Fox News is less trusted than CNN and MSNBC, Fox News graphic shows

How is "Drudge Report" an "unfair interpretation" of the news?

All they do is link to other news stories. Including bullshit from the NYSlimes, and to indicate theat NBC is even remotely neutral is just asinine.

This is just another reason why I hate bed wetters.

If they're communicating, they're either telling a lie deliberately, or they're repeating a lie and don't give a shit.

When you have Ingraham, Hannity, Jeanne Pirro, and now Ben Shapiro, and commentators are Gingrich, Dan Levin, Sara Carter, John Solomon, as well as people like Matt Gaetz, Chaffetz, Nunes, etc, is it any wonder.

Ingraham first tweeted "Fire Rosenstein today" and when Hannity came on and said "do not fire anyone, its a trick" she deleted her tweet.
But Fox balances these conservatives off with lots of liberals. Liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc) don't do that. That's why they are LESS TRUSTED than Fox.
Fox isn't news, it's entertainment for conservatives.
It's news and entertainment (like watching liberals meltdown on election day - bwa ha ha ha ha)

Yeah why don’t you do that.
For starters, this goes back a few years.


It goes back a few years in your mind. Fox is a boogy man and the left needs boogymen. Maybe I have watched fox at som epoint. I cant be sure. I dont watch TV at all. I do not see many "well Fox says it so it must be true" here but then again I am not infallible so maybe I missed it. I have written several posts in the last few days about the lefts urge of straw man creation and the demand that we defend their creations. Thats what this looks like. With a poll no less!
The point is Fox lives in *your* mind. Not mine. I have watched vitriolic attacks on Fox but I dont recall any vitriolic defenses of Fox.
I keep thinking "who cares?"
Trump didn't have "bankruptcies (chapter 7) He has reorganizations (Chapter 11) Big difference.

His University did NOT fail. That is just another example of liberal BS, by spotlight on a miniscule bunch of malcontents, when 90% of the customers were satisfied (media didn't interview THEM)

I could go down your list, but why bother. It's just liberal propaganda, and you fall for it.

No big difference. Bankruptcy is still bankruptcy and a lot of companies were never paid while Trump skated.

Trump University was a scam.

Every Trump foray into consumer goods was a failure.

Even The Apprentice collapsed after a few years where it was then relegated to cable television.

The only thing he has been good at is development and I suspect you have to be part con man to be a successful developer and he is a good con man. He has pulled the biggest con of all time on the United States.
Bankruptcy is bankruptcy but reorganization (Chapter 11) is NOT bankruptcy. That's why it has a different name and chapter number. The disparaging of Trump University is what the "scam" is. Finding a very small number of malcontents and playing up to look like the typical, which they weren't. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were PAID to appear on TV and downgrade trump.

I wouldn't even be surprised if all the women claiming to be abused, are paid off liars too (against Trump, Moore, Kavanaugh)

Oh, yeah Trump was a big failure. HA HA. That's why he's one of America's top multibillionaires. Yup. Trump was homeless and panhandling in Central Park. He wore shoes from a thrift store. Got food from a food pantry. Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.


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