Fox News host Jeanine Pirro busted driving 119 miles per hour in upstate New York

Like all rich people, she drives as fast as she wants and if caught just pays the fine. Extreme speeding is a super-violent crime and should be a felony with automatic jail time. Let's stop coddling these killers and maimers.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro ranted about ‘law and order’ night before 119 mph speeding charge

nov 20 2017 Judge Jeanine Pirro is all about "law and order" until the pedal hits the metal.

The night before being ticketed for excessive speeding on an upstate New York roadway, the Fox News host ranted about the importance of "the law each and every one of us must follow."

"I say law and order and truth and justice are the very foundations of this Republic," Pirro proclaimed during her namesake show Saturday night as part of a long tirade about a widely debunked conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia.

Less than 24 hours later, Pirro was pulled over by state troopers in the Town of Nichols after she was clocked driving 119 mph in a 65 mph zone.

The 66-year-old TV judge said she was en route to see her sick mother when cops pulled her over.

"I had been driving for hours to visit my ailing 89-year-old mom and didn't realize how fast I was driving," Pirro said in a statement circulated by Fox News. "I believe in the rule of law and I will pay the consequences."

A conviction of driving more than 40 mph above the speed limit could result in suspension of the driver's license, according to the DMV website. The driver can also be ordered to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment for three years.

"Super-violent crime?" So you mean going fast in a car is like the Charlie Manson killings? 119 within city limits is one thing; if it was on the open highway with no one around, quite another. If the speed limit was 65, then it must have been open highway. Fine her, take away her license or car for a time, whatever the law dictates.

What next: label speeders as "Homeland Terrorists?"
What do you expect from someone who's screen name is "shoot speeders".
"Super-violent crime?" So you mean going fast in a car is like the Charlie Manson killings? 119 within city limits is one thing; if it was on the open highway with no one around, quite another. If the speed limit was 65, then it must have been open highway. Fine her, take away her license or car for a time, whatever the law dictates.

What next: label speeders as "Homeland Terrorists?"

Speeders kill thousands of americans every year and you say it's a NON-VIOLENT crime!!!. You are as big a psychopath as this judge.
I fail to see the importance of this.

She sped, got caught, and paid for the consequences.

Let he or she who has never sped and followed all the motor vehicle rules cast the first stone.
Like all rich people, she drives as fast as she wants and if caught just pays the fine. Extreme speeding is a super-violent crime and should be a felony with automatic jail time. Let's stop coddling these killers and maimers.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro ranted about ‘law and order’ night before 119 mph speeding charge

nov 20 2017 Judge Jeanine Pirro is all about "law and order" until the pedal hits the metal.

The night before being ticketed for excessive speeding on an upstate New York roadway, the Fox News host ranted about the importance of "the law each and every one of us must follow."

"I say law and order and truth and justice are the very foundations of this Republic," Pirro proclaimed during her namesake show Saturday night as part of a long tirade about a widely debunked conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia.

Less than 24 hours later, Pirro was pulled over by state troopers in the Town of Nichols after she was clocked driving 119 mph in a 65 mph zone.

The 66-year-old TV judge said she was en route to see her sick mother when cops pulled her over.

"I had been driving for hours to visit my ailing 89-year-old mom and didn't realize how fast I was driving," Pirro said in a statement circulated by Fox News. "I believe in the rule of law and I will pay the consequences."

A conviction of driving more than 40 mph above the speed limit could result in suspension of the driver's license, according to the DMV website. The driver can also be ordered to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment for three years.
. Let those who have never sped on the highways cast the first stone.
"Super-violent crime?" So you mean going fast in a car is like the Charlie Manson killings? 119 within city limits is one thing; if it was on the open highway with no one around, quite another. If the speed limit was 65, then it must have been open highway. Fine her, take away her license or car for a time, whatever the law dictates.

What next: label speeders as "Homeland Terrorists?"

Speeders kill thousands of americans every year and you say it's a NON-VIOLENT crime!!!. You are as big a psychopath as this judge.

VIOLENT crime by definition is crime INTENDED to hurt others. Anyone hit by a car while speeding or hurt in a collision isn't likely INTENDED as a victim; they are accidents. Cars today are high-powered machines and people have more demands placed on their time than ever before; is it any wonder that everyone is in a hurry? Many speeding accidents are purely innocent mistakes, like one teen I knew who was showing off to his friends, lost control, and a passenger was killed; your plan to make it a federal crime with mandatory prison time is yet one more butt-headed plan to move our country totally into a police state with prisons overflowing with criminals we cannot afford to keep, but easy for you to say since you probably don't even drive. What if you are doing the speed limit but still kill a person with your car? Less serious than a speeder who does no harm? Lock the latter up but let the former go?

If you want to save many more lives, one of the biggest causes of deaths in this country are doctors, hospitals and insurance companies! Let's put all of them in jail, too!
You are as big a psychopath as this judge.

You wail about violent crime with an avatar called "Shoot Speeders," and have the nerve to call other people psychopaths?

Ever know anyone who sped because it was an emergency? When my dad had his heart attack and was rushed to the hospital (he died), I sped, ran stop signs, red lights, whatever I had to do to get there. I wasn't a maniac, I was careful and didn't endanger anyone but I pushed the circumstances to the limit to be there with him. Want to shoot me too?

I just read the article on Jeanine, she said she didn't realize how fast she was going. I've built a few race engines and high powered cars--- you might get your old Buick up to 119 if you floor it going down a big hill but the thing would be close to shaking apart; I know from experience that any car that can go 119 and not feel like you are going particularly fast is a car DESIGNED for high speed!

I'd rather have Jeanine behind me going 119 in her expensive sport car than you in front of me in your Yugo going 45 in a 65 mph zone. People like you are far more dangerous and cause far more accidents.
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Whom did she maim and kill?

If someone fired a gun into a crowd and missed everyone, would you say "no harm, no foul"? THINK, you miserable hate-filled degenerate wretch.

Why don't YOU think and realize that someone firing a gun into a crowd is INTENDING to hurt others. I've sped at least 30,000 times and have never had an accident or hurt anyone. The gunman is TRYING to hurt people and sooner or later WILL.

A skilled driver in a good car is far safer than a bad driver in a POS tin can, regardless of speed. Why do I think you fall into the latter?
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro busted driving 119 miles per hour in upstate New York
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro busted driving 119 miles per hour in upstate New York
Jeanine Pirro, one of President Donald Trump’s favorite Fox News hosts, was charged with speeding this weekend when police clocked her driving at 119 miles per hour in upstate New York.

Could you imagine the complete psychotic meltdown Jeanine Pirro would have if Hillary Clinton was caught doing this?

Creatures who drive 120 mph are psychopaths with no sense of right and wrong and no concern for the safety of others. She's the same as a mad bomber terrorist and should be locked up forever.
Why don't YOU think and realize that someone firing a gun into a crowd is INTENDING to hurt others. I've sped at least 30,000 times and have never had an accident or hurt anyone. The gunman is TRYING to hurt people and sooner or later WILL.

So now you're a mindreader too? HAHAHA. You don't know what these psychopaths are thinking but we do know people who drive 120 mph are super-violent dangerous criminals and belong in a cage. Stop defending monsters like Pirro.
Whom did she maim and kill?

If someone fired a gun into a crowd and missed everyone, would you say "no harm, no foul"? THINK, you miserable hate-filled degenerate wretch.

Why don't YOU think and realize that someone firing a gun into a crowd is INTENDING to hurt others. I've sped at least 30,000 times and have never had an accident or hurt anyone. The gunman is TRYING to hurt people and sooner or later WILL.

A skilled driver in a good car is far safer than a bad driver in a POS tin can, regardless of speed. Why do I think you fall into the latter?

how many people are killed by guns every year?

how many people are killed by cars every year?

there is an argument to be made for gun control, but I can't disagree that someone driving 120 mph on a public roadway is a danger to society.... same as someone who shoots into a crowd.
Whom did she maim and kill?

If someone fired a gun into a crowd and missed everyone, would you say "no harm, no foul"? THINK, you miserable hate-filled degenerate wretch.
IMO the two are not comparable. Speeding has the purpose of reaching one's destination faster. Firing a gun into a crowd does not, since without a purpose, it is a far more dangerous and much less useful action.
Can't stand that Wackadoodle or her In-the-tank-for-DJT rants

Icky! :blahblah:

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