Who is politicizing trump's trial?

Who is politicizing the trial more?

  • Trump and his long list of supporters who made political remarks?

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • DiNero who showed up one time for a few minutes?

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Conviction in a kangaroo court is an indictment against you clods. Only fascists, like you, care about such an obviously corrupt process.
The "judge" is so obviously corrupt it is laughable. His refusal to allow the FEC official to testify that there was no crime, his further instructions that the jury need not be unanimous, which is a violation of multiple aspects of the Constitution, and the only thing you assholes have accomplished is expose your fascism.

So, enjoy your "win".

While you can.

Notice how all charges against non-whites are righteous and should never be dismissed. Lock them up!!!!

But any charges against Donald Trump are wrong!!! Even when the whole world knows he's guilty????

That's quite the double standard you've got going there. Once again, everyone is lying except Donald Trump. And everyone else is guilty, but not Trump.

The Bible says that those who falsely judge others shall have the punishment they wish on others, applied to them. I can't help but notice that ALL of the men who called Clinton "Crooked Hillary", and who lead chants of "Lock her up!!" are now going on trial and being sent to jail. Michael Flynn, Rudy Gulliani, Donald Trump!!!

Lock them up!!!
Such as, the mainstream lackey's don't even mention the Briben's anymore. Oh and since they involve his crooked arse father of course they should comment!

They mention him every single day, since he's going to Court in California on Monday. It's a daily reminder that the Republican Party is persecuting a deeply troubled man whose life is forever shattered by the childhood trauma he suffered when his sister and mother were killed.

Those of us who have an addict, or a traumatized family member who has struggled to overcome addiction and other self-destructive behaviours feel nothing but DISGUST for the way that Republicans have legally persecuted this man, since they have absolutely nothing they can go after his father on.

This is no different than the 6 1/2 year Starr Investigation that lead to a charges over a lie about a consenual blow job. Bill Clinton's real crime was being more successful and popular with the public than Ronald Reagan.
Bullshit! The DA didn't name the "crime" until his closing statement AFTER the defense had already rested so they had no chance to refute it! It's disgusting what the Democrats are doing with this trial. Juan Merchan should be ashamed of himself. If this is a guilty verdict then it will be overturned and they know it but they also know that won't happen until after the election.

The Defense has no obligation to "disprove" the crime. Only the prosecution has an obligation to prove anything here. The burden of "proof" falls entirely on the prosecution.

This is a "falsified documents" case, and yet the Defense spent all of their time trying to prove that Stormy Daniels was lying when she said she had sex with Trump, and Cohen was lying about everything.

Stormy Daniels testimony had NOTHING to do with falsified records. Her cross should have asked one question: Do you have any knowledge of how the Trump Corporation keeps it's documents or records? No? No further questions.

As for Cohen, they spent DAYS trying to prove him a liar. But to claim he was not to be believed because he was convicted of lying to Congress is rich indeed. Trump hired Cohen because Cohen would lie and cheat people.

Trump hired Cohen BECAUSE of his dishonesty. He wanted a "criminal lawyer". A guy who would do as he wanted without question. A "fixer". He lied to Congress to protect TRUMP, not to benefit himself. It takes real balls to say Cohen is not to be believed because Trump previously paid Cohen to lie to protect him.

The two witnesses who did the most harm were Hope Hicks and David Pecker, neither of whom the Defense challenged at all. That must be some file Pecker has on Trump for Trump to treat him so carefully.
Notice how all charges against non-whites are righteous and should never be dismissed. Lock them up!!!!

But any charges against Donald Trump are wrong!!! Even when the whole world knows he's guilty????

That's quite the double standard you've got going there. Once again, everyone is lying except Donald Trump. And everyone else is guilty, but not Trump.

The Bible says that those who falsely judge others shall have the punishment they wish on others, applied to them. I can't help but notice that ALL of the men who called Clinton "Crooked Hillary", and who lead chants of "Lock her up!!" are now going on trial and being sent to jail. Michael Flynn, Rudy Gulliani, Donald Trump!!!

Lock them up!!!
Yeah they actually committed crimes you idiot canuck!
And how is LaLa land these days?
The ONLY one that has drug this out has been tRump (the t is silent). Any other citizen and it would have done at least a year ago and he would either have been found guilty or innocent. In the process, he's destroyed many lives including his own.
What a crock! If it was any other citizen, none of these trials would even be taking place.
And how is LaLa land these days?
The ONLY one that has drug this out has been tRump (the t is silent). Any other citizen and it would have done at least a year ago and he would either have been found guilty or innocent. In the process, he's destroyed many lives including his own.
Wow, I lost IQ points reading that shitshow of a reply, it's cool IO have plenty
The Defense has no obligation to "disprove" the crime. Only the prosecution has an obligation to prove anything here. The burden of "proof" falls entirely on the prosecution.

This is a "falsified documents" case, and yet the Defense spent all of their time trying to prove that Stormy Daniels was lying when she said she had sex with Trump, and Cohen was lying about everything.

Stormy Daniels testimony had NOTHING to do with falsified records. Her cross should have asked one question: Do you have any knowledge of how the Trump Corporation keeps it's documents or records? No? No further questions.

As for Cohen, they spent DAYS trying to prove him a liar. But to claim he was not to be believed because he was convicted of lying to Congress is rich indeed. Trump hired Cohen because Cohen would lie and cheat people.

Trump hired Cohen BECAUSE of his dishonesty. He wanted a "criminal lawyer". A guy who would do as he wanted without question. A "fixer". He lied to Congress to protect TRUMP, not to benefit himself. It takes real balls to say Cohen is not to be believed because Trump previously paid Cohen to lie to protect him.

The two witnesses who did the most harm were Hope Hicks and David Pecker, neither of whom the Defense challenged at all. That must be some file Pecker has on Trump for Trump to treat him so carefully.
We didn't even have the specific crime that turned the misdemeanors being named by the prosecution until AFTER the defense had given it's closing statement! Think about that! You've been accused by the prosecutor of a crime but said prosecutor refuses to tell you what that crime IS until the trial is literally over for the defense! How would you feel about that, Dragonlady?
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

We didn't even have the specific crime that turned the misdemeanors being named by the prosecution until AFTER the defense had given it's closing statement! Think about that! You've been accused by the prosecutor of a crime but said prosecutor refuses to tell you what that crime IS until the trial is literally over for the defense! How would you feel about that, Dragonlady?
She is canadian, who gives a rip what she, he, or it thinks

As always, nazi, you prove you're utterly clueless. I'm not the one to inject Clinton into this. That was one of your nazi butt buddies...

Don't think there was an NDA involved in that case, just an out of court settlement. Clinton wanted to avoid a very public trial.

Don't think there was an NDA involved in that case, just an out of court settlement. Clinton wanted to avoid a very public trial.

They already had the trial. It was thrown out due to lack of merit. They settled to put an end to it when she was filing an appeal.

But you're right that it was a settlement, not an NDA. One would have to be a fucking moron to call that an NDA.
The jury is forbidden from watching or reading any of that stuff so no danger there. If there was then Trump wouldn't be allowed to conduct his daily whine show to the press out there.
Also if Trump can use his criminal trial for campaigning then Biden should be able to use it too.

Since the jury wasn't sequestered, no one knows what they saw or heard.

Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

It was awesome watching decent Americans yelling at that Marxist (DeNiro) as he ran towards his limo with his tail between his legs. Laughed my butt off. What a crybaby pussy he's become. I will never watch another movie with his sorry ass in it.

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