Fox News Host: Jill Biden ‘Failed The Country’ By Allowing ‘Mentally Frail’ Husband To Run For Office


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
306-232...Landslide success.

Gee, you're a cop...right?

Go arrest someone.... what is stopping you?

You know how criminals get caught? They get caught by bragging about their crimes. They post on social media or boast to their crook friends about their crimes and how they will never get caught.

Be smart, if you commit a crime and you're lucky enough to get away with it ... keep your mouth shut and enjoy it.
This has beem talked about on here before and it is right on target.

one has to wonder why she let him do it. Was she that desperate to be first lady? Putting personal thirst for acclaim and power ahead of what was best for America?

What a joke? You guys are desperate if that's your excuse. Pathetic.
Why don't you blame his dog for not advising him?
This has beem talked about on here before and it is right on target.

one has to wonder why she let him do it. Was she that desperate to be first lady? Putting personal thirst for acclaim and power ahead of what was best for America?

"Was she that desperate to be first lady? Putting personal thirst for acclaim and power ahead of what was best for America?"

Yes and yes. Remember this is a woman whose SOLE reason for pursuing a Doctorate in Education was that she got upset by mail always being addressed to "Senator and Mrs. Biden" and she wanted a "title" for her name. This is from Joe Biden's own mouth. These people are lowlife egomaniacs who have been selling out the American people for their own ladder climbing and self-enrichment for decades. This should come as no surprise to anyone who wasn't living under a metaphorical rock for the past couple of years.
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Did you just compare a human woman to a dog?

No. I'm saying the dog would have as much rigjt to advise him as his wife in that decision. As if he would have taken advice off either.

It's a bit of topic but I can recall similar similarities when you spoke if Hilary.
You know how criminals get caught? They get caught by bragging about their crimes. They post on social media or boast to their crook friends about their crimes and how they will never get caught.

Be smart, if you commit a crime and you're lucky enough to get away with it ... keep your mouth shut and enjoy it.
Some investigator you are...

If there was massive fraud; there would be arrests.

There are no arrests (11 states supposedly had this massive fraud).... Either you guys are completely inept or there is no case.'re a cop supposedly...go arrest someone.
I'd try to explain jurisdiction to you ... but, I feel I'd be wasting my time.

You and yours got away with it ... enjoy. there just happened to be no "massive fraud" in your jurisdiction.

Amazingly; there was no massive fraud in any other jurisdiction either.

I'd explain how proof works but I'd be wasting my time.

Enjoy your cult.

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