FOX news goes quiet on the Great Replacement theory


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I guess that is to be expected. But it is just a matter of time until they will be throwing more gasoline on the white supremacist anger. IT'S WHAT THEY DO!

I guess that is to be expected. But it is just a matter of time until they will be throwing more gasoline on the white supremacist anger. IT'S WHAT THEY DO!
We cant afford any gasoline, even to throw on the 100 or so White Supremacists in the country there Dimmer.

I guess that is to be expected. But it is just a matter of time until they will be throwing more gasoline on the white supremacist anger. IT'S WHAT THEY DO!
You can have your paranoid delisions sated on XiNN and MSLSD....Why do you care what Fakes Nooz says?

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