Fox News is killing the GOP

i praise Fox for making the Libs go crazy. Anything that those jerks hate SO much is aok with me, whether i agree with their POV or not. :)
Fox News' ratings completely obliterate the liberal looneytune channels. No mystery why. The people know that News tells the truth, is fair & balanced, has top notch guests (ex General Jack Keane, Judge Napalitano, Brigitte Gabriel, Col. Ray Peters, Rudy Guiliani, Sheriff David Clarke, etc) and that the liberal stations are a JOKE.
Fox News' ratings completely obliterate the liberal looneytune channels. No mystery why. The people know that News tells the truth, is fair & balanced, has top notch guests (ex General Jack Keane, Judge Napalitano, Brigitte Gabriel, Col. Ray Peters, Rudy Guiliani, Sheriff David Clarke, etc) and that the liberal stations are a JOKE.

Gee. The Op mustn't be watching the same FOX I watch.

Oh wait. I forgot. He's a liberal idiot. Never mind.
Faux News get about 2 million viewers a day. Far more than other cable news channels. CNN gets somewhere near 500,000-600,000.

But ABC, NBC, and CBS news combined get 20 million plus viewers a day. Ten times the audience Faux gets daily.

And Faux always ranks way below legitimate news outlets for accuracy. See the Bill Oreilly interview yesterday where he loses his mind. Priceless.
Fox could have been very effective, and for the long term, but it chose early on to go kinda cartoony.

It made itself an easy target, and now it has been marginalized outside the GOP. Self-inflicted wound.


They went cartoony, that is a good way to put it. I generally say they operate outside reality but cartoony nails it.
Actually. lately I've seen Fox becoming a lot more rational- maybe the dam of bs and ignorance is breaking lol. Wow, they just had a commercial for Humana Health with black people crowing about how happy they are to have care...that's new lol....

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