Fox News Most Trusted News Source


Semper Fi
Sep 1, 2010
In a poll by Suffolk University Fox News came out ahead by a mile as the most trusted news source. Bill O'Rielly also topped the list as most trusted TV personality.

Here's a breakdown of where everyone ranked in the survey.

Most Trusted News Source

1) Fox - 28%

2) CNN - 18%

3) NBC - 10%

4) MSNBC - 7%

5) CBS - 6%

6) ABC - 6%

Most Trusted TV Personality

1) Bill O'Reilly - 9%

2) Anderson Cooper - 6%

3) Mike Huckabee - 4%

4) Sean Hannity - 4%

5) Wolf Blitzer - 3%

6) Chris Matthews - 3%

7) Tom Brokaw - 3%

8) Katie Couric - 3%

9) Diane Sawyer - 3%

Poll: Fox, O'Reilly Most Trusted News Sources - Washington Whispers (

This is not surprising. I think Americans are tired of the glaring bias and slant in the news and media and just want a more honest look at the news and current events, which is why Fox News dominated in the survey and poll.
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In a poll by Suffolk University Fox News came out ahead by a mile as the most trusted news source. Bill O'Rielly also topped the list as most trusted TV personality.

Here's a breakdown of where everyone ranked in the survey.

Most Trusted News Source

1) Fox - 28%

2) CNN - 18%

3) NBC - 10%

4) MSNBC - 7%

5) CBS - 6%

6) ABC - 6%

Most Trusted TV Personality

1) Bill O'Reilly - 9%

2) Anderson Cooper - 6%

3) Mike Huckabee - 4%

4) Sean Hannity - 4%

5) Wolf Blitzer - 3%

6) Chris Matthews - 3%

7) Tom Brokaw - 3%

8) Katie Couric - 3%

9) Diane Sawyer - 3%

Poll: Fox, O'Reilly Most Trusted News Sources - Washington Whispers (

This is not surprising. I think Americans are tired of the glaring bias and slant in the news and media and just want a more honest look at the news and current events, which is why Fox News dominated in the survey and poll.

Hope you don't mind if I add to your post...even though it might give Ms. Truthie the vapors!

In a stunning rejection of network news and nightly news anchors, cable news, driven by the Fox News Channel and mouthy Bill O'Reilly, is now the top most trusted source—by a mile.

In a new poll from Boston's Suffolk University, more than a quarter of the nation says Fox is tops when it comes to who they trust the most and O'Reilly is the most believable."

"Bottom line: the more they attack Fox, the stronger it is getting," he adds.

"Most interesting are not the tiny percentages for individuals, but rather the contrast of Broadcast vs. Cable," he tells Whispers. "ABC-CBS-NBC together nets 22 percent on the most trusted compared to 53 percent for CNN-MSNBC-Fox. The three broadcast network anchors combined only get 10%, compare to O'Reilly alone who gets 9 percent and CNN's Wolf-Anderson 9 percent," he adds.
Poll: Fox, O'Reilly Most Trusted News Sources - Washington Whispers (

Kinda warms your heart, eh?
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Hey - thanks for reminding me - it's almost 8.
Gotta log off and get my O'Reilly fix. I personally enjoy his program. And I even enjoy the liberal guests he has on as regular guests. They seem like good folk. Good interaction. Interesting to hear their points of view. You don't get that everywhere on TV unfortunately.
Probably why Bill's ratings remain at the top.
Hey - thanks for reminding me - it's almost 8.
Gotta log off and get my O'Reilly fix. I personally enjoy his program. And I even enjoy the liberal guests he has on as regular guests. They seem like good folk. Good interaction. Interesting to hear their points of view. You don't get that everywhere on TV unfortunately.
Probably why Bill's ratings remain at the top.

Me too....interspersed with the Yankee game!

I think the point is that folks tune in to shows with which they agree...politically...

....doesn't bode well for the Dems in '12.
The key finding in the telephone poll of 1,070 likely voters is that network news is dying. Some 28 percent say that they trust Fox News the most, followed by CNN at 18 percent. After that, the trust in TV news nose dives. NBC was third, at 10 percent, MSNBC fourth at 7 percent, CBS and ABC tied at fifth with just 6 percent.

from the link.

well, the nets like many print outlets have lost their objectivity, thats not to say fox is anymore objective, but something is going on, maybe more people just like their brand of non objectivity.

I think its a case of omission, there is coverage of events that gets a cursory look on the nets, and then theres what fox serves. Now I personally think they tragedy whore to much.

But I find their coverage of say politics wider and more objective as in they allow more diverse views. They pitch for a more centrist con audience which is where the country happens to be by and large and at least seems to cover items with a closer to zero number line presentation than the nets, thats not to say they don't have a slant but their slant is a lot less further out on the number line, ipso; they are a lot closer to the center than their competitors.
Hey - thanks for reminding me - it's almost 8.
Gotta log off and get my O'Reilly fix. I personally enjoy his program. And I even enjoy the liberal guests he has on as regular guests. They seem like good folk. Good interaction. Interesting to hear their points of view. You don't get that everywhere on TV unfortunately.

Probably why Bill's ratings remain at the top.

I agree, sir. Out of all the political pundits O'Reilly is hands-down the most sensible, reasonable and logical. And I, like yourself, enjoy the fact he has the opposition's view on his show often and debates them. People appreciate and respect that in the end.

I knew Fox News was the most honest and trustworthy of all the news sources but I was honestly a bit surprised at by how much more trusted they are.

And O'Reilly being tops doesn't surprise me in the least. He's an extremely intelligent man and full of common sense and doesn't show bias.
proof that the average IQ is 90...

wow, showing some elitist leg are we?

i just don't see much to trust in a "news" source that went to court to protect its right to lie.

besides, the truth is neither elitist nor populsit... it's just truth.

so myself and others who watch fox or beleive they do have a more equitable take, are just some 90 iq it.

you're some piece of work sometimes.
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In a poll by Suffolk University Fox News came out ahead by a mile as the most trusted news source. Bill O'Rielly also topped the list as most trusted TV personality.

Here's a breakdown of where everyone ranked in the survey.

Most Trusted News Source

1) Fox - 28%

2) CNN - 18%

3) NBC - 10%

4) MSNBC - 7%

5) CBS - 6%

6) ABC - 6%

Most Trusted TV Personality

1) Bill O'Reilly - 9%

2) Anderson Cooper - 6%

3) Mike Huckabee - 4%

4) Sean Hannity - 4%

5) Wolf Blitzer - 3%

6) Chris Matthews - 3%

7) Tom Brokaw - 3%

8) Katie Couric - 3%

9) Diane Sawyer - 3%

Poll: Fox, O'Reilly Most Trusted News Sources - Washington Whispers (

This is not surprising. I think Americans are tired of the glaring bias and slant in the news and media and just want a more honest look at the news and current events, which is why Fox News dominated in the survey and poll.

I am absolutly shocked, I tell you SHOCKED!!!

That any one trust msnbc

seiously, they have the tingle up my leg guy.

It's funny, report after report, shows that FOX is fairer in it's reporting than any other source out there. even CNN was declared liberal.

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