Fox News Guest Tells Female Host She Should Quit To Get Married, Have Kids, And,...

More typical liberal lies...

Should have known..

Here is what she actually said, in context, not what the liars from the left claim she said.

But Kooiman wanted to know how the philosophy applied to a career-driven woman like herself.

“I’m single, I’m 29, I’m very career oriented,” Kooiman explained. “What’s your advice in just a couple sentences?”

“My advice is, as the years go on and you find that you want, if you do, to get married and settle down, to understand time is going to be your greatest enemy,” Venker opined. “Not your husband, not men, not the government, not your employers. It’s time, there’s just not enough time in the day to do everything.”

“So if you learn to embrace that side of yourself that isn’t about work,” she continued. “In other words, the nurturing side, the motherhood, all of that. It’s okay to let your husband bring home that full-time income so you can have more of a balanced life.”

Black_tard lied?!??!?!?!?!

I'm shocked!, Shocked I Tell You!!
Fox News host Anna Kooiman was advised by anti-feminist crusader Suzanne Venker to quit her job and get married because women should spend more time “thanking men” for the ability to stay home and take care of children.

Attacking Suzanne Venker? So you hate women?, attacking one woman is hating all women. I think that's a fun rule to have. Can we all use it?
And MSNBC news tells viewers that a woman needs to have someone shit and piss in her mouth....
Fox News host Anna Kooiman was advised by anti-feminist crusader Suzanne Venker to quit her job and get married because women should spend more time “thanking men” for the ability to stay home and take care of children.

Attacking Suzanne Venker? So you hate women?, attacking one woman is hating all women. I think that's a fun rule to have. Can we all use it?

you already do.

and she's not one woman, many women prefer to be mothers full time

like when there was little..

never mind, that list is huge
Odd that Fox is about the only station on the air where people have the opportunity to say whatever they want and have whatever opinions they want. Maybe that's why Fox runs away with the ratings. Not everyone has to think the same way.

You can say what you want without disrespecting someone.
Fox News host Anna Kooiman was advised by anti-feminist crusader Suzanne Venker to quit her job and get married because women should spend more time “thanking men” for the ability to stay home and take care of children.

Attacking Suzanne Venker? So you hate women?, attacking one woman is hating all women. I think that's a fun rule to have. Can we all use it?

That is so funny. Liberals seriously don't get sarcasm or when you're being mocked. And you think you're the "intelligent" party.

Odd that Fox is about the only station on the air where people have the opportunity to say whatever they want and have whatever opinions they want. Maybe that's why Fox runs away with the ratings. Not everyone has to think the same way.

You can say what you want without disrespecting someone.

You mean like saying a Republican Woman, who was a Vice-Presidential Nominee, should have someone shit in her mouth and piss in her face?

Of course you will be more than able to point out the "disrespect" in the quote that Black-Label and so many other Lefties found offensive.
Attacking Suzanne Venker? So you hate women?, attacking one woman is hating all women. I think that's a fun rule to have. Can we all use it?

That is so funny. Liberals seriously don't get sarcasm or when you're being mocked. And you think you're the "intelligent" party.


Of course they still can't believe that someone can disagree with Obama without being a Racist..

Of course that rule went into effect after the election because there were at least 7 other Democrats and their supporters who disagreed that Obama was the best choice for President... .Including Hillary Clinton.

Remember the "Pumas"?? "Party Unity My Ass"?
There's nothing more pro woman than to tell her she deserves to be happy at home and let he hubby bring home the bacon.

More women need to be told it's actually a pretty cool life to be a homemaker and know your husband is willing to go out into the shit of the world so you can raise little ragamuffins into happy, healthy, successful members of society, rather than dumping your offspring into daycare like fucking dogs at a kennel.

So WHEN half of them get a divorce, what do they do then? You dumb backward dumb ass from the 50's. Women work now, vote, even drive.


That's one of my fav liberal lies.

The best was the 45 million uninsured that went up to 60 million in 6 months to pass aca

It's now 65 million, b/c of the aca, but that's different

It's also horribly skewed (assuming the number is even true 50%) because divorced people are more likely to get divorced. No, that is not a mind fuck, nor is Pennywise retarded or slow; it means that people who have been divorced once are more likely to get divorced again than first-time married people, and the chances increase for every proceeding nuptial event. So the number (whether it is 50% or not) includes all marriages and divorces, including people who have been married more than two or three times, of which there are many.
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So WHEN half of them get a divorce, what do they do then? You dumb backward dumb ass from the 50's. Women work now, vote, even drive.


That's one of my fav liberal lies.

The best was the 45 million uninsured that went up to 60 million in 6 months to pass aca

It's now 65 million, b/c of the aca, but that's different

It's also horribly skewed (assuming the number is even true 50%) because divorced people are more likely to get divorced. No, that is not a mind fuck, nor is Pennywise retarded or slow; it means that people who have been divorced once are more likely to get divorced again than first-time married people, and the chances increase for every proceeding nuptial event. So the number (whether it is 50% or not) includes all marriages and divorces, including people who have been married more than two or three times, of which there are many.

It's complete bullshit that only the terminally liberal repeat it.

Fifty Percent of American Marriages End in Divorce-Fiction!

Divorce Statistics, Marriage Statistics: Divorce Rates in America, Marriage
More typical liberal lies...

Should have known..

Here is what she actually said, in context, not what the liars from the left claim she said.

But Kooiman wanted to know how the philosophy applied to a career-driven woman like herself.

“I’m single, I’m 29, I’m very career oriented,” Kooiman explained. “What’s your advice in just a couple sentences?”

“My advice is, as the years go on and you find that you want, if you do, to get married and settle down, to understand time is going to be your greatest enemy,” Venker opined. “Not your husband, not men, not the government, not your employers. It’s time, there’s just not enough time in the day to do everything.”

“So if you learn to embrace that side of yourself that isn’t about work,” she continued. “In other words, the nurturing side, the motherhood, all of that. It’s okay to let your husband bring home that full-time income so you can have more of a balanced life.”

Thanks for pointing out the entire quote in context. I just assumed the liberal paraphrasing was a lie but it's nice to know it for a fact. When ever I see a post by Black Label I just assume it's an attempt to take a republican's quote out of context and try to smear the entire party with a lie. It's kind of his schtick.
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How many families out there can own a house and the things to raise kids without both working? I would say no more than 10 percent. So in essence she was saying marry money. Marry those who were born with the silver spoon. This is a reality for so few no matter how hard the man is willing to work. A complete load of bunk.
Thank men. Just more quality programming from fox :cuckoo:

Fox News host Anna Kooiman was advised by anti-feminist crusader Suzanne Venker to quit her job and get married because women should spend more time “thanking men” for the ability to stay home and take care of children.

In a column on last week, Venker — who is Phyllis Schalfly’s niece — argued that today’s women had been deluded into thinking that they could live without a husband.

Fox News guest tells female host to quit, get married, have babies and ?thank men? | The Raw Story
Remind me again -- how is that different from Howard Gutman, a member of Obama's campaign finance committee, calling for Sarah Palin to stay home and take care of her children?

Flashback: Obama War on Working Women Began With Palin

Prediction: I will not get a rational answer.
Odd that Fox is about the only station on the air where people have the opportunity to say whatever they want and have whatever opinions they want. Maybe that's why Fox runs away with the ratings. Not everyone has to think the same way.

Just as long as it's radical right wing BS that is anti-women, anti-gay, anti-minorities, pretty much anything as long as it's not against old white guys.

"Old white guys". A complete strikeout.

Bigoted against >>

1. Old people

2. White people

3. Guys
How many families out there can own a house and the things to raise kids without both working? I would say no more than 10 percent. So in essence she was saying marry money. Marry those who were born with the silver spoon. This is a reality for so few no matter how hard the man is willing to work. A complete load of bunk.
This is the crux of the matter.
How many families out there can own a house and the things to raise kids without both working? I would say no more than 10 percent. So in essence she was saying marry money. Marry those who were born with the silver spoon. This is a reality for so few no matter how hard the man is willing to work. A complete load of bunk.

I'd say you have your head up your ass like black_tard.

but you're a liberal, so lying is as easy as breathing
How many families out there can own a house and the things to raise kids without both working? I would say no more than 10 percent. So in essence she was saying marry money. Marry those who were born with the silver spoon. This is a reality for so few no matter how hard the man is willing to work. A complete load of bunk.
This is the crux of the matter.

Odd that Fox is about the only station on the air where people have the opportunity to say whatever they want and have whatever opinions they want. Maybe that's why Fox runs away with the ratings. Not everyone has to think the same way.

Say whatever you want? That's not how Leftytoons roll.

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