FOX news banner: Pence comes out swinging at trump following J6 indictment

The same is true of McConnell. He used trump and now he realizes he was enabling a man that is the greatest threat to our union since the Civil War.

I happen to think the $32 trillion dollar debt and growing is a bigger threat but yeah on McConnell. There really should be an age limit on politicians.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?

Who's Mike Pence?

Oh, and this


"Former Vice President Mike Pence did not parse words when reacting to former President Trump's indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith on Tuesday. In a statement released following Trump's indictment on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol and efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Pence accused Trump of putting himself over the Constitution:

"Today's indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States," Pence said. "I will have more to say about the government’s case after reviewing the indictment. "On January 6th, former President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will," he said."

This is a pretty cheap shot by the traitor Pence... and now the people who had just voted for him a few years ago now refer to him as Judas one popular Trump supporter said:

I wonder if these other candidates who have no shot at being nominated, let alone winning a general election are all under the orders of Biden and the Deep State Dems?? Are these court cases and GOP candidates running against Trump just a way to get Trump to spend more money on made up charges instead of spending it on saving America? He is already out 40 million just in legal fees...and there are reports that state GOP campaign funds are tapped out. Minnesota's GOP is not only flat broke, they owe over 300k; the same for Arizona, which barely has enough to buy a late model Toyota Camry.

This is why it is important for all of the candidates to drop out of the race and give their money to Trump so he can save our country. Once he beats all of these fake legal cases, he will make sure to reimburse all of the GOP states running low on money if they need it....He is a billionaire, so he can definitely afford to...but right now, he needs God fearing patriots to donate what they can so we can defeat Satan and the Dems.
Don't be stupid. Why would antifa/blm try to stop the certification of Joe BIden? These people were flying trump flags and shouting their intent to hang Pence...because he would not listen to trump and overturn the people's will.

guys, guys. calm your tits.

I was obviously making fun of the retard bripat, who wants to hang pence, while claiming that all the violence was perpetrated by antifa/blm.

The only ones flying swastikas or Confederate flags were BLM and Antifa vermin running a false flag operation. It's their favorite tactic.
Sadly I seem to not to be privy to all that is wrong in the world.
You don't have to know everything.
You just need to be more aware when you're being lied to.
Keeping an open mind is a good start.
Looking at this from both sides, and keeping in mind what the Deep State has been doing for a very long time.
Connect the dots.
We've been getting jerked around since before JFK was murdered by the same groups that are doing this to us today.
The JFK assassination simply opened our eyes to what's been going on right under our noses.
The age of post WWII optimism ended when they put a bullet thru his brain.

"Former Vice President Mike Pence did not parse words when reacting to former President Trump's indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith on Tuesday. In a statement released following Trump's indictment on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol and efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Pence accused Trump of putting himself over the Constitution:

"Today's indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States," Pence said. "I will have more to say about the government’s case after reviewing the indictment. "On January 6th, former President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will," he said."

This is a pretty cheap shot by the traitor Pence... and the people who had just voted for him just a few years ago now refer to him as Judas one popular Trump supporter said:

I wonder if these other candidates who have no shot at being nominated, let alone winning a general election are all under the orders of Biden and the Deep State Dems?? Are these court cases and GOP candidates running against Trump just a way to get Trump to spend more money on made up charges instead of spending it on saving America? He is already out 40 million just in legal fees...and there are reports that state GOP campaign funds are tapped out. Minnesota's GOP is not only flat broke, they owe over 300k; the same for Arizona, which barely has enough to buy a late model Toyota Camry.

This is why it is important for all of the candidates to drop out of the race and give their money to Trump so he can save our country. Once he beats all of these fake legal cases, he will make sure to reimburse all of the GOP states running low on money if they need it....He is a billionaire, so he can definitely afford to...but right now, he needs God fearing patriots to donate what they can so we can defeat Satan and the Dems.

He has been bought and paid for by the Marxists/Demofacsists who reside on the hill. He thinks he is going to be a president, but not in my lifetime for sure.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?

Pence is a traitor


Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?
These people just don't get it. When Trump is so very popular among the voters, so popular that all 50 states have him very far ahead in the polls, you're not going to get anywhere with voters by being the anti-Trump. You need to convince voters that you ARE the Trump, not the anti-Trump.
Pence is a political dead man and was the moment he didn't stand up to the blob. Few if any in politics have done a worse job explaining themselves. His wife (who could never stand Trump) must be thinking about hitting the exit door sometime here pretty soon.
You don't have to know everything.
You just need to be more aware when you're being lied to.

I'm aware when I'm being lied to.

Keeping an open mind is a good start.
Looking at this from both sides, and keeping in mind what the Deep State has been doing for a very long time.

I've been the one condemning that for a very long time.

I was condemned for that.

Connect the dots.
We've been getting jerked around since before JFK was murdered by the same groups that are doing this to us today.
The JFK assassination simply opened our eyes to what's been going on right under our noses.
The age of post WWII optimism ended when they put a bullet thru his brain.

I wasn't alive then but Ike getting us involved in Vietnam created an even bigger mess.
guys, guys. calm your tits.

I was obviously making fun of the retard bripat, who wants to hang pence, while claiming that all the violence was perpetrated by antifa/blm.
You are right. We are falling into the trump trap of division. That is what he wants and has been spreading since he announced his plans to run in 2015.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?
Pence will most likely be testifying. There's a couple of things in the indictment that could have come only from him.

Walk into the orange orbit, and you're fucked.

Should be interesting.

He has been bought and paid for by the Marxists/Demofacsists who reside on the hill. He thinks he is going to be a president, but not in my lifetime for sure.
If he is a "Marxist/Democrat" -- why did you guys nominate him to be VP?

Why didn't you guys warn Trump about Pence?

Are you saying the Dems were smarter than you?
Pence will most likely be testifying. There's a couple of things in the indictment that could have come only from him.

Walk into the orange orbit, and you're fucked.

Should be interesting.

I wish the trial would be televised, but Federal courts do not allow it.
The MAGA cult will never allow him to be the nominee. He has spoken ill of their felonious leader.

Its up to the Republican Establishment who they choose the nominee, not the "maga cult".

Although if it is as hopeless for Vice President Pence as you suggest- regardless of the reason- shouldn't he just pack it in for 2024? Maybe start looking at 2028 or switching parties if he is insisting on next year?

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