fox news Audience Cheers Medicare For All

This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --

I missed where you mention how the Swiss system is different than Obamacare. Seems about the same.


"the free stuff will increase your taxes by at least 50%!"


.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.

Then your employer passes that back to you or they increase their profits. That's on your company though. The point is, taxes go up to pay for Medicare for All but health insurance premiums are wiped out, largely negating and possibly even exceeding any tax hikes.

.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.

Then your employer passes that back to you or they increase their profits. That's on your company though. The point is, taxes go up to pay for Medicare for All but health insurance premiums are wiped out, largely negating and possibly even exceeding any tax hikes.

Wishful thinking. The net tax increase on me will be severe, and I will get the same lump treatment options that people who pay nothing into the system get.

of course the real rich will still get what they want.

I get fucked, and you get to pretend you care about people without spending any of your own money.

How fucking generous of you.

See Marty, this what the Leftists do not understand, either because they don't want to, or because they are to dumb, so let me enlighten them-----------------------> This plan will NOT be an income tax! This plan will NOT be a State or county tax! What this plan will be is a PAYROLL TAX!

What is the difference?

Well, an income tax you can get all your money back, and then some if you don't make enough; but NOT a PAYROLL TAX! A payroll tax is Social Security, or Medicare, and the government keeps ALL of that!

So what they say! They do not take a lot of SS or medicare out of my paycheck, so it is worth it.

Think so-)

So let me ask all of you------------>how many of YOU think that if they get a basic medicare do over, they aren't going to insure that it is solvent? In other words-------------->is anyone DUMB enough to believe, that our government is going to start a NEW PROGRAM that runs a massive deficit instantly! They didn't even do that with Obamacare. Any politician in Washington, is going to INSURE that the program stays solvent, at least as long as they have to run for office. Do you people realize what that is going to cost?!?!?!?!

Let me put it in a way that maybe you can understand------------------->every worker in this country, pays into medicare. If you work, you pay into medicare. Medicare today, only covers for the most part, people over 65. And yet, it is GOING BROKE! In fact, the government financial actuaries insist, it is in WORSE shape than Social Security, and these are NON PARTISAN ACTUARIES!

And what is Bernie and friends solution? Medicare for EVERYONE, including illegal aliens it appears! It is projected that to pay for his plan that cuts doctor and nurse fees by 50%, your taxes must rise by 50%...…………...and that means what they take out of your check BEFORE your return if you get lotsa money back cause of your income, will be added in a PAYROLL TAX that you can NEVER get back to the tune of 50%, and it will only be that low if the Socialists can FORCE the doctors and nurses to take that cut. If they decide to go to greener pastures instead, you now have waiting lines, meaning you are paying for HEALTH INSURANCE, NOT HEALTHCARE!

And tell me all you SOCIALISTS-----------> Who is the government to tell doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers, they must take a 50% cut in pay? If they can do that to them, I guess they can do that to YOU too.

This is NOT a time of war. The government can NOT just take a whole industry and tell the people what they can make; that is of course unless incompetents like YOU get in charge. Where the hell have Americans gone to? Each and every one of you people, ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall

by going on fox news you give them footage for another day of racism and attacking progressives. you didn't "win" anything. you didn't "convince" anybody. its a waste of time and resources and it made the overall world worse." - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall" - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news

Of course not, because they pointed out 1 fact---------->they asked questions, for which he had no answers! He is a big phony if you just listen to his answers about himself, but I think you already knew that, which is exactly why your side is in a panic-)
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall" - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news

Of course not, because they pointed out 1 fact---------->they asked questions, for which he had no answers! He is a big phony if you just listen to his answers about himself, but I think you already knew that, which is exactly why your side is in a panic-)
You must be very stupidly partisan.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall" - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news

Of course not, because they pointed out 1 fact---------->they asked questions, for which he had no answers! He is a big phony if you just listen to his answers about himself, but I think you already knew that, which is exactly why your side is in a panic-)
You must be very stupidly partisan.

Tell me where I went wrong? Debate the substance of my post!

Are you claiming it will NOT BE a payroll tax?

Are you claiming that Medicare today is only gotten for the most part, by people 65 and over?

Are you claiming the actuaries insist it is not in worse shape than Social Security?

Tell us where I erred-)
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum

Wait, So your complaint about the ACA is that it doesn't allow enough people on it?
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall" - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news

Of course not, because they pointed out 1 fact---------->they asked questions, for which he had no answers! He is a big phony if you just listen to his answers about himself, but I think you already knew that, which is exactly why your side is in a panic-)
You must be very stupidly partisan.

This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum
You would have the same problem without ACA. Sounds like you want Medicare for all.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum

Wait, So your complaint about the ACA is that it doesn't allow enough people on it?

I got a question for you------------> Did you know/were you aware, that Fox is 52% negative on Trump? It is TRUE! They are 52% negative, 48% positive...…………………..on their NEWS, not opinion mouthpieces. Wouldn't you say, that is "FAIR AND BALANCED?"

Now, maybe you are more comfortable with other NEWS channels, who the lowest one being 72% negative on Trump, all the way to one that was 92% negative, but then again, that makes YOU a PARTISAN, and HYPOCRITE, after what you said to me now doesn't it!
"Fox News, both on the opinion side and the "news" side, spent the day bashing Sen. Bernie Sanders and grossly misleading viewers about his policies after his Fox town hall

by going on fox news you give them footage for another day of racism and attacking progressives. you didn't "win" anything. you didn't "convince" anybody. its a waste of time and resources and it made the overall world worse." - Media Matters

dont go on fox news

to repeat: don't go on fox news

Fox News isn't immune to gutless maggots that try to steer the conversation.

Their Conservative Commentators are up front and honest about who and what they are.

Shepard Smith is a flaming faggot that has infested that network for years and years and he still gets away with fake news every single day....

Shepard Smith Cuts Off French Elected Official For Speculating Notre Dame Fire Not an Accident (VIDEO)


Shepard Smith cuts off French Elected Official after he brings up fact that Churches in France have been desecrated in past year.

“Of course you will hear the story of the politically correct which will tell you it is probably an accident" #NotreDame
Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum

Wait, So your complaint about the ACA is that it doesn't allow enough people on it?

I got a question for you------------> Did you know/were you aware, that Fox is 52% negative on Trump? It is TRUE! They are 52% negative, 48% positive...…………………..on their NEWS, not opinion mouthpieces. Wouldn't you say, that is "FAIR AND BALANCED?"

Now, maybe you are more comfortable with other NEWS channels, who the lowest one being 72% negative on Trump, all the way to one that was 92% negative, but then again, that makes YOU a PARTISAN, and HYPOCRITE, after what you said to me now doesn't it!

What does anything you just said have to do with my comment that you replied to?
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum
You would have the same problem without ACA. Sounds like you want Medicare for all.

You are too stupid for words.

Don't vote, please. You are seriously too stupid.

In fact, don't even procreate. They'd only be good for menial labor. At best
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum

Wait, So your complaint about the ACA is that it doesn't allow enough people on it?

You're a stupid motherfucker
Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum
You would have the same problem without ACA. Sounds like you want Medicare for all.

You are too stupid for words.

Don't vote, please. You are seriously too stupid.

In fact, don't even procreate. They'd only be good for menial labor. At best
The stupid one seems to be you bro. You need what Dems are selling and you still hate them. That is crazy dumb.
That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum

Wait, So your complaint about the ACA is that it doesn't allow enough people on it?

I got a question for you------------> Did you know/were you aware, that Fox is 52% negative on Trump? It is TRUE! They are 52% negative, 48% positive...…………………..on their NEWS, not opinion mouthpieces. Wouldn't you say, that is "FAIR AND BALANCED?"

Now, maybe you are more comfortable with other NEWS channels, who the lowest one being 72% negative on Trump, all the way to one that was 92% negative, but then again, that makes YOU a PARTISAN, and HYPOCRITE, after what you said to me now doesn't it!

What does anything you just said have to do with my comment that you replied to?

Because YOU claimed I was stupidly partisan as I pointed out, that THEY pointed out, they asked questions, for which he had no answers. Do YOU work? Don't YOU want to know what this is going to cost you? MORE is NOT an answer. Is it 1 dollar more? 5 dollars more? 25,000 dollars more?

What is WRONG with you? This is NOT a binary choice. It is not more/less. This is, how MUCH more/how MUCH less. When you go in to have something done to your car and already have a quote from somewhere and the place you are now at says it will do a better job; when you ask how much, would you just accept MORE, or rather would you say, "how MUCH more!"
That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


What about the ACA do you dislike compared to the swiss system?

Under the Swiss system, if a person can't afford Health Insurance, the government buys it for them. 100%

Under the Lying Cocksucker's system, if you can't afford it you have to go on Medicaid, aka Welfare. A State program.

Now, here's the kicker.

Many people retire before they reach the age of MediCARE eligibility, which is 65.

If you do retire and you don't have an Income (living off your savings) you can't get obamacare because you MUST earn at least (last I looked) $11,000 a year.

If you don't earn that much, you CAN NOT GET THE ACA. You have to go on your State's Medicaid. It's called the Coverage Gap Medicaid coverage gap - Wikipedia

Many States opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's Medicaid Expansion because -- Well, dimocraps are lying scum.

So that leaves around 3 million people unable to get on the ACA but can't get much in the way of private insurance.

Like my wife.

She's 63, retired, and makes zero money. She can't get on Medicaid in Florida because FL, intelligently, opted out of the Lying Cocksucker's idiotic plan.

She also can't get on Medicaid because we own a house and I have an income from my 401k.

But she doesn't. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

Also, because my wife needs the ACA (which she's on) we can't take much money out of our 401k.

The ACA is means tested. The more money you make, the more money you pay to the Lying Cocksucker's plan.

I can barely touch my retirement because, if I take out much more (it counts as income), my wife's premium goes from $350 a Month to as high as $1,800 a Month.

The Swiss System isn't Means Tested.

But that is hardly the only reason I despise dimocrap scum with every fiber of my being. There are many other reason that are more important.

Besides, I've never met a government program I couldn't outsmart. So, I am.

dimocraps are scum
You would have the same problem without ACA. Sounds like you want Medicare for all.

You are too stupid for words.

Don't vote, please. You are seriously too stupid.

In fact, don't even procreate. They'd only be good for menial labor. At best
The stupid one seems to be you bro. You need what Dems are selling and you still hate them. That is crazy dumb.

Intelligent people don't "need " anything from the Gov except for them to stay the hell out of our way . It's children such as yourself that look at the Gov as a parent that thinks we "need " something from the.
The stupid one seems to be you bro. You need what Dems are selling and you still hate them. That is crazy dumb.

The truth is, you haven't got a clue what i just said. Not a clue.

The sad part is, you probably could understand it if you wanted to. But you don't want to.

For one thing, you're too lazy and it's just so, so much easier to let the DISGUSTING FILTH pre-digest your pablum for you and shove it down your throat like a mama bird.

For another, you have no basis of understanding. You are not capable of fully understanding what I just took the time to tell you.

That could be forgiven if you were intellectually curious enough to ask a question or two and have me explain myself.

But you didn't. And you wont.

And so, you will remain forever --

a stupid motherfucker.

Not name-calling.

simple observation

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