Fox New #1 Again, Again and Again...

--- and you don't have a clue in the world what that means, getting ratings in a world where fake wrestling, paternity tests and naked people forced to eat bugs on an island get ratings, do ya.


LOL you just accidently revealed that you equate the channel you get your news from with reality TV.

I watch FoxNews and CNN, because unlike a stupid douchebag like yourself, I was a balanced picture of the news and though IMO CNN has been better as of late, there is NO doubt that FoxNews does a better job of trying to present all sides of any given subject. Even though they obviously lean right.

And MSNBC LOL they don't 'even try to pretend they are anything but a liberal propaganda tool.

I don't watch TV. I don't even own one. I know better.

you misspelled brain.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

You and your liberal cohorts have this habit of snatching one sentence out of a longer post rather than responding to the entire post.

This is the typical liberal way of taking things out of context and be sanctimonious and holier-than-thou.
How do you know that, since by your admission you never watch or even own TV?
Learned it from such impartial sources as or MediaMatters or Huffington Post or New York Times or Washington Post or or some luminaries of liberal lackeys like Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann or the Young Turks?

Because, once again for the hard-of-reading, I trained and worked IN media for decades. And I used to own a TV and even a delivery service for it but had enough sense to figure out I don't need it. Further, it's impossible to move about this country without being relentlessly followed by the Telescreen --- restaurants... airports... hotels... even public buildings. If you don't see how Orwell's Telescreen is serving the same indoctrinatory purpose, you're hopelessly naïve.

Television is simply the most effective propaganda tool ever invented. It converts its user into not only a passive zombie vulnerable to whatever it dictates -- but a WILLING zombie, eager to come back, again and again and again to its "vast wasteland"*, intellectual hat in hand, meekly murmuring "yes Master -- may I have another".

If that ain't mind control -- there's no such thing.

--- *And that descriptive phrase is over half a century old. The psychological factor has never changed. It's inherent.

Are you angry that people on FNC - male or female - better looking than you or those "reporters" who - according to you - REPORT news, on other networks that you claim you never watch?

"What someone looks like" has absolute SQUAT to do with what the news is, for those too stupid to figure this out. When an outlet is going out of its way to engineer that, those with brains want to know why they might be engineering that.
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Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

You and your liberal cohorts have this habit of snatching one sentence out of a longer post rather than responding to the entire post.

This is the typical liberal way of taking things out of context and be sanctimonious and holier-than-thou.

Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

You and your liberal cohorts have this habit of snatching one sentence out of a longer post rather than responding to the entire post.

This is the typical liberal way of taking things out of context and be sanctimonious and holier-than-thou.


Please accept the reward ford brevity.

Let the reward for coherence, brains, reasoning, being well-informed and sanity wait a little longer.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

You and your liberal cohorts have this habit of snatching one sentence out of a longer post rather than responding to the entire post.

This is the typical liberal way of taking things out of context and be sanctimonious and holier-than-thou.


You certainly need one.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

You and your liberal cohorts have this habit of snatching one sentence out of a longer post rather than responding to the entire post.

This is the typical liberal way of taking things out of context and be sanctimonious and holier-than-thou.


Please accept the reward ford brevity.

Let the reward for coherence, brains, reasoning, being well-informed and sanity wait a little longer.

That's OK, I don't expect immediate results. Rumination takes time.
Robert Murdoch converted his selling of tabloid rags to an immensely successful international enterprise.

Translation: "sure he conned people into buying "Elvis has alien baby" stories but he made money at it, so it's OK. Because profit trumps ethics".


Indeed Murdoch brought the same mentality to TV --- a gossip channel. Talking heads not reporting the news, but banging on tables talking about the news. And make sure a heapin' helpin' of those talking heads are figure-8 shaped females in miniskirts. Anger and sex. Two of the most effective sales tools.

How do you know that, since by your admission you never watch or even own TV?
Learned it from such impartial sources as or MediaMatters or Huffington Post or New York Times or Washington Post or or some luminaries of liberal lackeys like Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann or the Young Turks?

Are you angry that people on FNC - male or female - better looking than you or those "reporters" who - according to you - REPORT news, on other networks that you claim you never watch?

Anger and sex. You certainly have the anger. Sex? How does it feel being broke?
We've witnessed this sort of rightwing stupidity for almost 50 years now, conservatives attacking "the media" because they report facts and the truth which conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

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