peanut shut down the construction of I-75 at Tampa. Cold. Stopped it... Cold. In its tracks.

And then it caught on.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM pushed it like it was a cure for Cancer, evry dimocrap douchebag on Earth got his or her ignorant face on TV talking about "The Children" and Reagan was shamed into signing it into law in 1984.

I lived it, I watched it, don't argue with me about it.

And know what? Didn't make a goddamned bit of fukking difference. If anything, the roads are worse, the drunks are worse, there's more deaths and injuries and people under 21 just party, irresponsibly, at private residences, Motels, Hotels, at the Beach, in the woods... Whatever.

Compare our completely and utterly STOOPID drinking age to the rest of the World. It's just ignorant.

And no, disgusting libtards... It isn't Bible-Thumping Conservatives that did it... It was the scum of the Earth dimocraps that did it. Your pals. The dumbest motherfukkers on Earth.

We share a minimum drinking age of 21 with Countries like Pakistan, Kazakstan, Indonesia and only one or two more.

Stupidity. But... We're talking dimocraps here. What else can you expect?

Most of Europe? Germany, the minimum drinking age is 16, same as Italy and Switzerland.

The majority of the World? 18.

Only IDIOT scumbag dimocraps pushed the drinking age to 21 because they got a few votes out of it. Because they hopped on the "MADD" bandwagon and pretended to give a fukk.

And you know why it stuck? Know why it ain't gonna change? Ever?

Because States accidentally found out that there was MILLIONS to be made on handng out DUIs.


And scum-of-the-Earth lawyers? Getting fat as hell off of it. Tons of them.

In this State, $3,000 to get it pleaded down to a reckless. Which is ignorant. If it's alcohol-related, the reckless scores the same as a DUI. The only difference?

A scum-sucking lawyer gets $3,000 of your money. The State gets several hundred and various 'schools' get hundreds more. Like those 'schools' aren't owned by someone else that's "Connected".

So Jeff Gordon blows a .08 and he's a threat society but Granny Good Witch, who could never drive in the first place, can cruise on down the road with her left turn signal on for ten miles?

You people deserve what you get.

So true, I remember visting my uncle in the 80's in mississippi, He stopped off and got a 6 pack and said no worries you can drink a beer and drive down here. Also the drinking age back then in Illinois was 21 and Wisconsin was 18 so you knew where all us kids went to party.
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.


How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.

The link won't open. But if the point you are trying to make is that the person is being forced to incriminate himself with DNA then you are way off base. The 5th Amendment pertains to testimony. You cannot be compelled to testify in a manner that would self incriminate. DNA is not testimony. The SCOTUS ruled on that one years ago.
When I first moved to Florida, the drinking age was 18. Not 3.2 beer -- Everything.

Drinking and driving was the norm. There were a bunch of places that had drive-through windows, like a McDonalds, where you could pull up, order a drink or a beer and drive all around town.

I swear to God, it is true. You could be driving along and raise your beer to a Cop. He'd just smile and go on about his business.

But then, the 2nd worst president in history happened (right behind the Stuttering Clusterfukk) and Frank Lautenberg saw a chance to make some points and get his disgusting face on TV.

Jimmy the Peanut, with Lautenberg (may he rot in Hell) running his stinking pie hole, started to Champion a National minimum drinking age of 21.

Florida didn't want to change their age limit. We're a "Party State". It's what we do. We party. And the roads are safer here than almost anywhere else in the Country.

So the Peanut shut down the construction of I-75 at Tampa. Cold. Stopped it... Cold. In its tracks.

And then it caught on.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM pushed it like it was a cure for Cancer, evry dimocrap douchebag on Earth got his or her ignorant face on TV talking about "The Children" and Reagan was shamed into signing it into law in 1984.

I lived it, I watched it, don't argue with me about it.

And know what? Didn't make a goddamned bit of fukking difference. If anything, the roads are worse, the drunks are worse, there's more deaths and injuries and people under 21 just party, irresponsibly, at private residences, Motels, Hotels, at the Beach, in the woods... Whatever.

Compare our completely and utterly STOOPID drinking age to the rest of the World. It's just ignorant.

And no, disgusting libtards... It isn't Bible-Thumping Conservatives that did it... It was the scum of the Earth dimocraps that did it. Your pals. The dumbest motherfukkers on Earth.

We share a minimum drinking age of 21 with Countries like Pakistan, Kazakstan, Indonesia and only one or two more.

Stupidity. But... We're talking dimocraps here. What else can you expect?

Most of Europe? Germany, the minimum drinking age is 16, same as Italy and Switzerland.

The majority of the World? 18.

Only IDIOT scumbag dimocraps pushed the drinking age to 21 because they got a few votes out of it. Because they hopped on the "MADD" bandwagon and pretended to give a fukk.

And you know why it stuck? Know why it ain't gonna change? Ever?

Because States accidentally found out that there was MILLIONS to be made on handng out DUIs.


And scum-of-the-Earth lawyers? Getting fat as hell off of it. Tons of them.

In this State, $3,000 to get it pleaded down to a reckless. Which is ignorant. If it's alcohol-related, the reckless scores the same as a DUI. The only difference?

A scum-sucking lawyer gets $3,000 of your money. The State gets several hundred and various 'schools' get hundreds more. Like those 'schools' aren't owned by someone else that's "Connected".

So Jeff Gordon blows a .08 and he's a threat society but Granny Good Witch, who could never drive in the first place, can cruise on down the road with her left turn signal on for ten miles?

You people deserve what you get.

The solution to your problem is simple: Don't drive while under the influence.
The individual citizen has the right to make choices.

We the People through our lege and courts decide the consequences of those choices.

A libertarian's worst personality fault is his or her inability to control impulses.

Go create your own country if you must, but you won't change this one.
Sunshine said:
The solution to your problem is simple: Don't drive while under the influence.

Just so. Choices have consequences.

True conservatives, centrists, and liberals understand.
Pop culture (Rodney King) media strikes again. Anywhere from a thousand to two thousand Mexican citizens were murdered with weapons shipped by the US. Not much outrage. A US Ambassador was murdered and three other people including two retired Navy Seals. Not much outrage. A DUI suspect screams on National TV and suddenly people are manipulated into....outrage.
why....? because our government 'said so'.....? people traveled the dirt roads of America for centuries without a government license that 'permitted' them to do so....

Yes, they did, but they weren't driving cars. They were walking, riding horses, driving wagons or carts pulled by horses, dogs, ponies, donkeys or oxen, but once people starting driving cars, licenses were required. When the speed of travel became such that people risked life and limb by driving, laws were enacted to ensure that those driving were fit and competent.

Until the 1900's heroin, cocaine and other drugs weren't illegal either. Are you suggesting that since these things were legal in the past, it's our right to use them as we see fit?

no they didn't for the most part except perhaps for on some toll roads or on commercial uses they were levied...

the state has the right to levy for commercial use of the roads (such as for cocaine transport) but not for personal use...because that interferes with our basic Constitutional rights to life and liberty...

personal liberty includes moving around long as you don't hurt others of course...

a license takes away that liberty and converts that right into a 'privilege'....of course forcing you to pay for auto insurance is a part of that licensed 'privilege'....
When I first moved to Florida, the drinking age was 18. Not 3.2 beer -- Everything.

Drinking and driving was the norm. There were a bunch of places that had drive-through windows, like a McDonalds, where you could pull up, order a drink or a beer and drive all around town.

I swear to God, it is true. You could be driving along and raise your beer to a Cop. He'd just smile and go on about his business.

But then, the 2nd worst president in history happened (right behind the Stuttering Clusterfukk) and Frank Lautenberg saw a chance to make some points and get his disgusting face on TV.

Jimmy the Peanut, with Lautenberg (may he rot in Hell) running his stinking pie hole, started to Champion a National minimum drinking age of 21.

Florida didn't want to change their age limit. We're a "Party State". It's what we do. We party. And the roads are safer here than almost anywhere else in the Country.

So the Peanut shut down the construction of I-75 at Tampa. Cold. Stopped it... Cold. In its tracks.

And then it caught on.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM pushed it like it was a cure for Cancer, evry dimocrap douchebag on Earth got his or her ignorant face on TV talking about "The Children" and Reagan was shamed into signing it into law in 1984.

I lived it, I watched it, don't argue with me about it.

And know what? Didn't make a goddamned bit of fukking difference. If anything, the roads are worse, the drunks are worse, there's more deaths and injuries and people under 21 just party, irresponsibly, at private residences, Motels, Hotels, at the Beach, in the woods... Whatever.

Compare our completely and utterly STOOPID drinking age to the rest of the World. It's just ignorant.

And no, disgusting libtards... It isn't Bible-Thumping Conservatives that did it... It was the scum of the Earth dimocraps that did it. Your pals. The dumbest motherfukkers on Earth.

We share a minimum drinking age of 21 with Countries like Pakistan, Kazakstan, Indonesia and only one or two more.

Stupidity. But... We're talking dimocraps here. What else can you expect?

Most of Europe? Germany, the minimum drinking age is 16, same as Italy and Switzerland.

The majority of the World? 18.

Only IDIOT scumbag dimocraps pushed the drinking age to 21 because they got a few votes out of it. Because they hopped on the "MADD" bandwagon and pretended to give a fukk.

And you know why it stuck? Know why it ain't gonna change? Ever?

Because States accidentally found out that there was MILLIONS to be made on handng out DUIs.


And scum-of-the-Earth lawyers? Getting fat as hell off of it. Tons of them.

In this State, $3,000 to get it pleaded down to a reckless. Which is ignorant. If it's alcohol-related, the reckless scores the same as a DUI. The only difference?

A scum-sucking lawyer gets $3,000 of your money. The State gets several hundred and various 'schools' get hundreds more. Like those 'schools' aren't owned by someone else that's "Connected".

So Jeff Gordon blows a .08 and he's a threat society but Granny Good Witch, who could never drive in the first place, can cruise on down the road with her left turn signal on for ten miles?

You people deserve what you get.

The solution to your problem is simple: Don't drive while under the influence.

Nah just use the net, they have to post in advance where the check points will take place. wouldnt doubt if there was a app for that....
Why Do Police Announce DUI Checkpoints? | Valley Independent Sentinel
“Because the United State Supreme Court made a ruling and said we were obligated to do so,” Lt. J. Paul Vance, a state police spokesman, said Tuesday. “We’re obligated to follow the law like anybody else does.”
screaming eagle, no one of consequence or common sense gives a rat's ass about radical libertarianism.
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So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.


How psychotic. Read the 5th Amendment...for comprehension this time, pisshead.

I don't, and I don't believe anybody else, have a problem with getting DRUNKS off the road. They're dangerous.

What I have a problem with is an arbitrary Blood Alcohol level that automatically makes you a criminal.

I have a problem with Road Blocks and Check Points. I have a problem with out of control Police activity.

True story:

The Cops down here were running a (IMHO, unConstitutional) Check Point and snagged around 30 illegals and 10 drunks one night.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the local LSM got all upset. Know about what?

Not that they unConstitutionally arrested 10 Tax-Paying, hard-working, God Fearing, Flag Saluting Americans.... But because they busted 30 fukking Tacos!!!

I mean.... They were PISSED!! Front page news in all the local commie rags!!

Another friend of mine drove forty miles from Naples to Cape Coral. Did fine. No problems.

Got arrested for DUI three blocks from her house.

Cops are no longer here to 'Protect and Serve'

They're Tax-Collectors with guns.

If you're a Cop and you wanna make friends and influence people? You better be bringing in some money. If you're on at night? You better be handing out the DUIs. If you're on during the day? Let's see some speeding tickets.

There have been VOLUMES written about this.

Know how much the State of Florida made last year just on Speeding Fines?

Over ONE BILLION DOLLARS!!!! That's BILLION with a "B"!!!

DUI fines? Can't find it.

And the amount of money stinking, thieving, lying, scumbag lawyers made? Unknown. Well over a BILLION. Easy.

It's a racket. And it's brought to you by the dimocrap party. Republicans aren't a lot better. But the dimocraps? scumbags. totally

of course

Hint: If you see in the paper that your local gestapo wants some kind of new toy, new radar, new whatever.....? Watch yer ass. They're gonna be out handing out citations for the money.

it's about the money people.
screaming eagle, no one of consequence or common sense gives a rat's ass about libertarianism.

who said anything about libertarianism....? i'm talking about the erosion of Constitutional rights......kind of like the way the State is now 'taxing' you for healthcare....
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Does anyone know how many States have this law? Other than Georgia?

Florida does.

When the law was put on the ballot, I tried to warn people. But they didn't listen.

True story.

A client of mine was sitting at a stop light, on her way home, minding her own business when a guy hit her car in the ass.

Let me set the stage. It was about 7:30PM and she was on her way home from a Happy Hour where she had two drinks.

She had just had a baby and the day she came home from the Hospital, her husband announced he was leaving her for another woman.

It had been about a Month since that happened and her co-workers talked her into going out with them for a couple drinks to try and lift her spirits because she was kinda depressed.

Who wouldn't be?

So anyway, she's in her car, minding her own business and gets hit.

The Ambulance comes and -- Let me tell you.... When an Ambulance shows up, they don't get paid by anybody unless they take you to the Hospital, so they try to talk you into going to the Hospital. So they made her nervous and she went with the Paramedics.

In Florida, if it's an Injury Accident, Hospitals are REQUIRED to test for alcohol REGARDLESS of who is at fault

Three weeks later, a State Trooper shows up at where she works, goes to her desk, handcuffs her and perp-walks her out of her Office for DUI.

Of course, she lost her job. And almost lost her mind.

I knew her. She was my Customer. Incidentally, so was the Trooper.

People, you need to understand something.......

ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING proposed by the left? There's a turd in there somewhere. They believe in an all-powerful State and ain't nothing ever gonna change them.

Although I do have a proven cure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is a true story as best as I can remember it.

Hand to God.

NEVER trust a dimocrap.

Fukking NEVER

While I appreciate the sentiment and the story, can you prove to me that the wording of the law that allows for the forced withdrawal of blood came from Democrats? Evidently it has been on the books for years. What makes you think it did not come from a neo-con? After all, they are just as totalitarian as the far left. In fact, so much so that it is damned difficult to tell the two apart.

It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.

As judge Napolitano says...many laws are legal...but that does not mean they are constitutional.
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It is legal because the legislators passed a law but it can still be unlawful because it conflicts with the old law that is still on the books that says if you refuse the Breathalyzer, no test shall be issued.

It is unlawful to search without consent, probable cause or a search warrant issued as a result of probable cause and sworn to in front of a judge.

They get the warrants from a judge or magistrate so the warrant is legal, however the conflict with the existing law may still make the blood test unlawful.

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