Who is politicizing trump's trial?

Who is politicizing the trial more?

  • Trump and his long list of supporters who made political remarks?

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • DiNero who showed up one time for a few minutes?

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Then why did you say “many in your profession” at the beginning of the exchange?

Perhaps because it's a damn FACT. But YOU restricted the conversation to "teachers that post here". That said my original statement stands and I posted links to prove it. You and Winco are starting to make me question your reading comprehension skills.

Yeah they actually committed crimes you idiot canuck!



We didn't even have the specific crime that turned the misdemeanors being named by the prosecution until AFTER the defense had given it's closing statement! Think about that! You've been accused by the prosecutor of a crime but said prosecutor refuses to tell you what that crime IS until the trial is literally over for the defense! How would you feel about that, Dragonlady?

Your post assumes that Trump had no idea what he did that was illegal. He knew very well what he was doing was illegal. That's why he threw Cohen under the bus the moment it became public.

Since he started going bankrupt in the 1990's, I kept wondering how he was getting away with all of the shit he was doing, without being arrested. The problem being that without concrete. Especially his tax avoidance schemes, and his "lawfare" - filing law suits and then dragging them out for years, until the other side ran out of money.

US banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, with Trump bragging about how much money he made personally, taking on all this corporate debt and going bankrtupt. There were suicides with the subtrade and the investors.

All of Trump's business deals end up with the condo purchasers terminating his contract, and Trump refusing to leave. He sues for the condo owners for "breach of contract", and then drags the case out for years with frivolous motions, and ridiculous claims. All while asserting his rights to continue managing the building pursuant to the contract until the court determines the outcome.

When Trump loses his final Appeal, the condo board has to get the Sheriff to lock Trump out and change the locks on the doors. The the condo owners drink champagne and cheer while the Trump name is removed from their building.

Time to put that champagne on ice. The Sheriff is on his way with the locksmith.
You can.
Let's see your weak response to.........Do YOU ^^^ admonish me for Giving out a Yearly Scholarship for their Community Service, which typically includes helping others.....ie....socialism.

Eagle Scout.....Built Bird Sanctuary ..... Scholarship...... SweetSue92 ...... hates this giving away $$$$$$ to an Eagle Scout........ called Socialism..... by a HATER of Me Giving $$$$ to a deserving Eagle Scout.

Your post assumes that Trump had no idea what he did that was illegal. He knew very well what he was doing was illegal. That's why he threw Cohen under the bus the moment it became public.

Since he started going bankrupt in the 1990's, I kept wondering how he was getting away with all of the shit he was doing, without being arrested. The problem being that without concrete. Especially his tax avoidance schemes, and his "lawfare" - filing law suits and then dragging them out for years, until the other side ran out of money.

US banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, with Trump bragging about how much money he made personally, taking on all this corporate debt and going bankrtupt. There were suicides with the subtrade and the investors.

All of Trump's business deals end up with the condo purchasers terminating his contract, and Trump refusing to leave. He sues for the condo owners for "breach of contract", and then drags the case out for years with frivolous motions, and ridiculous claims. All while asserting his rights to continue managing the building pursuant to the contract until the court determines the outcome.

When Trump loses his final Appeal, the condo board has to get the Sheriff to lock Trump out and change the locks on the doors. The the condo owners drink champagne and cheer while the Trump name is removed from their building.

Time to put that champagne on ice. The Sheriff is on his way with the locksmith.

The mental illness on this board is at record levels, clearly
The mental illness on this board is at record levels, clearly
All you do is insult others.
You are incapable of having a discussion.

You want to discuss an issue......go>>>>>.
The challenge is on.
The mental illness on this board is at record levels, clearly

On that we can agree. The problem for YOU is that the leftists here aren't the ones who are in need of treatment. We're living in the REAL world, where Trump should never have been elected in the first place, because he's always been a crook.

We told you that BEFORE you elected him, but you didn't believe us then, and you don't believe us now.
Your post assumes that Trump had no idea what he did that was illegal. He knew very well what he was doing was illegal. That's why he threw Cohen under the bus the moment it became public.

Since he started going bankrupt in the 1990's, I kept wondering how he was getting away with all of the shit he was doing, without being arrested. The problem being that without concrete. Especially his tax avoidance schemes, and his "lawfare" - filing law suits and then dragging them out for years, until the other side ran out of money.

US banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, with Trump bragging about how much money he made personally, taking on all this corporate debt and going bankrtupt. There were suicides with the subtrade and the investors.

All of Trump's business deals end up with the condo purchasers terminating his contract, and Trump refusing to leave. He sues for the condo owners for "breach of contract", and then drags the case out for years with frivolous motions, and ridiculous claims. All while asserting his rights to continue managing the building pursuant to the contract until the court determines the outcome.

When Trump loses his final Appeal, the condo board has to get the Sheriff to lock Trump out and change the locks on the doors. The the condo owners drink champagne and cheer while the Trump name is removed from their building.

Time to put that champagne on ice. The Sheriff is on his way with the locksmith.
I have no idea what that rant was all about, Dragonlady! Where ever it is you get this nonsense you need to stop going there.

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