Fox news has Finally been Totally Exposed for Being 100% Fake and Completely Ratings Driven

It just keeps getting better all from Dominion !!
Due to court fillings in the highly credible Dominion law suit against Fox, It has been exposed that Fox News is 100% total Fake News.
The so called news agency knowingly and willfully reported total lies about election fraud that never happened, and the hosts at Fox News knew and said it never happened. Yet they still reported it and did so solely for ratings out of fear of losing their trash viewers that need lies to survive and function in the world.

This is as bad as it gets, the biggest scandal of our time. Caught red handed reporting fake news and worried that if they told the truth, their trash viewers would stop watching !!!!
We all knew this day would come. We all knew Fox News was fake news that fed lies to their viewers just to make money and play them, BUT now we have rock solid proof.

Fox and the GOP have finally been exposed for being total liars and having no credibility at all, and this is all documented from their personal emails and texts messages that they never thought would be revealed ! WITH MORE TO COME AT THE TRIAL IN APRIL !!!!

This proves the point I have made on here repeatedly, republicans need lies to survive, they can't handle the truth at all because it is too harsh for them to handle. If republicans are told the truth they stop listening and go listen to somebody telling them the lies they need to hear (Newsmax). Republicans are all 100% Bull Shit.
For this reason Fox news and the GOP are a total joke, Republicans are squirming as they read this because they have been exposed for being gullible liars and frauds that don't want to hear the truth, they only want the lies.

Fox News has lost the right to call itself a real News network, and Fox news viewers have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, remember that.

Then I guess they join every other mainstream propaganda pusher. Tell us something we do not know. The government and the media are the enemies here.
Indictments are coming.

Buckle up MAGA's.
These people have pushed this shit way too far.

Fox News (and Trump's lies) caused the Jan 6th insurrection and in the end they will be held accountable

Plus we get the added bennefit of knowing with 100% certainty that Fox News lies to their viewers and tells them fake news Bullshit because they stop watching when they are told the truth !!!!

CNN and MNBC are now more credible than Fox News, this epic fuck up by them proves it.
Dropped 95% MSM ~2009. Dropped FOX & all radio TV "news" lol! NOV04 2020. Only message boards left for me + GP headlines.

FOX was in on 2020 steal when they called AZ early for the chowderhead.

Shut them all down. All are GOVT propaganda. IDC.

If they dont go along with the Tyranical regime.....they will use Corrupt Courts to shut you down. No way out.
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Dropped 95% MSM ~2009. Dropped FOX & all radio TV "news" lol! NOV04 2020. Only message boards left for me + GP headlines.

FOX was in on 2020 steal when they called AZ early for the chowderhead.

Shut them all down. All are GOVT propaganda. IDC.

If they dont go along with the Tyranical regime.....they will use Corrupt Courts to shut you down. No way out.
Don't tell me any truth, all I want to hear is lies. When Fox news tried to tell the truth I stopped watching so then Fox started to lie to me again, and I started watching again.

You do realize that they have documented conversations between Fox news media people talking about how there is no election fraud, but they must lie to their retard audience because they are losing viewers when they report the truth. (you are the ones they are talking about people too stupid to admit there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud at all, except what they made up on Fox and other fake news stations)

You epitomize the fantasy land MAGA trash that is destroying America with lies.
Who made you the arbiter of whose 1A rights are allowed or not, wannabe Hitler?
Because it is 100% proven that Fox News is fake news...
You see how that works. Your news station is proven to be 100% fake with the people on your news stations saying they must lie to you retards because all you retards stopped watching when they told you the truth.

That is where you're at in life, you must be lied to. Notta good look
Jesus H. Fucking Christ. They're ALL ratings driven, it's how they make money. The better the ratings the more they can charge advertisers and the they can ask for from cable and satellite companies. Anyone who doesn't understand that, that they are ALL ratings driven is a fucking moron.

As for Fox lying... Duh you dumbass. It was determined years ago that they had the right to lie. In a courtroom.
Because it is 100% proven that Fox News is fake news...
Even if that lie were true, it still doesn't give you the authority to revoke anyone's 1A rights, dumbass.
Your news station is proven to be 100% fake with the people on your news stations saying they must lie to you retards because all you retards stopped watching when they told you the truth.
I don't own a news station. Think better.
I don't much give a shit one way or the other.....I just see it all as another leftist driven dry hole.
Fox won a court case by saying that no reasonable person would believe what they say lol. They are pure right wing crap but there's still so much better than the conspiracy nuts on social media and the Internet

Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no …
WebSep 25, 2020 · A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes the primetime host …

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Fact Checking a Claim That Fox News Says Its Programming …
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Did Fox News win a court case for the right to lie?
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Republicans need lies to survive and function.
Fox news openly states they are losing viewers because they report the truth, then they get mad at other Fox news people when they report the truth, then they talk about how they will report lies just to keep viewers!

These people don't want to hear any facts or truth at all, they need to be told lies, and if they are told the truth they stop listening and go and seek out the lies they need to hear to survive. And this comes directly from the mouths of the Fox News Hosts !

Then these trash have the nerve to call CNN and MSNBC fake ! Republicans are the joke of America, they have lost the right to call themselves Patriotic or credible.
you just described the Dems to a tee as the joke of America,you play dodgeball as always thst even rfk jr has said the party he was once proud of when jfk the greatest president of the 20 th century was in office,that his party he loved so much back then has gone to hell,you lose as always trollboy. :auiqs.jpg:
Because it is 100% proven that Fox News is fake news...
You see how that works. Your news station is proven to be 100% fake with the people on your news stations saying they must lie to you retards because all you retards stopped watching when they told you the truth.

That is where you're at in life, you must be lied to. Notta good look
You just played dodgeball as always after he humiliated and owned you.:auiqs.jpg:
well you have proven yourself to be fake news, and nothing you say is credible. So your opinion is meaningless in the big boy world.

Credibility is earned, not proclaimed, never forget that liar.
Got news for you,he has earned credibility around here,you have not.:laughing0301::rofl::auiqs.jpg:wrong liar,you go by fake news where he reports facts you have no interest in.
I've heard that since 2016. Checks in the mail!
Might not be POS trump, but Indictments within the trump crime family are coming.

Let me know when biden catches up.

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