Who is politicizing trump's trial?

Who is politicizing the trial more?

  • Trump and his long list of supporters who made political remarks?

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • DiNero who showed up one time for a few minutes?

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
So unfair. ^^^^

I challenge you to quote just ONE 'unpatriotic' post of mine.

I'm Older than you with way more PS experience than SweetSue92
I'm More Patriotic than you SweetSue92
I care more about helping others than you SweetSue92 ........ socialism in my view, in the FACT that I have a Memorial Fund that gives a yearly Scholarship to a Graduating HS Senior on the Merits of their Community Service. FACT

But, I expect a drunk post from SweetSue92 to justify her being less.

The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic

I just can't with this place
Unfortunately too many educators don't think that way. There have been many examples discussed here on this site. Education done right can change the world in very positive ways.

Don't you think I fight the same fight you do.

Do you truly think I promote the things you guys say I do.

Indoctrination....whatever that means.
Cutting off Dicks......get real dude.
Equity....is not allowing men to compete with women.....Complete BS.

I care about PEOPLE SweetSue92
See your FAKE CLAIM BELOW. \/ \/ \/

The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic
The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic
Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 11.22.15 PM.png

Do YOU ^^^ admonish me for Giving out a Yearly Scholarship for their Community Service, which typically includes helping others.....ie....socialism.
The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic

I just can't with this place
You can.
Let's see your weak response to.........Do YOU ^^^ admonish me for Giving out a Yearly Scholarship for their Community Service, which typically includes helping others.....ie....socialism.
The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic

I just can't with this place

Calling me a socialist, which I gladly admit, for giving out scholarships to Graduating HS Students based on their Community Service.
I have done this since 2006, giving $1,000 to ONE and sometimes Multiple Students, totally over $30,000+ total SOCIALISM $$$$ given to the following students:

1). Eagle Scout......that did his service to the community by building a Bird Sanctuary.
This is Good.

2). Just a Regular Trans Student, that donated 10 hours per week for 3 years, at the LOCAL FOOD BANK. She probably took a FEW hours off, sorry.

3). A FABULOUS Girl Scout....that stood for outside of local Food Store to sell the Cookies that YOU buy. Or is SweetSue92 refusing to buy from these Socialists.

4). SweetSue92 can't compete with me, so she will slink away.
if NOT, then respond SweetSue92
Don't you think I fight the same fight you do.

Do you truly think I promote the things you guys say I do.

Indoctrination....whatever that means.
Cutting off Dicks......get real dude.
Equity....is not allowing men to compete with women.....Complete BS.

I care about PEOPLE SweetSue92
See your FAKE CLAIM BELOW. \/ \/ \/

Why so defensive? If what I said doesn't apply to you, so be it. But I can show many in your profession that believe it's their job to indoctrinate, not educate. And it goes all the way to the top of the major national teachers unions, the AFT and NEA. You're welcome to disagree, but you know I have examples.

But I can show many in your profession that believe it's their job to indoctrinate, not educate.
BS, I teach MATH.
How fucking Hard is it for you to accept that I teach MATH.
We NEVER talk Politics or Gender.

Why is it that you have be INDOCTRINATED to believe these LIES.

It Appears that YOU have been the one that has been INDOCTRINATED.
You're welcome to disagree, but you know I have examples.
0.01 %
The guy who's a freaking socialist says he's patriotic
Eagle Scout.....Built Bird Sanctuary ..... Scholarship...... SweetSue92 ...... hates this giving away $$$$$$ to an Eagle Scout........ called Socialism..... by a HATER of Me Giving $$$$ to a deserving Eagle Scout.
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BS, I teach MATH.
How fucking Hard is it for you to accept that I teach MATH.
We NEVER talk Politics or Gender.

Why is it that you have be INDOCTRINATED to believe these LIES.

It Appears that YOU have been the one that has been INDOCTRINATED.

0.01 %

I haven't said a damn thing about YOU.

NEA president Becky Pringle is a fierce social justice warrior, defender of educator rights, an unrelenting advocate for all students and communities of color, and a valued and respected voice in the education arena.

Notice her focus isn't on ALL students.

And then there's this, directly related to your area of study. A step by step on indoctrination.

Now I'm done with this and you, we're way off topic.

Notice her focus isn't on ALL students.
Can you discuss without attacking me, a MATH teacher of 40 years.
Can you?

Do you ASSUME I include this LAME list of 6?

6 ways..png
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Good Lord man, I haven't said one word about you personally. Here's a thought, how about you stop trying to put words in my mouth. I simply provided examples of what others are doing.

I feel the same.

So are WE GOOD?
Eagle Scout.....Built Bird Sanctuary ..... Scholarship...... SweetSue92 ...... hates this giving away $$$$$$ to an Eagle Scout........ called Socialism..... by a HATER of Me Giving $$$$ to a deserving Eagle Scout.

To the few sane folks here:

He named himself a socialist; I said he was a socialist and nothing else. I have no idea what he's blabbing about Eagle Scouts. I said nothing about this.

Sadly, Winco gets drunk or high or both late at night and it isn't pretty.
Again... it doesn't matter it doesn't specify statute numbers. It's not an indictment. It still states what the underlying crimes were. Thd part you didn't read...

In a second instance, AMI paid $150,000 to a woman who alleged she had a sexual relationship with TRUMP. When TRUMP explicitly directed a lawyer who then worked for the Trump Organization as TRUMP’s Special Counsel (“Special Counsel”) to reimburse AMI in cash, the Special Counsel indicated to TRUMP that the payment should be made via a shell company and not by cash. AMI ultimately declined to accept reimbursement after consulting their counsel. AMI, which later admitted its conduct was unlawful in an agreement with federal prosecutors, made false entries in its business records concerning the true purpose of the $150,000 payment.
In a third instance – 12 days before the presidential general election – the Special Counsel wired $130,000 to an attorney for an adult film actress. The Special Counsel, who has since pleaded guilty and served time in prison for making the illegal campaign contribution, made the payment through a shell corporation funded through a bank in Manhattan.

His intent to commit fraud was conspiring to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon (§ 17-152)

correct, the SOF doesn’t have to include the underlying crime, those are supposed to be listed in the indictment, along side the criminal codes they pertain to, all of them.

What Bragg did is just roll out an unclear and not concise indictment.

The indictment and information must contain sufficient detail to adequately apprise the defendant of the nature of the charges against him. The drafter must afford the defendant not only a document that contains all of the elements of the offense, whether or not such elements appear in the statute, but one that is sufficiently descriptive to permit the defendant to prepare a defense, and to invoke the double jeopardy provision of the Fifth Amendment, if appropriate.

The indictment needs those details to be in it.

Really though, it doesn’t matter anymore…we’re at the end of the case and will probably have a verdict today, so is it really worth even arguing about anymore? (Really, was it ever worth arguing about? lol)

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