Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

Everyone especially the media wanted zero tolerance for DUI and now we have it. Most states lift your drivers license for refusing a blood test. Georgia goes a step further.

They suspend the DL AFTER the blood. Its still not working. Lots of DUI deaths still.
Driving is a privilege not a right. You agree when applying for a license to undergo a field sobriety and breathalyzer tests at the officers discretion with probable cause, so what is so hard about understanding that? Now that pot has been decriminalized and in many states legal to purchase how will law enforcement personnel produce evidence to convict DUI's? I for one see no problem. It is rather simple if you are stupid enough to smoke pot or drive after drinking you deserve what you get. I just pray I am not on the same road as you.
Call it what you will and avoid the question. The concept is the same, being forced to under go some type of procedure they would rather not have happen.
So you can deny all you want it shows the amount of hypocrisy.

So, let us take this one step further. What is your thoughts on a woman being forced to submit to a vaginal probe by a doctor?

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

Different law, different state, irrelevant argument. It is irrelevant what his thoughts are of the laws in Wisconsin.
F*ckin' Pigs indeed! :clap2:

But don't worry, the US Military is gonna' come ridin' in and save us all! :lmao:
Perhaps we need overarching Federal legislation prohibiting non-consensual Bodily Violation by the State.

The Devil is in the details and there are probably a thousand-and-one permutations and pros and cons that will spring to mind but the core-idea may have some merit.
Call it what you will and avoid the question. The concept is the same, being forced to under go some type of procedure they would rather not have happen.
So you can deny all you want it shows the amount of hypocrisy.

So, let us take this one step further. What is your thoughts on a woman being forced to submit to a vaginal probe by a doctor?

Different law, different state, irrelevant argument. It is irrelevant what his thoughts are of the laws in Wisconsin.


Referencing irrelevant topics is a form of dodging.
So, let us take this one step further. What is your thoughts on a woman being forced to submit to a vaginal probe by a doctor?

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

Different law, different state, irrelevant argument. It is irrelevant what his thoughts are of the laws in Wisconsin.

This is why we laugh at you, as a self-proclaimed autodidact, when obviously the argument is about principle and not law. The law is not illegal until someone with authority is able to declare it so with authority and power. The comparison is valid in that both actions are invasive of a human's body. The counter argument will be that the "wand" is to protect the interests of society, the woman and child. However, the blood test is to protect the rights of the subject and the safety of society as a whole.

This is what happens whenever a reactionary with a radical minority agenda like TemplarKormac attempts to reason. It fails.
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Three weeks later, a State Trooper shows up at where she works, goes to her desk, handcuffs her and perp-walks her out of her Office for DUI.

Of course, she lost her job. And almost lost her mind.

I knew her. She was my Customer. Incidentally, so was the Trooper.

People, you need to understand something.......

ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING proposed by the left? There's a turd in there somewhere. They believe in an all-powerful State and ain't nothing ever gonna change them.

Although I do have a proven cure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is a true story as best as I can remember it.

Hand to God.

NEVER trust a dimocrap.

Fukking NEVER

The left? Democrats? So, Florida and Georgia are run by leftist legislatures? You're full of shit and not too bright on top of it.
Driving is a privilege not a right. You agree when applying for a license to undergo a field sobriety and breathalyzer tests at the officers discretion with probable cause, so what is so hard about understanding that? Now that pot has been decriminalized and in many states legal to purchase how will law enforcement personnel produce evidence to convict DUI's? I for one see no problem. It is rather simple if you are stupid enough to smoke pot or drive after drinking you deserve what you get. I just pray I am not on the same road as you.

yeah....that's what they keep telling us.....your susposedly free movements are all a "privilege"......:eusa_hand:
When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.
When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.

keep telling yourself that Jakeyboy...

you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...
you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...

Conservatives and their "rights". Not everything you do is a right and driving a car on a road is not a right. Nor is eating junk food.

You do have the right to remain stupid. If you do, everything you post can and will be used against in the court of public opinion.
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you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...

Conservatives and their "rights". Not everything you do is a right and driving a car on a road is not a right. Nor is eating junk food.

You do have the right to remain stupid. If you do, everything you post can and will be used against in the court of public opinion.

Driving isn't a right, but abortion is? Just what flawed logic to you draw your argument from?
What a drama queen...

squealing like a little bitch because they are taking blood

Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

When you give blood it's by your own will.

What a surprise that the Marxist defends the civil rights abuses of the state. :eusa_whistle:
When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.

I agree with you, the problem here in what is happening in Georgia is that the arrested party is being forced to prove their innocent, which is not how our justice system is supposed to work. You're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and they're having their Constitutional rights violated in the process.
When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.

keep telling yourself that Jakeyboy...

you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...

Sorry, Sparky, I'm a libertarian and I'm here to tell you that no, you don't have the right to drive an automobile on a public road. You do so at the grace of the state and you follow their guidelines. If you don't like it then find another means of transportation.
Still cannot come up with any real rebuttal can you. IT is to be expected of course. I was not in anyway referencing an irrelevant topic it was a comparison. No wonder that confused you.
Still the hypocrisy of you and your kind shines out.

Call it what you will and avoid the question. The concept is the same, being forced to under go some type of procedure they would rather not have happen.
So you can deny all you want it shows the amount of hypocrisy.

Different law, different state, irrelevant argument. It is irrelevant what his thoughts are of the laws in Wisconsin.


Referencing irrelevant topics is a form of dodging.
They do live in the bubble.

So, let us take this one step further. What is your thoughts on a woman being forced to submit to a vaginal probe by a doctor?

Different law, different state, irrelevant argument. It is irrelevant what his thoughts are of the laws in Wisconsin.

This is why we laugh at you, as a self-proclaimed autodidact, when obviously the argument is about principle and not law. The law is not illegal until someone with authority is able to declare it so with authority and power. The comparison is valid in that both actions are invasive of a human's body. The counter argument will be that the "wand" is to protect the interests of society, the woman and child. However, the blood test is to protect the rights of the subject and the safety of society as a whole.

This is what happens whenever a reactionary with a radical minority agenda like TemplarKormac attempts to reason. It fails.
When you are operating heavy machinery, which can be exemplified by an automobile, in public on public roads, yelling chicken, yes, it is a privilege not a right.

keep telling yourself that Jakeyboy...

you have the human right to's only when you interfere with other travelers you should get into trouble...

and just who do you think pays for the roads you drive on?......WE DO.......WE THE PEOPLE own the public should be our RIGHT....not drive on them...

Sorry, Sparky, I'm a libertarian and I'm here to tell you that no, you don't have the right to drive an automobile on a public road. You do so at the grace of the state and you follow their guidelines. If you don't like it then find another means of transportation.

why....? because our government 'said so'.....? people traveled the dirt roads of America for centuries without a government license that 'permitted' them to do so....

i do agree with having rules of the road for safety i agree we need to arrest those who break the rules.....(although forcible drawing of blood is way over the line)

but i refuse to agree that it is just our "privilege" to drive on OUR if Big Brother Government is granting us some sort of favor...:eusa_hand:
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