Fox News Host: Jill Biden ‘Failed The Country’ By Allowing ‘Mentally Frail’ Husband To Run For Office

Enjoy your cult.

Cults are awesome ...

Because Joe's dogs are victims, likely sexual victims of his. His wife is just a greedy bitch looking for power and money out of this.

You really are desperate when you bring bestiality into it. You republicans will stop to any level. That is so Christian of you.
This has beem talked about on here before and it is right on target.

one has to wonder why she let him do it. Was she that desperate to be first lady? Putting personal thirst for acclaim and power ahead of what was best for America?

Fox news hosts say really stupid lies all the time. No reason now would be any different.
306-232...Landslide success.
Yeah... I guess that's why your peeps are shitting themselves over audits, huh? You know, even a simpleton like Joe would understand that if he won in such a "landslide" he should be happy to see the audit confirm his legitimacy so he and people like you could rub it in.

Instead, we have subpoenas being ignored and every kind of misdirection, and in the case of the AZ audit, multiple "pre-emptive" attacks against results that no one has seen yet. That sounds normal, yeah, go with that, loser.
But remember that the results weren't ever supposed to be intended to change the minds of the scum who cheated. They were only to be used to find the holes and fill them so it couldn't happen again. THAT'S why you people will be losing your minds come November of 2022 and even more so for 2024. You're scared SPITLESS that the Bad Orange Man is going to win AGAIN and this time you won't be able to cheat him. What then, comrade? You pitched a tantrum, held your breath, and used the intel services and DoJ to try for 4 years to take him down and it all failed. Do you get some Pentagon communist symp to pull off America's first coup d'etat?
Yeah... I guess that's why your peeps are shitting themselves over audits, huh? You know, even a simpleton like Joe would understand that if he won in such a "landslide" he should be happy to see the audit confirm his legitimacy so he and people like you could rub it in.

Instead, we have subpoenas being ignored and every kind of misdirection, and in the case of the AZ audit, multiple "pre-emptive" attacks against results that no one has seen yet. That sounds normal, yeah, go with that, loser.
But remember that the results weren't ever supposed to be intended to change the minds of the scum who cheated. They were only to be used to find the holes and fill them so it couldn't happen again. THAT'S why you people will be losing your minds come November of 2022 and even more so for 2024. You're scared SPITLESS that the Bad Orange Man is going to win AGAIN and this time you won't be able to cheat him. What then, comrade? You pitched a tantrum, held your breath, and used the intel services and DoJ to try for 4 years to take him down and it all failed. Do you get some Pentagon communist symp to pull off America's first coup d'etat?

The audits are hilarious...and so are you.
Gee, you're a cop...right?

Go arrest someone.... what is stopping you?
The continuing onslaught attack by Progressive shill for many years ha sled to this. Joe took the Dem nomination for ego only. The shit stirring for 15 years has caused this. We have problems in our nation, and they were made to be a hundred times worse by totalitarian concerns.
This has beem talked about on here before and it is right on target.

one has to wonder why she let him do it. Was she that desperate to be first lady? Putting personal thirst for acclaim and power ahead of what was best for America?

I think Jill craves the wealth, power, status and respectability she believes comes with the Presidency, even more than the dementia riddled Joe does. Her weaknesses are leading Joe right to the bottom.
Looks like these folks still think that this "audit" by a hand-picked Trumpster company is going to mean something.

The alternate universe remains alive and well.
Yeah... I guess that's why your peeps are shitting themselves over audits, huh? You know, even a simpleton like Joe would understand that if he won in such a "landslide" he should be happy to see the audit confirm his legitimacy so he and people like you could rub it in.

Instead, we have subpoenas being ignored and every kind of misdirection, and in the case of the AZ audit, multiple "pre-emptive" attacks against results that no one has seen yet. That sounds normal, yeah, go with that, loser.
But remember that the results weren't ever supposed to be intended to change the minds of the scum who cheated. They were only to be used to find the holes and fill them so it couldn't happen again. THAT'S why you people will be losing your minds come November of 2022 and even more so for 2024. You're scared SPITLESS that the Bad Orange Man is going to win AGAIN and this time you won't be able to cheat him. What then, comrade? You pitched a tantrum, held your breath, and used the intel services and DoJ to try for 4 years to take him down and it all failed. Do you get some Pentagon communist symp to pull off America's first coup d'etat?
Biden's win has already been confirmed many times. The silliness going on with the Cyber Ninjas isn't a legitimate audit.
Biden's win has already been confirmed many times. The silliness going on with the Cyber Ninjas isn't a legitimate audit.
It's almost as if those refusing to see the election as valid are the mentally frail ones.
You really are desperate when you bring bestiality into it. You republicans will stop to any level. That is so Christian of you.
It's interesting how that is brought up cultists. What IS on their minds?
Some investigator you are...

If there was massive fraud; there would be arrests.

There are no arrests (11 states supposedly had this massive fraud).... Either you guys are completely inept or there is no case.'re a cop supposedly...go arrest someone.
Candy, you know that aint true----All Sorts of voter fraud happens all around the globe---those doing it hardly are ever prosecuted. Soros has bought off a lot of corrupt inner city prosecutors and federal judges to insure that the dems get to keep cheating till while the american people figure out who and how to removed the problems.

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