Fox News Judge Napolitano: Trump Call With Ukraine President Manifests Criminal and Impeachable Act


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
In the topic title, I had to truncate the actual headline: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump’s call with Ukraine president manifests criminal and impeachable behavior

Yikes! Cracks are appearing in the pseudocon wall of denial!


The criminal behavior to which Trump has admitted is much more grave than anything alleged or unearthed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and much of what Mueller revealed was impeachable.

The president’s allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done. His words have already produced offers of "bounties" in return for outing and finding the whistleblower.

Trump also suggested that his impeachment would produce a second American Civil War. This language is a dog whistle to the deranged.

n the Zelensky phone call, he told the Ukrainian president that he needed a personal "favor." The clear unmistakable inference is that the $391 million in aid would be held up until the favor was delivered. The favor he sought was dirt on Biden.

Is violating campaign finance law by involving a foreign government in an American presidential campaign an impeachable offense? Yes, it is.

For heaven's sake, Trump was just investigated by Mueller for two-and-a-half tumultuous years for allegedly bringing the Russian government into the 2016 election and now he has attempted in one phone call to bring the Ukrainian government into the 2020 election! Does he understand the laws he has sworn to uphold?

It was to remedy just such reckless, constitutionally destructive behavior that impeachment was intended.

That last bit is exactly what I have been saying. Trump just got out from an investigation of whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, when he picks up the phone and colludes with another foreign power to help him defeat another political opponent!

What a moron.

Character assassination of Judge Napolitano in 5...4...3...
I am really disappointed in Judge Nat behaving this way because Trump didn't appoint his buddies to the federal bench.

It would not surprise me in the least if Trump tweets that Napolitano is the whistleblower and that he should be shot.

"My game show got bigger ratings than Nasty Naplitonoe!"
Nappy hates Trump. He has TDS. He's also for legalizing all drugs, open borders and unlimited free trade. Disregard.
It would not surprise me in the least if Trump tweets that Napolitano is the whistleblower and that he should be shot.

"My game show got bigger ratings than Nasty Naplitonoe!"
That's funny.

But, Nap is acting like a complete loon. He was on board with the collusion horse shit, knowing full well that it was horse shit. He is being petty because Trump didn't appoint his people. I usually like everything Nap says, but he has been completely obtuse when it comes to Trump.

In the topic title, I had to truncate the actual headline: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump’s call with Ukraine president manifests criminal and impeachable behavior

Yikes! Cracks are appearing in the pseudocon wall of denial!


The criminal behavior to which Trump has admitted is much more grave than anything alleged or unearthed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and much of what Mueller revealed was impeachable.

The president’s allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done. His words have already produced offers of "bounties" in return for outing and finding the whistleblower.

Trump also suggested that his impeachment would produce a second American Civil War. This language is a dog whistle to the deranged.

n the Zelensky phone call, he told the Ukrainian president that he needed a personal "favor." The clear unmistakable inference is that the $391 million in aid would be held up until the favor was delivered. The favor he sought was dirt on Biden.

Is violating campaign finance law by involving a foreign government in an American presidential campaign an impeachable offense? Yes, it is.

For heaven's sake, Trump was just investigated by Mueller for two-and-a-half tumultuous years for allegedly bringing the Russian government into the 2016 election and now he has attempted in one phone call to bring the Ukrainian government into the 2020 election! Does he understand the laws he has sworn to uphold?

It was to remedy just such reckless, constitutionally destructive behavior that impeachment was intended.

That last bit is exactly what I have been saying. Trump just got out from an investigation of whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, when he picks up the phone and colludes with another foreign power to help him defeat another political opponent!

What a moron.

Character assassination of Judge Napolitano in 5...4...3...

he told the Ukrainian president that he needed a personal "favor." The clear unmistakable inference is that the $391 million in aid would be held up until the favor was delivered. The favor he sought was dirt on Biden.

Biden corruption must never be exposed!!!
There ought to be a law!

Is violating campaign finance law by involving a foreign government in an American presidential campaign an impeachable offense? Yes, it is.

So it's settled then: The commie libs now like Senator Joe McCarthy, John McCain, God, America, and FOX news.


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