Fox News Flailing - The Ignorant and The Lost

Trevor Noah Destroys Sean Hannity For His Delusional Las Vegas Response

Trevor Noah slices through Fox News and Sean Hannity like Trump on the 3rd tee in San Juan. It is so satisfying to see the lowlifes at Fox Fake News squirm and try to force their narrative into a box that they built. (Much like here, a link...? Yeahhh). Propaganda though doesn't always find it's way in the darkness.

Roll tape...
Trevor Noah? isn't he the guy who had to flee South Africa after apartheid once he found a country who would accept him? he still bad mouthing the only country who would have him?
These degenerate hollywood lefties virtue signal about gun control and demonize the right because deep down, they sort of feel bad for molesting kids.
Trevor Noah Destroys Sean Hannity For His Delusional Las Vegas Response

Trevor Noah slices through Fox News and Sean Hannity like Trump on the 3rd tee in San Juan. It is so satisfying to see the lowlifes at Fox Fake News squirm and try to force their narrative into a box that they built. (Much like here, a link...? Yeahhh). Propaganda though doesn't always find it's way in the darkness.

Roll tape...
sure, Noah makes jokes, but he can literally just let these idiots talk and it's comedy.
No opinion on his comments about Hannity as I haven't seen them, nor watched Hannity of late.

In truth, I don't even find Noah to be funny. I can laugh at good comedy, I prefer non-political, but even some politically charged jokes can be funny, from the short time I have watched him (less than 30 minutes or so), I didn't find him funny. I could find Jon Stewart funny, even Maher. This guy to me seems corny and childish. So do his promotional commercials.

Another issue I was considering today, why so many Brits and foreign born in American comedy and tv shows? You have ALOT of British in your media and in more and more tv shows of late. Why is this?

I thought only Canada had been invaded by the British fleeing their old home to their failed satellite country, but you guys are welcoming British in your media at a very high rate. Are they popular figures in America?
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Sorry I don't get my news from Comedy Central.
You don't have to. You can get all of that hilarious idiocy on FOX News.
If I want idiocy I will read responses like yours and that of the other useless hyper-partisans.
I'm not "hyper-partisan". The things those people were saying were, indeed, stupid. i will make fun of TV talking heads everywhere on the spectrum. ya gotta admit, they say a lot of dumb things.
Sorry I don't get my news from Comedy Central.
You don't have to. You can get all of that hilarious idiocy on FOX News.
If I want idiocy I will read responses like yours and that of the other useless hyper-partisans.
I'm not "hyper-partisan". The things those people were saying were, indeed, stupid. i will make fun of TV talking heads everywhere on the spectrum. ya gotta admit, they say a lot of dumb things.
Couldn't tell you I don't watch Noah or Comedy Central nor do I watch Hannity I also don't take partisan talk show host such as Hannity as news source he is conservative pushing conservative viewpoints and has never pretnded otherwise. There are very good reporters/journalist who work at FOX but most just lump them in with the talk show and opinion people.
Sorry I don't get my news from Comedy Central.
You don't have to. You can get all of that hilarious idiocy on FOX News.
If I want idiocy I will read responses like yours and that of the other useless hyper-partisans.
I'm not "hyper-partisan". The things those people were saying were, indeed, stupid. i will make fun of TV talking heads everywhere on the spectrum. ya gotta admit, they say a lot of dumb things.
Couldn't tell you I don't watch Noah or Comedy Central nor do I watch Hannity I also don't take partisan talk show host such as Hannity as news source he is conservative pushing conservative viewpoints and has never pretnded otherwise. There are very good reporters/journalist who work at FOX but most just lump them in with the talk show and opinion people.
There are very good reporters/journalist who work at FOX but most just lump them in with the talk show and opinion people.

Agreed, same goes for all the TV outlets. I mostly read print journalism for journalism, breaking news media for breaking news (the entire time filtering out the noise). I think one should still always check the major outlets (FOX, CNN, the whole alphabet soup) for good stories, because there is good fact-based reporting to be found. Some people still care about journalism.
Ad hominems, attack the messenger. Conservatives really have nothing to defend themselves with other than "yeah well the guy who said that is a poopy face". Fox can't spin this to any of their constantly repeating memes so they are flailing trying to turn it into something terrible by someone other than Paddock. He is them by every measure up until he acted on his proclivities. How utterly uncomfortable that is for them. They are used to the low hanging fruit of 'ferners' who are very easily demonized.
No opinion on his comments about Hannity as I haven't seen them, nor watched Hannity of late.

In truth, I don't even find Noah to be funny. I can laugh at good comedy, I prefer non-political, but even some politically charged jokes can be funny, from the short time I have watched him (less than 30 minutes or so), I didn't find him funny. I could find Jon Stewart funny, even Maher. This guy to me seems corny and childish. So do his promotional commercials.

Another issue I was considering today, why so many Brits and foreign born in American comedy and tv shows? You have ALOT of British in your media and in more and more tv shows of late. Why is this?

I thought only Canada had been invaded by the British fleeing their old home to their failed satellite country, but you guys are welcoming British in your media at a very high rate. Are they popular figures in America?
we have thousands of hours of TV air time to fill, in fact hundreds of hours are being filled with half hour long commercials [infomercials] so we do need some imports, even the low quality types like noah and sammy bee
As with all times in human history the comic brings truth and scathing truth to anyone claiming power. It has always been this way and always will be. And cons just hate this with all they are. Fox Fake News is skewered for the nonstop lie-a-thon they run on a daily basis.
As with all times in human history the comic brings truth and scathing truth to anyone claiming power. It has always been this way and always will be. And cons just hate this with all they are. Fox Fake News is skewered for the nonstop lie-a-thon they run on a daily basis.

Its their hypocrisy that makes me laugh.

Show starts off with some gobshite who lambasts "libruls" for making political capital out of it. Then his next contribution is "it just doesnt add up". And then he starts speculating that the killer is a leftie because he killed country music fans and they are all right wing Christians. Then the cops were contrasted to the NFL "millionaires" because th two are obviously linked..

I was laughing so much there were tears running down my cheeks.The narrative very quickly turned into the "protect our guns" bollox that you hear every time there is a second amendment malfunction.

The success of Fox is an indictment of educational standards.
The Las Vegas mass murder victims are the sort of mainstream middle class Americans whom the dumb left wing bigot entertainers like Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Meyers, Trevor Noah, Maher, John Oliver, NFL Kneelers….... hate so much

Stephen Paddock was the sort of left wing knuttjob who would love watching Trevor Noah …… and Jimmy Kimmel, Steve Colbert, Seth Meyers, Richard Maddow……..
As with all times in human history the comic brings truth and scathing truth to anyone claiming power. It has always been this way and always will be. And cons just hate this with all they are. Fox Fake News is skewered for the nonstop lie-a-thon they run on a daily basis.

Its their hypocrisy that makes me laugh.

Show starts off with some gobshite who lambasts "libruls" for making political capital out of it. Then his next contribution is "it just doesnt add up". And then he starts speculating that the killer is a leftie because he killed country music fans and they are all right wing Christians. Then the cops were contrasted to the NFL "millionaires" because th two are obviously linked..

I was laughing so much there were tears running down my cheeks.The narrative very quickly turned into the "protect our guns" bollox that you hear every time there is a second amendment malfunction.

The success of Fox is an indictment of educational standards.

It is highly comical to watch anyone on Fox Fake News just spend huge amounts of energy twisting reality into something that has no resemblance of reality. It is pure Karl Marx style propaganda for the ignorant right wing dumbs that live in this weird bubble where they just decide whatever they 'believe' is what is real. Even though it goes against all facts and substance. Fox News is manufactured delusion for the right wing masses. Sean Hannity, and O'reilly until his pervert nature destroyed him as it did with many perverts at Fox, is so far gone he'll claim up is down and blue is brown and then denounce brown as trying to destroy blue.

And though it is just comical entertainment it is also dangerous because Fox Fake News gets people to vote on pure lies. Terribly unhealthy for a democracy.

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