Who is politicizing trump's trial?

Who is politicizing the trial more?

  • Trump and his long list of supporters who made political remarks?

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • DiNero who showed up one time for a few minutes?

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
You mean Fox didn't mention Trump's red tie asseaters who showed up whining like a bunch of little bitches?

Or how about Trump sending out emails begging for cash from the sucker's?
Fox tends to skip pertinent details quite often.
Robert DeNiro And two of the cops who were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day. Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.

Trump has been politicizing it since he was indicted. He's been campaign fundraising off it since then.
See post 155, I don't think politico is a right wing org. Here's another link for ya commie.

I refuse to pay the slimes, so I can't quote them.

Interesting. I'll look at what you posted as soon as I finish reading all these "lock her up" remarks by trump and his magas.
Have you bothered to read the thread moron? de not so was introduced by the xiden campaign's director of communications.

Biden camp brings in De Niro to go after Trump at the site of his trial

Joe Biden and his political operation have largely ignored Donald Trump’s trial for months. Now, with just days to go before a verdict is released, it’s dispatched Robert De Niro and some other campaign surrogates to the New York City courtroom to draw attention to the threat they say Trump poses to the country.

Any more questions ya commie freak?

Ok, ya got me.
So your president's campaign may have sponsored this after all.
So what?
Why is this a scandal?
Looks like good campaign strategy to me.
Maybe you should stop your little Karen snowflake whining bit and congratulate the Biden team for this clever move.
Ok, ya got me.
So your president's campaign may have sponsored this after all.
So what?
Why is this a scandal?
Looks like good campaign strategy to me.
Maybe you should stop your little Karen snowflake whining bit and congratulate the Biden team for this clever move.

It also appears to be jury tampering by a presidential campaign in heavy commiecrat NYC. In the military it's called undo command influence. Of course I doubt you'd know anything about that.

Take you fingers out of your ears. It's all over the news. You have to be wilfully deaf and blind to miss it.
Bullshit! The DA didn't name the "crime" until his closing statement AFTER the defense had already rested so they had no chance to refute it! It's disgusting what the Democrats are doing with this trial. Juan Merchan should be ashamed of himself. If this is a guilty verdict then it will be overturned and they know it but they also know that won't happen until after the election.
Bullshit! The DA didn't name the "crime" until his closing statement AFTER the defense had already rested so they had no chance to refute it! It's disgusting what the Democrats are doing with this trial. Juan Merchan should be ashamed of himself. If this is a guilty verdict then it will be overturned and they know it but they also know that won't happen until after the election.

They do not care, not a one of them.

They will hate it if the game is ever turned on them.

They're stupid, so they never imagine this.
There are NO politics involved.

It's MATH,
sine, cosine, and tangent.

Unfortunately too many educators don't think that way. There have been many examples discussed here on this site. Education done right can change the world in very positive ways.

What country? You all have already torched it, figuratively.

For now.
So unfair. ^^^^

I challenge you to quote just ONE 'unpatriotic' post of mine.

I'm Older than you with way more PS experience than SweetSue92
I'm More Patriotic than you SweetSue92
I care more about helping others than you SweetSue92 ........ socialism in my view, in the FACT that I have a Memorial Fund that gives a yearly Scholarship to a Graduating HS Senior on the Merits of their Community Service. FACT

But, I expect a drunk post from SweetSue92 to justify her being less.

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