Fox New #1 Again, Again and Again...

--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


LOL you just accidently revealed that you equate the channel you get your news from with reality TV.

I watch FoxNews and CNN, because unlike a stupid douchebag like yourself, I was a balanced picture of the news and though IMO CNN has been better as of late, there is NO doubt that FoxNews does a better job of trying to present all sides of any given subject. Even though they obviously lean right.

And MSNBC LOL they don't 'even try to pretend they are anything but a liberal propaganda tool.

Thanks, we've all got a clear handle on your personal bias now.
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


LOL you just accidently revealed that you equate the channel you get your news from with reality TV.

I watch FoxNews and CNN, because unlike a stupid douchebag like yourself, I was a balanced picture of the news and though IMO CNN has been better as of late, there is NO doubt that FoxNews does a better job of trying to present all sides of any given subject. Even though they obviously lean right.

And MSNBC LOL they don't 'even try to pretend they are anything but a liberal propaganda tool.

I don't watch TV. I don't even own one. I know better;

There it is, nothing but a conduit for poison and manipulation. Wouldn't have one in my living space connected to american media or network rubbish.
If FOX fell to number two in the ratings how many threads would we have from the left crowing about it? And be honest I'm guessing at least six.

Zero, same as the degree of what it means.

Actually we'd hear from the same cretins like the OP, laboring under this myth that ratings equate to some kind of "approval". We'd see them taking the opposite tack, dancing on Fox Noise's grave for being mean to Hair Führer and daring to ask Him qvestions.
Ratings don't equate to approval of what a network is doing or not doing that one speaks for it's self.
If FOX fell to number two in the ratings how many threads would we have from the left crowing about it? And be honest I'm guessing at least six.

Zero, same as the degree of what it means.

Actually we'd hear from the same cretins like the OP, laboring under this myth that ratings equate to some kind of "approval". We'd see them taking the opposite tack, dancing on Fox Noise's grave for being mean to Hair Führer and daring to ask Him qvestions.
Ratings don't equate to approval of what a network is doing or not doing

No shit.

That's the point.
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


Tell the world when you have ever seen on Fox News Channel:

Wrestling, fake or otherwise
Arguments about paternity
Naked people
People eating bugs

Or shut the Hell up and learn the difference Fox cable and Fox broadcast.
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


Tell the world when you have ever seen on Fox News Channel:

Wrestling, fake or otherwise
Arguments about paternity
Naked people
People eating bugs

Or shut the Hell up and learn the difference Fox cable and Fox broadcast.

I'm not confusing the two, Dumbass. ALL of those items, metaphorically, are standard fare on Fox Noise.

Rupert Murdoch made his fortune selling tabloid rags. He needs a lesson from no one on what kind of LCD sells, and by LCD I do not mean liquid crystal display.

Take it from his hired hand Roger Ailes: "If two guys are talking and one guy says, 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East' and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"
People love their networks that are supported by terrorist Muslim dollars..

If you have any retirement investment plan, there is a better than 50% chance that there is Muslim money in it.
You are - of course - ignorant about it, but then the likes of you are ignorant about just about everything.
Sean Hannity is seriously kicking ass in the ratings. That guy has actually gotten better with age.
What's the problem with the assholes on MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc....
They can't seem to quite get their shit together?
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


LOL you just accidently revealed that you equate the channel you get your news from with reality TV.

I watch FoxNews and CNN, because unlike a stupid douchebag like yourself, I was a balanced picture of the news and though IMO CNN has been better as of late, there is NO doubt that FoxNews does a better job of trying to present all sides of any given subject. Even though they obviously lean right.

And MSNBC LOL they don't 'even try to pretend they are anything but a liberal propaganda tool.

I don't watch TV. I don't even own one. I know better.

That makes you an expert on TV. Just like a limousine riding liberal is an expert on poverty.
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


Tell the world when you have ever seen on Fox News Channel:

Wrestling, fake or otherwise
Arguments about paternity
Naked people
People eating bugs

Or shut the Hell up and learn the difference Fox cable and Fox broadcast.

I'm not confusing the two, Dumbass. ALL of those items, metaphorically, are standard fare on Fox Noise.

Rupert Murdoch made his fortune selling tabloid rags. He needs a lesson from no one on what kind of LCD sells, and by LCD I do not mean liquid crystal display.

Take it from his hired hand Roger Ailes: "If two guys are talking and one guy says, 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East' and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

Your failed attempt at being a punster is noted. So is your lack of reason and your sinking into the cesspool of name calling.

Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Admittedly, it is not quite as successful as converting community organizing into presidency, but far more honest.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.
--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


LOL you just accidently revealed that you equate the channel you get your news from with reality TV.

I watch FoxNews and CNN, because unlike a stupid douchebag like yourself, I was a balanced picture of the news and though IMO CNN has been better as of late, there is NO doubt that FoxNews does a better job of trying to present all sides of any given subject. Even though they obviously lean right.

And MSNBC LOL they don't 'even try to pretend they are anything but a liberal propaganda tool.

I don't watch TV. I don't even own one. I know better.

That makes you an expert on TV. Just like a limousine riding liberal is an expert on poverty.

If you were living in poverty ---- and you climbed out of it and left it behind ---- would that make you ignorant or knowledgeable of what poverty is? Think about it.

I spent thirty years in broadcasting. I know exactly what ratings mean, what they don't mean, and where they come from. And that's exactly why I fired my TV.
Sean Hannity is seriously kicking ass in the ratings. That guy has actually gotten better with age.
What's the problem with the assholes on MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc....
They can't seem to quite get their shit together?

Sean Inanity is selling emotion. That's what Fox Noise deals in.

As articulated in, for example, the infamous Rump "University" playbook -- "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions -- you sell feelings," That's true of all advertising, which is defined as persuading people to buy shit they don't need. You do that by making them feel .... younger, more attractive, more 'cool', more sexy, etc etc etc.

Inanity sells Fear, which is Fox's bread and butter. "See the scary black man (O'bama, Wright, Jones, Gates, Sherrod, "New Black Panthers", "hip hop barbecue", whatever works at the time).... "see the scary Democrats (O'bama, Pelosi, Clinton, Clinton, Biden, whatever works at the time) ... "they're all out to get you! And we'll tell you more right after this word about Viagra and a pickup truck that will make you a real man". That's exactly what "ratings" is all about. Nobody on earth makes money selling actual objective News. That's why Fox doesn't bother with it ---- information is not what it's interested in.

That Fear Factor generates a cult loyalty, which keeps viewers coming back, which ensures those ratings, which sell ads, which make more money. It becomes the TV version of the kids' tree house with "no gurls" painted on the side -- an "us vs. them" dichotomy, feeding and nursing all the paranoia it can milk.

For a stark example of this you need look no further than the simple fact that you yourself created this onanistic thread, publicly and vicariously splooging over the fact that Fox made money. When's the last time you found a thread crowing "Yay! ABC News ratings outpaced CBS!"? Never, because nobody cares about how much money somebody else is making. It's not an emotional investment.

But that's what you have here. A corporate hero-worship. Ratings are relevant to exactly two entities: those buying TV ad time, and those selling it.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

How do you know that, since by your admission you never watch or even own TV?
Learned it from such impartial sources as or MediaMatters or Huffington Post or New York Times or Washington Post or or some luminaries of liberal lackeys like Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann or the Young Turks?

Are you angry that people on FNC - male or female - better looking than you or those "reporters" who - according to you - REPORT news, on other networks that you claim you never watch?

Anger and sex. You certainly have the anger. Sex? How does it feel being broke?

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