FOX news banner: Pence comes out swinging at trump following J6 indictment

Its up to the Republican Establishment who they choose the nominee, not the "maga cult".

Although if it is as hopeless for Vice President Pence as you suggest- regardless of the reason- shouldn't he just pack it in for 2024? Maybe start looking at 2028 or switching parties if he is insisting on next year?
Pence has no chance in 2024. He may as well find another profession. When he did not do as trump wanted, and overturn the 2020 election, he is dead to the repubs, who may as well be called MAGA. The moderate repubs are being drowned out by the MAGA, far right sector of the the party. They are afraid to stand up and say, "We cannot win with trump as the nominee in 2024." Cause they are afraid of his cult.
Pence has no chance in 2024. He may as well find another profession. When he did not do as trump wanted, and overturn the 2020 election, he is dead to the repubs, who may as well be called MAGA. The moderate repubs are being drowned out by the MAGA, far right sector of the the party. They are afraid to stand up and say, "We cannot win with trump as the nominee in 2024." Cause they are afraid of his cult.
Sounds like a perfect lemming for the Reich to pick up.....since they already have.
Pence has no chance in 2024. He may as well find another profession. When he did not do as trump wanted, and overturn the 2020 election, he is dead to the repubs, who may as well be called MAGA. The moderate repubs are being drowned out by the MAGA, far right sector of the the party. They are afraid to stand up and say, "We cannot win with trump as the nominee in 2024." Cause they are afraid of his cult.
Oh...and he will NEVER change parties.
Pence has no chance in 2024. He may as well find another profession. When he did not do as trump wanted, and overturn the 2020 election, he is dead to the repubs, who may as well be called MAGA. The moderate repubs are being drowned out by the MAGA, far right sector of the the party. They are afraid to stand up and say, "We cannot win with trump as the nominee in 2024." Cause they are afraid of his cult.
Plus, jimboliar, your Reich cult is the only cult around.
I'm aware when I'm being lied to.

I've been the one condemning that for a very long time.

I was condemned for that.

I wasn't alive then but Ike getting us involved in Vietnam created an even bigger mess.
I was in 2nd grade when he was murdered.
I can tell you from personal experience what it was like to have your leader shot and killed.
It was something that shook our country to it's core.
Pence is a political dead man and was the moment he didn't stand up to the blob. Few if any in politics have done a worse job explaining themselves. His wife (who could never stand Trump) must be thinking about hitting the exit door sometime here pretty soon.

He was a political Deadman the second he signed on to be tRump's VP. Everything tRump touches dies a hideous death.
Its up to the Republican Establishment who they choose the nominee, not the "maga cult".

Although if it is as hopeless for Vice President Pence as you suggest- regardless of the reason- shouldn't he just pack it in for 2024? Maybe start looking at 2028 or switching parties if he is insisting on next year?
So when Trump chose Pence, and yall chose both Trump and Pence -- it wasn't really the "MAGA cult" but the GOP establishment?

Why wouldn't he?

With all of the love he is generating among the Democrats lately, it would look like a good fit for Pence.
He stands for policies that are totally against many of the Dem policies. His stance against any abortion at any time is only one of his positions that would keep him from becoming a Dem.

Pence is actually a man on an island right now. He is a true conservative, unlike trump. He is a establishment repub, unlike trump. He is a moral man, unlike trump.

Because he actually defended the Constitution, you want him out of the repub party. That is sad. If he could have overturned the 2020 election, as trump wanted, then Biden could have overturned the 2016 election when trump won. The rational is nearly identical and the EV counts were the same. The DOJ discovered that Poootin greatly influenced the trump win in 2016, through lies and falsehoods about Hillary on social media. Based on your belief of Pence's ability to ignore the EV vote count in 2020, Biden could have done the same in 2016, claiming it was Poootin's election interference that help trump win. Think about it?

Maybe Pence's words will begin to change minds in the repub party, so that they realize that trump is a loser and cannot win in 2024, but I doubt it.
If he is a "Marxist/Democrat" -- why did you guys nominate him to be VP?

Why didn't you guys warn Trump about Pence?

Are you saying the Dems were smarter than you?
I didnt nominate him as VP moron, and you can bet President Trump regrets listening to the establishment Repugnicrats who suggested his VP. And no never in my life has a stupid democrat (but i repeat myself) ever been smarter than me.

I dont bite my nose off just to spite my face.

He stands for policies that are totally against many of the Dem policies. His stance against any abortion at any time is only one of his positions that would keep him from becoming a Dem.

Pence is actually a man on an island right now. He is a true conservative, unlike trump. He is a establishment repub, unlike trump. He is a moral man, unlike trump.

Because he actually defended the Constitution, you want him out of the repub party. That is sad. If he could have overturned the 2020 election, as trump wanted, then Biden could have overturned the 2016 election when trump won. The rational is nearly identical and the EV counts were the same. The DOJ discovered that Poootin greatly influenced the trump win in 2016, through lies and falsehoods about Hillary on social media. Based on your belief of Pence's ability to ignore the EV vote count in 2020, Biden could have done the same in 2016, claiming it was Poootin's election interference that help trump win. Think about it?

Maybe Pence's words will begin to change minds in the repub party, so that they realize that trump is a loser and cannot win in 2024, but I doubt it.

Who is to say that Pence won't change his policies to fit in with the D's?

Become rabidly pro-abort and pro-LGBTQ, advocate for higher taxes, even amend the Pence Rule to allow him to have sexual relations with dames other than his wife?

As a politician, he certainly has the right to change.
Lol, look at the retards run from this. Trumps second in command tells the truth and the retards response "Who is Pence?" Hills fucking larious. Ya just can't write this shit. Lol, pedo, deep state, rino, who is that? The retard republican response to everything. Really Really good for a laugh. Lol, keep em coming retards! Love retard story time!
Who is to say that Pence won't change his policies to fit in with the D's?

Become rabidly pro-abort and pro-LGBTQ, advocate for higher taxes, even amend the Pence Rule to allow him to have sexual relations with dames other than his wife?

As a politician, he certainly has the right to change.
You really are becoming delusional. Try recentering yourself.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?
Trump is guilty AF
just like he is guilty of stealing and mishandling top secret documents

Trump supporters look bad

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