Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now POTUS was surveilled at any time. Full stop.


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Donald Trump watched a Fox news commentator (editorialist) and because he doesn't know the difference between news and news commentary, construed it as fact rather than as the speculative and baseless editorial it was. Trump is likely not alone in thinking that editorial segments on Fox are news and not commentary.

Be that as it may, Trump, idiot that he is, by tweeting/repeating something he heard on television, managed to create an international row with the U.S.' most ardent ally. WTH? I'm sorry. That's just downright unacceptable in a POTUS. Hearing Napolitano's remarks, assuming Trump was of a mind to make something of it -- presumably political capital -- his duty as POTUS was to make sure that the information was indeed accurate and well founded.

Did he do that? Hell no! He did what his throngs of nitwit Trumpkins do: take what he heard on Fox as gospel and run with it, piss off our closest ally and send all branches of the government on what has been, in effect, the biggest "snipe hunt" in recent history. Trump wouldn't even own the fact of his failure to exhibit the barest modicum of intellectual responsibility, instead saying that people should reach out to Fox for more details.

And what did Fox have to say mere minutes after he did so?

"Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's commentary. Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now President of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way. Full stop."

Trump once again exhibits neither legitimate intelligence, nor keen leadership and communication skills, nor basic common sense, nor the barest shred of integrity. What we've just witnessed for TWO F*CKING WEEKS is the shenanigans of a ten year old.
  • Just how damned stupid must one be to ascend to the presidency of the U.S. and yet not be able to discern and editorial from a news story?
  • How can that man and all his top advisors -- all of whom have ready access to the best intelligence sources on the planet, to say nothing of the organizations that would have tactically orchestrated any such alleged surveillance -- not have any better sense than to try attributing the wiretapping/surveillance activity to the Brits because...wait for it....because some dude on television said so?
  • How is it that so damn many American voters could not see the sheer idiocy that underpinned all the talk? Not see this sort of BS coming when for months on end they were told daily that this man is a loon?
  • How can Spicer -- a man whom I know is not a complete idiot -- stand there every day and hear Trump's lies and misrepresentations and swear to them? He has to know that pretty much everything Trump says, other perhaps than his name, is emptier than a winter rain barrel. And yet he stands there and defends that BS. How can he live with himself? How can that man sleep at night? It's not as though he needs the job of Press Secretary or the money it pays.
Trump is green as a gourd and just as tasteless.
The deviant entity known as the homosexual Shepard Smith is anti-Trump and spitting out fake news. Napolitano on the other hand knows what he's talking about. Wiretaps did take place.
Loretta Lynch’s deafening silence throughout this whole episode is notable. As is the lack of media interest in getting her on the record. (As Rush says, the drive-bys are scared of the answers, so they avoid the questions).
Shep Smith needs to keep his mouth shut for a change! ;)

So as to make Trump look right, he should keep his mouth shut. :lol: Trump needs to keep his mouth shut, he sprouts nothing but fake news. One can't trust anything he says, and never could.
Loretta Lynch’s deafening silence throughout this whole episode is notable. As is the lack of media interest in getting her on the record. (As Rush says, the drive-bys are scared of the answers, so they avoid the questions).

Lets see Lynch or Rush, easy.
Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's commentary.

I suspect the "pearl" that Trump parroted from Napolitano isn't close to being the only commentary coming from a Fox editorialist that the "hard news" unit within Fox cannot confirm. LOL
The deviant entity known as the homosexual Shepard Smith is anti-Trump and spitting out fake news. Napolitano on the other hand knows what he's talking about. Wiretaps did take place.

If they did take place and you know they took place, then you have the evidence to prove it. So, come on....
Ask the Jew York Slimes. They broke the story back on inauguration day.

Donald Trump watched a Fox news commentator (editorialist) and because he doesn't know the difference between news and news commentary, construed it as fact rather than as the speculative and baseless editorial it was. Trump is likely not alone in thinking that editorial segments on Fox are news and not commentary.

Be that as it may, Trump, idiot that he is, by tweeting/repeating something he heard on television, managed to create an international row with the U.S.' most ardent ally. WTH? I'm sorry. That's just downright unacceptable in a POTUS. Hearing Napolitano's remarks, assuming Trump was of a mind to make something of it -- presumably political capital -- his duty as POTUS was to make sure that the information was indeed accurate and well founded.

Did he do that? Hell no! He did what his throngs of nitwit Trumpkins do: take what he heard on Fox as gospel and run with it, piss off our closest ally and send all branches of the government on what has been, in effect, the biggest "snipe hunt" in recent history. Trump wouldn't even own the fact of his failure to exhibit the barest modicum of intellectual responsibility, instead saying that people should reach out to Fox for more details.

And what did Fox have to say mere minutes after he did so?

"Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's commentary. Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now President of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way. Full stop."

Trump once again exhibits neither legitimate intelligence, nor keen leadership and communication skills, nor basic common sense, nor the barest shred of integrity. What we've just witnessed for TWO F*CKING WEEKS is the shenanigans of a ten year old.
  • Just how damned stupid must one be to ascend to the presidency of the U.S. and yet not be able to discern and editorial from a news story?
  • How can that man and all his top advisors -- all of whom have ready access to the best intelligence sources on the planet, to say nothing of the organizations that would have tactically orchestrated any such alleged surveillance -- not have any better sense than to try attributing the wiretapping/surveillance activity to the Brits because...wait for it....because some dude on television said so?
  • How is it that so damn many American voters could not see the sheer idiocy that underpinned all the talk? Not see this sort of BS coming when for months on end they were told daily that this man is a loon?
  • How can Spicer -- a man whom I know is not a complete idiot -- stand there every day and hear Trump's lies and misrepresentations and swear to them? He has to know that pretty much everything Trump says, other perhaps than his name, is emptier than a winter rain barrel. And yet he stands there and defends that BS. How can he live with himself? How can that man sleep at night? It's not as though he needs the job of Press Secretary or the money it pays.
Trump is green as a gourd and just as tasteless.

Yeah well there's no evidence of any kind that the Russians hacked the election but that doesn't stop you people does it? Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
Trump needs to keep his mouth shut

Truly, as POTUS, he shouldn't be quiescent. All he needs to do is make damn sure that everything he does say is rock solid not factually assailable. It's really that simple.
Loretta Lynch’s deafening silence throughout this whole episode is notable. As is the lack of media interest in getting her on the record. (As Rush says, the drive-bys are scared of the answers, so they avoid the questions).

Well, I guess the NYT and Washington Post aren't news outlets since they reported it also on multiple occasions.

The left are using propaganda to create the narrative that this story is about what Trump said. It isn't.

Rather, what this is about is what the supposed, non-political press proclaimed on multiple occasions.

Somebody explain to the left when the MSM reported this on tv, what shows was it said on multiple times. That is correct folks, N-E-W-S-C-A-S-T-S.

And when you read the stories in the NYT, Washington Post, or LA Times, what are those publications called?

Now to most people, that would be called a clue, but not to lefties, no, oh no, to them it is called a Trumpism, lol.

Either the Democrat sources are going to get hosed, or the media is. There is no other choice in this matter, because just like his predecessor, Mr Obama....Trump can claim he learned about this all in the free liberal press.

Truth of life lefties----> we know you have to spin to make this about Trump.


Because when the press itself becomes the story, they either lose total credibility, or have to prove the story they put forth.

In either of those scenarios, Trump wins-)

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The deviant entity known as the homosexual Shepard Smith is anti-Trump and spitting out fake news. Napolitano on the other hand knows what he's talking about. Wiretaps did take place.

If they did take place and you know they took place, then you have the evidence to prove it. So, come on....
Ask the Jew York Slimes. They broke the story back on inauguration day.


I didn't ask you to prove wiretapping exists. A headline doesn't prove ANYTHING.
Loretta Lynch’s deafening silence throughout this whole episode is notable. As is the lack of media interest in getting her on the record. (As Rush says, the drive-bys are scared of the answers, so they avoid the questions).

Well, I guess the NYT and Washington Post aren't news outlets since they reported it also on multiple occasions.

The left are using propaganda to create the narrative that this story is about what Trump said. It isn't.

Rather, what this is about is what the supposed, non-political press proclaimed on multiple occasions.

Somebody explain to the left when the MSM reported this on tv, what shows was it said on multiple times. That is correct folks, N-E-W-S-C-A-S-T-S.

And when you read the stories in the NYT, Washington Post, or LA Times, what are those publications called?

Now to most people, that would be called a clue, but not to lefties, no, oh no, to them it is called a Trumpism, lol.

Either the Democrat sources are going to get hosed, or the media is. There is no other choice in this matter, because just like his predecessor, Mr Obama....Trump can claim he learned about this all in the free liberal press.

Truth of life lefties----> we know you have to spin to make this about Trump.


Because when the press itself becomes the story, they either lose total credibility, or have to prove the story they put forth.

In either of those scenarios, Trump wins-)

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Bingo! Here's a perfect scenario. Notice 3 of the writers are all Jews?
Even FoxNews is throwing our President under the short bus
Loretta Lynch’s deafening silence throughout this whole episode is notable. As is the lack of media interest in getting her on the record. (As Rush says, the drive-bys are scared of the answers, so they avoid the questions).

Well, I guess the NYT and Washington Post aren't news outlets since they reported it also on multiple occasions.

The left are using propaganda to create the narrative that this story is about what Trump said. It isn't.

Rather, what this is about is what the supposed, non-political press proclaimed on multiple occasions.

Somebody explain to the left when the MSM reported this on tv, what shows was it said on multiple times. That is correct folks, N-E-W-S-C-A-S-T-S.

And when you read the stories in the NYT, Washington Post, or LA Times, what are those publications called?

Now to most people, that would be called a clue, but not to lefties, no, oh no, to them it is called a Trumpism, lol.

Either the Democrat sources are going to get hosed, or the media is. There is no other choice in this matter, because just like his predecessor, Mr Obama....Trump can claim he learned about this all in the free liberal press.

Truth of life lefties----> we know you have to spin to make this about Trump.


Because when the press itself becomes the story, they either lose total credibility, or have to prove the story they put forth.

In either of those scenarios, Trump wins-)

Sent from my iPhone using
They reported WHAT??

That Trump tower was illegally wire tap by our former president?

THAT is a LIE, by the Liar n chief.

Spicer lays out the case. It takes a few minutes. \
Listen and learn.
The deviant entity known as the homosexual Shepard Smith is anti-Trump and spitting out fake news. Napolitano on the other hand knows what he's talking about. Wiretaps did take place.

If they did take place and you know they took place, then you have the evidence to prove it. So, come on....
Ask the Jew York Slimes. They broke the story back on inauguration day.


So Trump quotes a headline from a paper he claims is fake news. Thanks to Maddow who showed the whole article on her news show, Trump may of not made such a blunder if he had read the whole article: :lol:

The New York Times article is about intercepted communications used by the FBI amid its investigation into some of Trump’s current and former aides — including Roger Stone, Carter Page and Paul Manafort — and their ties to Russia. It does not say whether the surveillance targeted Russians or Americans.

Nor does it say Trump and his campaign were under investigation or surveillance. In fact, the author stipulates: "It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself."

The difference between the substance of the New York Times article and what Trump claimed in his tweet is significant, because Trump’s tweet alleges Obama possibly acted outside the law to harm a political opponent, whereas the New York Times described aspects of an FBI investigation.

National Review columnist apologizes to New York Times over changed headline accusation
Donald Trump watched a Fox news commentator (editorialist) and because he doesn't know the difference between news and news commentary, construed it as fact rather than as the speculative and baseless editorial it was. Trump is likely not alone in thinking that editorial segments on Fox are news and not commentary.

Be that as it may, Trump, idiot that he is, by tweeting/repeating something he heard on television, managed to create an international row with the U.S.' most ardent ally. WTH? I'm sorry. That's just downright unacceptable in a POTUS. Hearing Napolitano's remarks, assuming Trump was of a mind to make something of it -- presumably political capital -- his duty as POTUS was to make sure that the information was indeed accurate and well founded.

Did he do that? Hell no! He did what his throngs of nitwit Trumpkins do: take what he heard on Fox as gospel and run with it, piss off our closest ally and send all branches of the government on what has been, in effect, the biggest "snipe hunt" in recent history. Trump wouldn't even own the fact of his failure to exhibit the barest modicum of intellectual responsibility, instead saying that people should reach out to Fox for more details.

And what did Fox have to say mere minutes after he did so?

"Fox News cannot confirm Judge Napolitano's commentary. Fox News knows of no evidence of any kind that the now President of the United States was surveilled at any time in any way. Full stop."

Trump once again exhibits neither legitimate intelligence, nor keen leadership and communication skills, nor basic common sense, nor the barest shred of integrity. What we've just witnessed for TWO F*CKING WEEKS is the shenanigans of a ten year old.
  • Just how damned stupid must one be to ascend to the presidency of the U.S. and yet not be able to discern and editorial from a news story?
  • How can that man and all his top advisors -- all of whom have ready access to the best intelligence sources on the planet, to say nothing of the organizations that would have tactically orchestrated any such alleged surveillance -- not have any better sense than to try attributing the wiretapping/surveillance activity to the Brits because...wait for it....because some dude on television said so?
  • How is it that so damn many American voters could not see the sheer idiocy that underpinned all the talk? Not see this sort of BS coming when for months on end they were told daily that this man is a loon?
  • How can Spicer -- a man whom I know is not a complete idiot -- stand there every day and hear Trump's lies and misrepresentations and swear to them? He has to know that pretty much everything Trump says, other perhaps than his name, is emptier than a winter rain barrel. And yet he stands there and defends that BS. How can he live with himself? How can that man sleep at night? It's not as though he needs the job of Press Secretary or the money it pays.
Trump is green as a gourd and just as tasteless.

A lack of evidence does not preclude the existence of a thing.

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