Fox News: GOP Kills Outsource-Curbing Bill

Where's your outrage over the pile of other bills passed by the HoR, that haven't even been put on the Senate calendar for debate?

Faux outrage is faux.
WAit Fox news is a republican party this cant be true...oh wait they're way more balanced than the Obama networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC)
Where's your outrage over the pile of other bills passed by the HoR, that haven't even been put on the Senate calendar for debate?

Faux outrage is faux.

I just liked this one a little more than average. Since it would have passed, but only if ACA was repealed, its like...eating ones cake and having it too
Where's your outrage over the pile of other bills passed by the HoR, that haven't even been put on the Senate calendar for debate?

Faux outrage is faux.

I just liked this one a little more than average. Since it would have passed, but only if ACA was repealed, its like...eating ones cake and having it too
Too many Senate races in limbo to let a vote come up on that, and expose them to losing for supporting a hugely unpopular bill.

Republicans torpedoing the bill indeed.
WAit Fox news is a republican party this cant be true...oh wait they're way more balanced than the Obama networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC)

fuck you...Ann Romney was just on ABC and lives to tell about it. of course, that's the way propaganda factories work.....every other source is lying to you....only WE tell the truth....then on occasion...they sneak some in just for appearances sake.

Of course, maybe FOX sees the fucking fascist idiots they've nurtured over the years....and are turning over a new leaf....but I'm betting on the former.
WAit Fox news is a republican party this cant be true...oh wait they're way more balanced than the Obama networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC)

fuck you...Ann Romney was just on ABC and lives to tell about it. of course, that's the way propaganda factories work.....every other source is lying to you....only WE tell the truth....then on occasion...they sneak some in just for appearances sake.

Of course, maybe FOX sees the fucking fascist idiots they've nurtured over the years....and are turning over a new leaf....but I'm betting on the former.

Yeah youre right, all those networks and journalism school are full of moderates and right wingers.....oh wait that's in your ass....they're full of left wing nuts who make up fake documents, blow up cars, and edit tapes. Of course those were all just ooops.
And you think Cronkite and Rather were objective dont you? Hell you think MSNBC is objective....which means you're a moron.

And I bet ABC doesnt toss him softballs like they do OBama

Kinda like when Brokaw just spilled the beans (ie they didnt vet Obama at ALL)
[ame=]Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama. - YouTube[/ame]
WAit Fox news is a republican party this cant be true...oh wait they're way more balanced than the Obama networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC)

fuck you...Ann Romney was just on ABC and lives to tell about it. of course, that's the way propaganda factories work.....every other source is lying to you....only WE tell the truth....then on occasion...they sneak some in just for appearances sake.

Of course, maybe FOX sees the fucking fascist idiots they've nurtured over the years....and are turning over a new leaf....but I'm betting on the former.

Yeah youre right, all those networks and journalism school are full of moderates and right wingers.....oh wait that's in your ass....they're full of left wing nuts who make up fake documents, blow up cars, and edit tapes. Of course those were all just ooops.
And you think Cronkite and Rather were objective dont you? Hell you think MSNBC is objective....which means you're a moron.

And I bet ABC doesnt toss him softballs like they do OBama

Kinda like when Brokaw just spilled the beans (ie they didnt vet Obama at ALL)
[ame=]Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama. - YouTube[/ame]

When did I EVER say MSNBC was objective? They are the fucking carbon copy of FOX. You're certifiable. your idea of a hardball for Obama is...."were you born a Marxist or did you pick it up along the way. God damnit, you guys are so stupid... here's an example of. those tough hardball questions that they run the poor defenseless GOP through the wringer on...."so, Sarah(Palin)...what newspapers do you read?"

it was so unfair....
Proof again the GOP hates america, and wants to turn a communist nation into the worlds next superpower from there greed.

Why does the GOP love communists so much?
hell, they must be closet Communists themselves...they support every agenda that hurts the biggest and most vulnerable sections of our society to protect the few at the top....that leads to more and more disgruntled citizens, more and more that need help, and creates an environment wear an extremist Communist ideology will flourish.
Senate GOP kills measure to curb job 'outsourcing' | Fox News

OF COURSE, this could have been avoided only if those mean old democrats didn't block a GOP measure to include an amendment to repeal the ACA.

GOP: Job Growth < Party Ideals.

I just read the Bill.

What amendment?

sorry for the delayed response, but its what i do

You won't find the Amendment because it was never proposed. What happened the GOP suggested it would only vote for the measure if an amendment to repeal the ACA was attached. Pretty decent link.
Reid Blocks Latest GOP Effort To Repeal Health Law - Kaiser Health News

Senate GOP kills measure to curb job 'outsourcing' | Fox News

OF COURSE, this could have been avoided only if those mean old democrats didn't block a GOP measure to include an amendment to repeal the ACA.

GOP: Job Growth < Party Ideals.

The GOP has the majority in the Senate? When the fuck did that happen?

Awwww, dat cute. Willow think know bout how congress do work, willow no know, willow wrong! Though I do want to say one thing, the more I read your stupid posts....honestly, the less they bother me.
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Proof again the GOP hates america, and wants to turn a communist nation into the worlds next superpower from there greed.

Why does the GOP love communists so much?

okay i love free speech and im all for people who are ignorant but can be taught, but this is non sense, the communists hide in the democrat party, u have the internet do some research. How can u say the GOP loves communists when it was republicans calling out communists in America? Contradict much?
Proof again the GOP hates america, and wants to turn a communist nation into the worlds next superpower from there greed.

Why does the GOP love communists so much?

okay i love free speech and im all for people who are ignorant but can be taught, but this is non sense, the communists hide in the democrat party, u have the internet do some research. How can u say the GOP loves communists when it was republicans calling out communists in America? Contradict much?

Okay, but the GOP still is pushing for companies to be able to send jobs overseas, simply so they can save A LOT in labor costs.

My issue is this: America's economy is on the ropes, why is the GOP still trying to get rid of jobs?
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Proof again the GOP hates america, and wants to turn a communist nation into the worlds next superpower from there greed.

Why does the GOP love communists so much?

okay i love free speech and im all for people who are ignorant but can be taught, but this is non sense, the communists hide in the democrat party, u have the internet do some research. How can u say the GOP loves communists when it was republicans calling out communists in America? Contradict much?

Okay, but the GOP still is pushing for companies to be able to send jobs overseas, simply so they can save A LOT in labor costs.

My issue is this: America's economy is on the ropes, why is the GOP still trying to get rid of jobs?

oh my god some posters make my brain bleed. the GOP is not telling big corps to outsource okay theres no conspiracy here, u may not think it but people can think for themselves, some of us. A corporation can NOT and i repeat CAN NOT be a fish bowl in the sense it cant find one size and stay complacent, they have to grow, they have to expand, die and either be reborn or stay dead. Outsourcing is a means of business going to anotehr plateau it sucks, but its the way it goes. Heres life for business, tech is killing jobs, next time u applaud the next thing ur cellphone can do, someone is losing a job, when a tv can bake something, someone is losing a job. Thats life it sux but people want their cell phones to do things and they dont care who loses a job. The internet is killing jobs, plain and simple. Very few jobs are going to be around sooner. I personally tell lots of people go with trucking, this country needs trucks. It has a future, we're invested in the big ships, the docks, we need trucks.

I dont blame Obama for this either, this is life, it sucks but it was coming and no one listened. This is not party conspiracy nor was it engineered, some people took teh easy road and sold out principle for the big dollar, liberals and conservatives alike. Not even them just greed, u know how some people think greed is a four letter word, ITS NOT. The middle class is as greedy as the rich there it is, u have the answer. If you dont think so listen to all the ones who havent payed their taxes, they are out there.

It is insane to think one party has that kind of power, they do not let it go. Outsourcing will be here til the next fad or someone proves otherwise and comes up with a faster scheme and outsourcing will be dead. Its jsut business, it is a big beast.
okay i love free speech and im all for people who are ignorant but can be taught, but this is non sense, the communists hide in the democrat party, u have the internet do some research. How can u say the GOP loves communists when it was republicans calling out communists in America? Contradict much?

Okay, but the GOP still is pushing for companies to be able to send jobs overseas, simply so they can save A LOT in labor costs.

My issue is this: America's economy is on the ropes, why is the GOP still trying to get rid of jobs?

oh my god some posters make my brain bleed. the GOP is not telling big corps to outsource okay theres no conspiracy here, u may not think it but people can think for themselves, some of us. A corporation can NOT and i repeat CAN NOT be a fish bowl in the sense it cant find one size and stay complacent, they have to grow, they have to expand, die and either be reborn or stay dead. Outsourcing is a means of business going to anotehr plateau it sucks, but its the way it goes. Heres life for business, tech is killing jobs, next time u applaud the next thing ur cellphone can do, someone is losing a job, when a tv can bake something, someone is losing a job. Thats life it sux but people want their cell phones to do things and they dont care who loses a job. The internet is killing jobs, plain and simple. Very few jobs are going to be around sooner. I personally tell lots of people go with trucking, this country needs trucks. It has a future, we're invested in the big ships, the docks, we need trucks.

I dont blame Obama for this either, this is life, it sucks but it was coming and no one listened. This is not party conspiracy nor was it engineered, some people took teh easy road and sold out principle for the big dollar, liberals and conservatives alike. Not even them just greed, u know how some people think greed is a four letter word, ITS NOT. The middle class is as greedy as the rich there it is, u have the answer. If you dont think so listen to all the ones who havent payed their taxes, they are out there.

It is insane to think one party has that kind of power, they do not let it go. Outsourcing will be here til the next fad or someone proves otherwise and comes up with a faster scheme and outsourcing will be dead. Its jsut business, it is a big beast.

I don't actually think that Rs in Gov't are invovled in some 'grand scheme' of outsourcing or anything like that.

Merely, I'm saying that its not very surprising the Republicans always seem to have 'issues' with ANY bill that could potentially hurt private-company profits.

My view on outsourcing: I'm the kind of person who will always prefer incentives over regulations (provided said incentives are effective) but I see why companies would want to outsource.

If its your business, then by all means, make as much profits as possible. However, when you start to cause unneeded harm to your workers' way of life simply so you can continue to make the profits you want, I do believe your morals have been corrupted by greed.

Breif sum: Profits aren't just good, THEY'RE GREAT!:D However, when you prioritise profits over people, you're crossing a line.

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