Fox News is less trusted than CNN and MSNBC, Fox News graphic shows

`Can you point to a single fox show, other than Shep, where liberals are allowed to complete a statement or sentence without being interrupted by one or more RWNJs?
I won't point to a single Fox show, I'll point to ALL of them (past & present), and I'll go one better. Here's a list of some of the liberals on Fox, as compared to the absence of conservatives on liberal OMISSION media.

Bob Beckel, James Carville, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Leslie Marshall, Kirsten Powers, Geraldo Rivera, Julie Roginsky, Joe Trippi, Lis Wiehl, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, etc.

You didn't answer the question.
Trump didn't have "bankruptcies (chapter 7) He has reorganizations (Chapter 11) Big difference.

His University did NOT fail. That is just another example of liberal BS, by spotlight on a miniscule bunch of malcontents, when 90% of the customers were satisfied (media didn't interview THEM)

I could go down your list, but why bother. It's just liberal propaganda, and you fall for it.

He paid 25 million to the students he cheated. You call that winning?
The problem that Fox has is that even many Trumpsters no longer trust it, since the network has occasionally said things that didn't fit into their tight little ideological closed circuit.

It appears the closed circuit now includes only talk radio and internet sites. Fox is not invited.
He paid 25 million to the students he cheated. You call that winning?
That's was just to make the whole distraction go away. Has nothing to do with merit of their absurd "case" Million$ to Trump is like nickels to us. Yeah, it's winning.
`The problem that Fox has is that even many Trumpsters no longer trust it, since the network has occasionally said things that didn't fit into their tight little ideological closed circuit.

It appears the closed circuit now includes only talk radio and internet sites. Fox is not invited.
Fox is still mostly conservative, but all information must be carefully scrutinized.
The entire chart asks us to partake in the "Willful suspension of disbelief".
Look, these idiots believe every thing the media feeds them.
Idiots are those watching FOX and becoming dumber than they were before they turned on their TVs.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Wow, you people are still quoting that debunked piece of offal?

Why am I not surprised.
Debunk it again for us.
Look, these idiots believe every thing the media feeds them.
Idiots are those watching FOX and becoming dumber than they were before they turned on their TVs.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Wow, you people are still quoting that debunked piece of offal?

Why am I not surprised.
Debunk it again for us.
If you were interested in the truth, you'd be looking at both sides of the debate. However, you have no intention of even reading anything that debunks this. So either fo lookit up yourself or piss off.
None of that refutes my post that Fox is balanced with dozens of liberals, while CNN and MSNBC hardly have a conservative in sight. Fox balanced. CNN and MSNBC grossly UNbalanced.
Proof? Evidence? You have none, just your opinion. If you want, I can go back in time (years) and point out a consistent pattern with fox, their complete inability to tell the truth without gross prevarication.

Yeah why don’t you do that.
Look, these idiots believe every thing the media feeds them.
Idiots are those watching FOX and becoming dumber than they were before they turned on their TVs.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Wow, you people are still quoting that debunked piece of offal?

Why am I not surprised.
Debunk it again for us.
Proof that you are just a puss filled front hole who will buy into anyting your masters tell you.

A 5 second search..

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

Note the source. I said, debunked.
I faithfully watch Newsmax now. Yes, it seems that Fox News isn't "We Report. You Decide" anymore. They rather "decide" for us what she should "trust" for getting news sources these days.

Although, I do like watching Tucker Carlson at nights. But the others seem bias about getting "accurate" news. JMO

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