Fox:Man screams "What country is this!" while the pigs strap him down and draw blood!

I'm not watching an Alex Jones video. Why is blood being drawn from the guy?
What a drama queen...

squealing like a little bitch because they are taking blood

Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.
Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.

The law was clear, the man would not comply, so the cops made the man comply.

End of story.

Not surprised it's where? Listen to these bigots, you would think that they still live in the democrat party segregationist days. The weather channel is located in Atlanta. Personally I'd much rather drive through Georgia than Detroit or Chicago.
When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.

The law was clear, the man would not comply, so the cops made the man comply.

End of story.

Hmmm... arresting someone on suspicion of committing a crime or of participating in an illegal circumstance... didn't Arizona get slapped with a lawsuit for wanting to do something similar?
Then let them strap you down like that and see how you feel about it. You'd squeal like a stuck pig.

When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.

That is what every drunk says....

Should have taken the breathalyzer .........

You want it the hard way or the easy way?
LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.

The law was clear, the man would not comply, so the cops made the man comply.

End of story.

Hmmm... arresting someone on suspicion of committing a crime or of participating in an illegal circumstance... didn't Arizona get slapped with a lawsuit for wanting to do something similar?

You really don't know how to constructively think, do you? The ed system in your state gave you an opportunity to become a self-actualized learner, and you blew it.

The law is the creation of the legislature elected by the We the People of the state.

If you don't like it, podjo, then get the legislature to change it.
When I give blood, I take it like a man and don't whimper and squeal like some drunk libertarian.

LOL did you even read the link? It was doubtful this guy was drunk you idiot. They "suspected" him of being drunk. He didn't consent to this blood test. Yes indeed, you did not read the link.

That is what every drunk says....

Should have taken the breathalyzer .........

You want it the hard way or the easy way?

Nah, but I bet this resembles you each time you speak:

It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

The new power behind the Democrat Party considers Liberals like Jake nothing more than the first layer of fertilizer in the mass graves
It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

And if jakey really wants to drag political parties into this, who is building the giant database to collate health, financial, and other personal records?
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
So, the guy gets drunk, drives, is pulled over and refuses the breathalyzer. Then he is forced, by law, to have blood drawn to determine if he was too impaired to drive. And conservatives in this thread are whining about it. What should the police have done -- let him go about his merry way? Would you guys rather see a drunk on the road?
Refuse the breathalyzer test?

Refuse the blood-draw test?

Automatic 'Guilty' plea to DUI charge.

Automatic towing-and-impounding of car and trip to jail and final chance to change mind about testing and formal charging (booking) and plea-entry and bail and scheduling of appearance for sentencing.

Automatic suspension or revocation of driver's license.

This way, there is no ultra-personal 'invasion' and the guy is off-the-street.

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It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

And if jakey really wants to drag political parties into this, who is building the giant database to collate health, financial, and other personal records?

To be even more accurate both parties helped craft the GA law, and both parties helped craft the NSA and its perverse actions.

I am aware the perverse far right reactionaries, with their radical agendas, wish to send us back to the 1950s politically, culturally, and socially. I am aware that our perverse lefties are engaged in activities no more conducive to the welfare of our country.

The Republicans can put this country back on the right course by cutting off the nonsense from the far right and reaching toward centrists, independents, and conservative minded Democrats.
It's every bit relevant for the reactionaries who keep voting Republican.

The law is legal. You don't like it? Then get the lege to change it.

Sorry but no, the party in the majority of the state is irrelevant.

The law is illegal, and will be thrown out as unconstitutional. However I do understand that you are a complete lay down and roll over and let the government have their way with you liberal.

Nope, and this has been legal for years. Long before that pimp Alex Jones made a video about it. Its been legal in Texas since the 80's. You refuse to submit to a BA, which DUI lawyers tell drunk drivers to do, a warrant is issued to draw blood and collect evidence. If this bugs you, don't drive drunk. I understand this is beyond the grasp of most who worship the fat man, but us normal folks don't like sharing the road with drunk drivers.

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