fox news Audience Cheers Medicare For All

It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience



"the free stuff will increase your taxes by at least 50%!"


.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.

Then your employer passes that back to you or they increase their profits. That's on your company though. The point is, taxes go up to pay for Medicare for All but health insurance premiums are wiped out, largely negating and possibly even exceeding any tax hikes.


"the free stuff will increase your taxes by at least 50%!"


.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.

Then your employer passes that back to you or they increase their profits. That's on your company though. The point is, taxes go up to pay for Medicare for All but health insurance premiums are wiped out, largely negating and possibly even exceeding any tax hikes.

Wishful thinking. The net tax increase on me will be severe, and I will get the same lump treatment options that people who pay nothing into the system get.

of course the real rich will still get what they want.

I get fucked, and you get to pretend you care about people without spending any of your own money.

How fucking generous of you.
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience

Every word in your post is a fucking lie.

I owned an Insurance Agency for 20 years, had every license there is to have including Surplus Lines and I'm telling anyone and everyone that reads your bullshit --

You are a lying bitch.


There is just no point trying to talk to a lying bitch. I just call them out and move along
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience

Wait they see the price tag
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience



"the free stuff will increase your taxes by at least 50%!"


.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.
Because employers are paying less and less...


"the free stuff will increase your taxes by at least 50%!"


.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.
Because employers are paying less and less...

Non answer.

try again.

Why should I be forced to give up a health care model that works for me, to pay more for less?
.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.
Because employers are paying less and less...

Non answer.

try again.

Why should I be forced to give up a health care model that works for me, to pay more for less?
It’s true. Because fewer jobs offer good insurance we have this problem. If business gave good insurance there would be no demand for change. You seem to be in a minority.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period
Why do people still think that medicare for all really means they will get medical care. It is obvious they won't.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

And complete autocratic control.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period
You should start a thread on it.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.
They're cheering a lie.

The overall Medicare system includes a strong free market component and choice. The Single Payer plan Sanders proposes does not.

For those who are fine with being lied to, cheer away. Ignorance is bliss.

Those things don't have to go away. We can have a hybrid public/private system. Insurance companies can still exist selling supplemental plans.
Medicare for All is not unaffordable for the millions of Americans who deserve healthcare. It may be unaffordable for the people who are going to lose profits when we transition finally to a system that puts people over profits
.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.

Then your employer passes that back to you or they increase their profits. That's on your company though. The point is, taxes go up to pay for Medicare for All but health insurance premiums are wiped out, largely negating and possibly even exceeding any tax hikes.

Wishful thinking. The net tax increase on me will be severe, and I will get the same lump treatment options that people who pay nothing into the system get.

of course the real rich will still get what they want.

I get fucked, and you get to pretend you care about people without spending any of your own money.

How fucking generous of you.

Not spending any of my own money? It's my taxes too that are going up but I also know how much private insurance costs and that's a HUGE expense.

How do you know the "net increase will be severe"?
.....And increase your paycheck because you don't have to pay out hundreds and hundreds out of each paycheck to a private insurance company.

My total medical is under $100 or so per paycheck tax free, and I get the option to add to an HSA tax free.

Take that away, increase my taxes, and return that income to my taxable income and I come out a loser under any single payer system, because I earn more than $100k a year.

Then your employer is greatly subsidizing the cost of your healthcare coverage. Lucky you.

And what happens when I lose that subsidy?

Oh, right I have to cover my costs via taxes.

I worked hard to get a job that values me enough to cover my medical costs the way they do. But I guess everyone else gets to ride for free on my chain because progs like you want to control them by paying for their shit.
Because employers are paying less and less...

Non answer.

try again.

Why should I be forced to give up a health care model that works for me, to pay more for less?

Because it doesn't work for the country as a whole.
Why do people still think that medicare for all really means they will get medical care. It is obvious they won't.

Why do you continue to comment in threads that you clearly don't grasp the topic being discussed?
Bernie Sanders spent more than 2 minutes of his Fox News town hall to defend Medicare for All and attack Trump’s Medicare plans — uninterrupted.
This will mark somewhere around teh 120th time I've told you people this --

Check out the Swiss Health Care system. It works and it works extremely well.

dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

Once you have socialized medicine, you have socialism. period

Sounds like Obamacare...

Unlike many European countries, Switzerland has left a large portion of the health sector in private hands—there is no single payer insurance scheme. Nevertheless, there is a mandate that residents purchase basic coverage. The terms of this coverage are set by law; it includes most common ailments (including diabetes), and coverage is inexpensive for children. Basic coverage includes pre-existing conditions, most inpatient and outpatient treatment, as well as hospitalization in the general ward of a public hospital in one’s canton (the Swiss equivalent of a U.S. state) of residence.

The Swiss Also Have a Private Health Care System. But Theirs Works.

That is precisely how the ACA was sold.

But here's the problem.....

dimocraps are lying scum sucking FILTH.

I really was applauding obama and dims for trying to get across what initially sounded like the Swiss system but on a Federal Level.

But (again) dimocraps are lying scum-sucking, diseased pieces of shit.

They lied.

Because -- dimocraps are lying scum-sucking FILTH

And yes, it affects me PERSONALLY. Very much so.

It is reason #4 why I despise and detest dimocrap SCUM.

They had a chance to do something really good for the American People. Something that would have guaranteed a place in history for them. Forever.

But, they couldn't resist being what they are --


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