Fox News Just Announced

Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link
Dont be surprised if Obama takes credit or the bats on this board say Obama did it all :redface:

you haven't read the thread huh? :lol::lol:
LOL, didnt have too at first I did go back and read it and I guess I was right :badgrin:
"If not for the embargo" Che wouldn't have convinced Fidel to embrace mother Russia for financial support.

Meanwhile, back at the age that gave you the opportunity for growth, upward mobility, and forward advancement: your attitude is akin to climbing the ladder of success and pulling it up behind you, then telling your children and grands that you're oding it for their own good.

What manner of crystal ball allows you to make these deeply personal observations about people you've never met? You know who else does that? Idiots.

history books.

everythingg anybody wanted to know isn't on you tube, you know.

FJO is in a history book?? Congrats FJ, way to go!
I checked out MSNBC and Huffingsome they still don't care. :badgrin:

We can safely bet that if Obama had anything to do with his release, we would have seen his face plastered all over the media and tv! He would have had a "breaking news" press conference telling us all what a great job he did. We haven't seen or heard anything from him....THIS should tell us how he really feels and that he just sat on his ass like he did Benghazi.

Oh, God!!! Not another damned day of Obama-Worship. I hope Benghazi finally wakes some of these idiots up.
Obama is NOT a leader.

"How does the Senator from Illinois vote?"---Present :cool:
Not spelling out PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but instead referring to him with a word that reminds me of an inflamed pus-filled wound is just as disrespectful and derogatory and lazy to boot.

At least, what I posted was true on both counts.

Funny. When I refer to Obama as 'president' I use lower case letters and put 'president' in parenthesis.:D

That's because you're a dumb ass :thup:

Son you either need to get some new material or retire the field and concede defeat.:D
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Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link

Which libturds are you referring to? It would be good to list their names so they can be properly crucified and pilloried.
We can safely bet that if Obama had anything to do with his release, we would have seen his face plastered all over the media and tv! He would have had a "breaking news" press conference telling us all what a great job he did. We haven't seen or heard anything from him....THIS should tell us how he really feels and that he just sat on his ass like he did Benghazi.

Oh, God!!! Not another damned day of Obama-Worship. I hope Benghazi finally wakes some of these idiots up.
Obama is NOT a leader.

"How does the Senator from Illinois vote?"---Present :cool:

I don't think he ever did.:cool:
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link

Which libturds are you referring to? It would be good to list their names so they can be properly crucified and pilloried.

meson, g5000 and hazlnut and molinar (sp)? four of em.
I object to the derogatory way he addressed the POTUS, injecting race into a matter where it doesn't belong. Hence my response.

so only loonytics on the left are allowed to inject race where it doesn't belong? We get it. Hypocrite.

You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

Anybody that even needs the n-word to make a point is so low class they probably won't even notice they've been dissed.
And where did I 'stick up for a rightie?'
Your insults are from the 90's.:D Like I said 'Get some new material.'
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link

Which libturds are you referring to? It would be good to list their names so they can be properly crucified and pilloried.

meson, g5000 and hazlnut and molinar (sp)? four of em.

I wouldn't be too hard on Meson. He's in a life or death battle with a TV station. There's enough on his psychological plate for the time being.:D
Which libturds are you referring to? It would be good to list their names so they can be properly crucified and pilloried.

meson, g5000 and hazlnut and molinar (sp)? four of em.

I wouldn't be too hard on Meson. He's in a life or death battle with a TV station. There's enough on his psychological plate for the time being.:D

Not the station itself dumbass, the personalities starting with the conservatard Roger Ailes right down to the lowest wrung on the ladder, Greg Gutfeld. There's 2 or 3 good ones in between.
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so only loonytics on the left are allowed to inject race where it doesn't belong? We get it. Hypocrite.

You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

Anybody that even needs the n-word to make a point is so low class they probably won't even notice they've been dissed.
And where did I 'stick up for a rightie?'
Your insults are from the 90's.:D Like I said 'Get some new material.'

I wasn't even talking to you, dumb ass. Get your eyes checked.
meson, g5000 and hazlnut and molinar (sp)? four of em.

I wouldn't be too hard on Meson. He's in a life or death battle with a TV station. There's enough on his psychological plate for the time being.:D

Not the station itself dumbass, the personalities starting with the conservatard Roger Ailes right down to the lowest wrung on the ladder, Greg Gutfeld. There's 2 or 3 good ones in between.

Well, you must have your hands full then. I never knew you hated individual personalities. This is worse than I thought.:D
Here's an idea. There's this button on your remote. It probabaly says 'OFF'. There's another one that probably has the word 'CHAN' on it. Use them and your problems will disappear.
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You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

Anybody that even needs the n-word to make a point is so low class they probably won't even notice they've been dissed.
And where did I 'stick up for a rightie?'
Your insults are from the 90's.:D Like I said 'Get some new material.'

I wasn't even talking to you, dumb ass. Get your eyes checked.

Stuck in the 90's without a clue.:D
You can criticize me when I inject race into a non-racial discussion. In the meantime, you can keep sticking up for righties when they do the same.

Anybody that even needs the n-word to make a point is so low class they probably won't even notice they've been dissed.
And where did I 'stick up for a rightie?'
Your insults are from the 90's.:D Like I said 'Get some new material.'

I wasn't even talking to you, dumb ass. Get your eyes checked.

Maybe you should take your own advice and stop whining.:D
I wouldn't be too hard on Meson. He's in a life or death battle with a TV station. There's enough on his psychological plate for the time being.:D

Not the station itself dumbass, the personalities starting with the conservatard Roger Ailes right down to the lowest wrung on the ladder, Greg Gutfeld. There's 2 or 3 good ones in between.

Well, you must have your hands full then. I never knew you hated individual personalities. This is worse than I thought.:D
Here's an idea. There's this button on your remote. It probabaly says 'OFF'. There's another one that probably has the word 'CHAN' on it. Use them and your problems will disappear.

No guff einstein, I'm on record saying I don't watch FNC anymore.....:eusa_angel:
Fox News & Bill O'Reilly - "let's get this Marine home for Christmas"... and they did.

odumbo & libroids - "fuck'em, let him rot in that Mexican shit hole"... and they did.
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Jon Hammar, Marine jailed in Mexico, to be released from prison today | Fox News

Here's the link

I'm glad he's being released. I wonder how much involvement our gov't had in pressuring the Mexican gov't to release Hammar.

But frankly, one thing about the article struck me as being extremely odd.

The gun was a family heirloom that Hammar planned to use on a hunting and surfing trip in Costa Rica. Hammar, who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and McDonough hoped to forget about the horrors of war with some relaxation in the Central American nation after driving south through Mexico in their Winnebago.

Hammar was suffering from PTSD, but he decided to travel through the drug war violence-prone country of Mexico with not just a gun but a valuable Winnebego? Didn't someone think to mention to him that doing so might not be the best idea in the world?

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