Fox News booked Ron DeSantis 121 Appearances since Dec 2017

Aren't we all glad that that pesty, nuisance Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC years ago?

What bad could happen?

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

In his primary campaign for Florida governor, the cable network made all the difference.
08/29/2018 12:42 AM EDT

Just as important, the cable network introduced the Harvard-educated lawyer to his most useful patron — President Donald Trump, who endorsed him on Dec. 22.

Since then, DeSantis made 121 appearances on Fox and Fox Business — his campaign estimates it would have cost his campaign $9.3 million to purchase all that airtime.""""


And the sheep are crediting Trump with his win...:21::21::21::21:
If he’d have lost the news would be full of how it was a Trump backlash.

DeSantis sucked up to Trump mightily and got his blessing, ergo Fox Noise.

Shameless cock-sucking going on here.

You idiots spent months watching Stormy and her lawyer practically copulate on CNN hourly. Are you saying Trump is even a better pornstar than a porn star?

Porn stars have more integrity.

Because their pussy isn’t grabbable?
Aren't we all glad that that pesty, nuisance Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC years ago?

What bad could happen?

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

In his primary campaign for Florida governor, the cable network made all the difference.
08/29/2018 12:42 AM EDT

Just as important, the cable network introduced the Harvard-educated lawyer to his most useful patron — President Donald Trump, who endorsed him on Dec. 22.

Since then, DeSantis made 121 appearances on Fox and Fox Business — his campaign estimates it would have cost his campaign $9.3 million to purchase all that airtime.""""

Fox: mouthpiece for the GOP, it’s the Republican lie machine.
I see this thread was moved to Media.
I wonder how many media articles referring to Trump that were generated from Gateway Pundit and Breitbart stayed in Politics?
And the sheep are crediting Trump with his win...:21::21::21::21:
If he’d have lost the news would be full of how it was a Trump backlash.

DeSantis sucked up to Trump mightily and got his blessing, ergo Fox Noise.

Shameless cock-sucking going on here.

You idiots spent months watching Stormy and her lawyer practically copulate on CNN hourly. Are you saying Trump is even a better pornstar than a porn star?

Porn stars have more integrity.

Because their pussy isn’t grabbable?

Both Trump and porn stars are sell outs.
That's why Stormy and Donald made such a good pair.
So what a network can book anyone they want as often as they want Michael Avenatti has been on CNN so many times you would think he had his own show on there.
Ding ding ding ding...we have a winner!

Fairness doctrine was the this weeks mystery phrase.

So you agree with Trump on Google Facebook Twitter bias?

Ten minutes ago...Trump accuses Google of promoting Obama’s State of the Union addresses, not his

Watch the video evidence here: @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: Donald J. Trump on Twitter

What an incredibly stupid post.
Google and Facebook are search engines and social media sites.
Not news outlets.
They are third party services that have no legal obligation to determine if anything on their sites are true or false.
But I guess you fucking can't tell the difference between social media and a news organization.
Thank you for demonstrating the point I've been making here for a long time, moron.
Last edited:
DeSantis appeared on Fox 3.5 times a week: 121 appearances divided by 34 weeks (from mid-December 2017 through August 2018).
He's a fucking co-anchor, not a guest.
Fox should lose their license as a news organization.
So what a network can book anyone they want as often as they want Michael Avenatti has been on CNN so many times you would think he had his own show on there.

Another incredibly stupid post: Avenatti is not a candidate in the 2018 mid-term elections.

Next idiot.....
So what a network can book anyone they want as often as they want Michael Avenatti has been on CNN so many times you would think he had his own show on there.

Another incredibly stupid post: Avenatti is not a candidate in the 2018 mid-term elections.
Next idiot.....
Didnt claim he was brainless this point like everything else went right over your head. The point was never about running for office but about networks being able to book who they want as many times as they want FOX can have any Republican running for office on as many times as they wish just as CNN and MSNBC can do with any Democrat. Yet again you have proven yourself to be the true grade A idiot.
The media has really helped the GOP.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

University researchers put the figure closer to 4.5 billion.
The runner-up to Trump in free media is Hillary Clinton, the leader for the Democratic nomination and Trump’s probable opponent in November. Through April, Clinton earned the equivalent of $1.1 billion in free advertising.

So Trump got three times more.
Your point?
So what? Blame the media not Trump...THEY wanted to give him the publicity.
Aren't we all glad that that pesty, nuisance Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC years ago?

What bad could happen?

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

How Ron DeSantis won the Fox News primary

In his primary campaign for Florida governor, the cable network made all the difference.
08/29/2018 12:42 AM EDT

Just as important, the cable network introduced the Harvard-educated lawyer to his most useful patron — President Donald Trump, who endorsed him on Dec. 22.

Since then, DeSantis made 121 appearances on Fox and Fox Business — his campaign estimates it would have cost his campaign $9.3 million to purchase all that airtime.""""


Your complaint don't make any sense, only like 2 million nation wide watches fox, so what is that 70,000 Republicans in flordia that was going to vote Republican anyways?????


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